
January 8th, 2013



I did something horribly stupid and looked at the news. Apparently this thing is just mad, and exploding everywhere.

I'm not worried about myself; I've been holed up at Atton's for a few days now. I'm just ... well, this will sound silly and probably overdramatic, but, well. I'm scared. I don't want t

If there's anything I can do. Give blood or run errands for people or something. Please, do let me know. This bothers me. More than I'd usually admit.




We took Prim to the hospital today.




Support Cedric Diggory. The REAL Hogwarts Champion.

Cough cough, hack hack. :(




I think Seiya got us banned from Disneyland.

And yet? I regret nothing.




It's weird, trying to get used to weather out here. Very different from Chicago, where the windy city blew snow all over my car every day. And when you drive a jeep, that's a problem. But here... is it even below freezing? This is wild!

And working down here seems to be going pretty well. Still not used to the wild driving, or the slightly better flea traps you have to stay in here than we did back in Chicago.

But there or here, work is work, and I'm glad to be here and working. I'm Harry Dresden, attorney for those in need. I'm in the book.




I am going so stircrazy right now, I hate it.

Someone take me somewhere? I can't drive in the States yet. I'll buy you lunch.




So, I am happy to announce, I haven't self injured in about a month. My business is doing well finally. I'm actually making profit!

And I have a wonderful woman who's stayed by me the whole time. Life's looking up.




I can't handle this. I can't handle this. Not again. I'm not watching something like this happen to somebody I care about again. I've seen too much of it. I've handled way too much of this. I can't, I can't, I can't.

Sorry about the drunk post last night network. Letting off a little steam and stuff.

Today, I'm trying alternate means but Oliver's apartment has a lot of really amazing top shelf stuff if you need to get drunk and need someone to drink with you. Coordinating schedules?

She's dead and SHE is dying. I don't want to do this anymore. I can't do this anymore. I can't, I can't. It's not...

Laika and I are hitting the range with my new longbow I haven't used before today. We'll see how that goes for stress relief?




So guess who got moved to the plague ward of Bad Girl Scouts' Camp?

Hand over the beads and macrame and I promise I won't breathe on anybody.




And they have closed down the entire studio. When porn studios stop filming, you know things have gotten serious. I worry.





They're so crazy and it's kind of awesome. One night, I turned into a guy using my compact so I could sneak past these police guys and save the day, and it turned out the evil girl was actually this other evil girl's sister and... stuff. Still melted away the same, though!

AND THEN there was this boyband, right? And they had a girlband linked to them and some fancy ~princess~ thing, and they all had Dark in their names... and nobody thought it was anything suspicious! Everyone in my dreams is dumb. :| Stupid Dark Agency.

At least I wiped the floor with them! Maybe they'll get smarter in time. I mean, only so many times V can save the day!




I'm staying with my father until this all boils over. My sorority house is full of the plague. Thankfully my father's place seems unaffected. Probably because he's a bit of a hermit.

They're taking my nephew Luis to the hospital. I'm going to go see him in the morning.