
January 7th, 2013




I apologize to those of you who've put in custom orders, but Fayth is closed for the time being due to my illness and desire not to infect others.

Private to Jefferson:
I know you'll worry. Don't. I'll be fine. Your job is to continue designing - Victoria's Secret likely doesn't care that I'm laid up, and they'll be wanting a line for Fall soon.




I suppose being a temporary hermit has kept me from getting sick. I've gone out about twice since this thing broke out and I'm feeling fine. Although, it seems like practically everyone I've met in the last week or so is sick.


Hey ladies... that I said I'd go on a date with...

Oh and uh... anyone who might care... if there is one

I'm ... really not feeling all that... well actually I'm feeling supremely sick.




I cannot be the only one to notice that sometimes things about ourselves tend to "bleed through" from our dreams. Things about our physical appearance even. I can tell when I look in the mirror now. Those familiar with my dream world might wonder how having certain Veela traits is a bad thing, sure it can make you feel good about yourself and beautiful, but it really just makes me feel self conscious most of the time. Even in the magical dream world a lot of things are a double-edged sword.




The best thing about everyone being sick? That there are no lines any where because people are either too sick to come out or are afraid they're going to catch what is being referred to as the plague. Well, that's unless you're at the grocery store or the pharmacy. Then you're either stocking up in case this is some sort of plague or getting medicine that probably won't work because they don't typically work too well on viruses.

I guess I'm just lucky because I've been around oodles of sick people at school and I feel great. There has to be a some that have immunity and I mine as well be one of them. Survival of the fittest and all that crap.




It's ridiculous how much I worshipped my brother in my dreams. Absolutely ridiculous. I mean, he's awesome and everything, but he's not Bowie.

In other news, I've decided to go to the hospital and make sure I can continue breathing.




I don't like this epidemic that's going around.

My nephew is sick. Half my family is sick, but he's got it the worst. I don't know what to think, it came on so fast, and now they're talking about sending him to the hospital, and I'm feeling a little scared

[Private to Kurt Wagner]
You were in my dream last night.




I am so bored lately. Does anyone need a personal shopper? It seems like my regulars aren't clamoring to request my skills as a personal stylist and shopper lately, because of that vile cold or flu thing I've heard about. I think over half the people in this apartment complex have it, already. I'm too pretty to die this young! And I can't die when I'm living in a cheap studio apartment in such a ugly neighborhood. They'll find my beautiful and fashionably attired body surrounded by cheap Ikea and Target home furnishings. Life is unfair! I could shriek at the horror of it all, simply thinking about it!

Or I could look at it as I'll never ever get a wrinkle and desperately require botox.



...wait, I can deal with that.

Does anyone want to give me their flu?




I hate hospitals. I really do. They smell weird, people are sick all around me, and the ER sounds like everyone is trying to get someone else's attention without saying anything.

I got put into a special room with all the other sick people, and we're being seen in order of severity. So I'll be here for a while. Which is great, because what I wanted to do today was sit in a processing room full of germs and spit instead of at home with my dog surrounded by only my own germs and spit. Plus, I'm really sad about the Black Widow dying. That was the only reason to even have a tv anymore.

None of the people they've called back have come out again, yet. I guess they really are going to keep us all. I'll probably just get stuck in the hall, since I'm not too bad off yet. One of the few times it doesn't pay to be on the healthier end of the scale.

I'm so bored. So, so bored. More than I'm scared, crappy feeling, or tired. BORED.




It is odd to find myself here, now, with no memory, no real knowing of what is going on. Being sick sucks, and being sick while not knowing where you are, or who you are? That is even worse.

They call me Illyana, but I do not... I do not know the name. Or the faces around me. I do not like this being sick, if this is what it does to your mind. Amnesia sucks even more than being sick.

Which should not be possible, but it is.

And being sick means I feel tired, but bored. So, for all of you out there... why are you here?


My head is killing me and I am aching like I have done a marathon. I am hoping I have not caught the illness my professor has. I need to complete too much work to be unwell.

Can anybody recommend any remedies?


Secure filter to Tony Stark
Not gonna be in until this illness is gone. Currently at Irvine General. Stay vigilant. Security's going to be spread thin and Crowley isn't one to miss a potential opportunity.

Secure filter to Eames
We never did get to talk about why you're in Orange County.


Since we're all stuck in our respective houses, trying to avoid the plague, we should do something fun. Since that's usually my job - to make things fun - I'm starting a game of Never Have I Ever. Feel free to join, and don't make me tell you how to play. It's easy. Google it if you don't know.

If you've never done it, agree with me then post what you haven't done in another comment or some crap. Figure it out. Man, we should be more drunk for this.

Never have I ever been arrested.




There seems to be an epidemic. Thankfully, I am well stocked with the essentials and I have no reason to venture outside until the threat has passed. If it passes.

I called my family. They seem well, which is something to be optimistic about.


The worst thing about people being sick is that they're sick, of course. But the second thing is that work can be so incredibly boring. No one's getting their cars done right now, but I guess this gives me the chance to catch up on some writing. I guess.

Still, it's like a ghost town around here. Hopefully it's not like that down town tonight.




hallo valrnet!





To tell be honest, I'm kind of glad that the gym is closed. Means I get a break for once. My dad must actually be taking this flu thing seriously, because he hasn't even made me get up at the crack of dawn to go running or anything. Last winter when the flu was going around he just made me get a flu shot so that I could keep training.