
December 10th, 2012




Has anyone heard from Thor yet? Please tell me that Skeeter woman's not telling the truth!




I'm pretty sure the chorus to "Call Me, Maybe" can be used for all terrible news giving scenarios.

Hey, I just met you
and this is crazy
I burned our dinner
so takeaway, maybe?


I feel brilliant, and not just the good sort, but the sort where I'm fantastic and a good person.

Now I'm going to go to work where that feeling will promptly be squashed by cheap beer and men with Roman fingers.




I work for one seriously messed up system.




Apparently I'm a widow. It would have saved me the hassle of the divorce.




7½ inches. That is how much I cut off my hair. I have been considering it for a while and sometimes change is good. There is also only 14 days left until the cast comes off.

Cut for photo )


I need a holiday. I love my kids, but I just need a holiday. Teenagers.

I had a dream last night that I stowed away in this.. spaceship, although I had thought it was something else at the time. It belonged to this funny old man with white curly hair and a velvet coat. Oh and there was a talking baked potato.

Talking. Baked. Potato.

Where does my brain get these ideas?




I hate hospitals. Can't wait to go home.



[blocked from Jess]

I don't suppose anyone knows a good place to get mistletoe?




Yes yes. I've gone and started one of these myself, at last. Some of the boys suggested that I fill this out and come and speak with "people your own age" whatever that is supposed to mean. Do they expect for me to find someone I'd like to ask out on a date here? Are you some sort of fancy singles network? I mean, ought I have dressed for posting or...

Do they mean for me to be distracted by new friendships to the point I forget to check their daily chore lists? Because much as I know they hate scrubbing things down, the team effort is the only way it happens in the end, and no one wants to sleep in filth that badly, right?

Are they perhaps really looking out for my welfare on a grander scale than I thought possible? This might be interesting after all.

I've no idea at any rate, but here I am, Valarnet, for better or worse, I suppose if you will have me.

Reepicheep is at your service.




Tonight's a good night, isn't it?

[Filtered to Team Peeta] OOC: officially dubbing Portia, Haymitch, Finnick, Annie & Rory as Team Peeta.

You guys won't believe what happened to me tonight. Katniss kissed me!

I think she was a little high on morplinghine, but she kissed me.