
October 30th, 2012



[Locked to Lulu and Leliana]

November 13th.

How does that sound for our little party? We'll rent a fancy hotel room.




Je ne vais pas être dissuadés. Je sais ce que je dois faire pour mon pays, je sais que je dois nous défendre. Même en cette période étrange, dans ce lieu étrange, je vais protéger la France. Pour la liberté, pour la famille.


What the hell happened last night?




It's a madhouse. A maaaaaaaaadhouse!




A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.




Did the entire Valarnet go all Crazytown, or what?

Is it something in the candy corn? Damn it, that's my favorite Halloween Candy. I guess I'll eat the little pumpkins instead.




Ladies! Our lingerie party will be the 13th, assuming certain changes don't stick around.




Guess what, world? I have a unicorn. EEEEEEEE!!1!

[cellphone photo of only the unicorn]
[photo of genie!Aredhel posed on top of unicorn]
[photo of her and two drag queens by the unicorn, drama!posing]
[photo of Aredhel making ducklips next to her unicorn]
[photo of one foot held up so cute shoe is in view, in front of unicorn]

This is the bestest Halloween EVER. I don't even need that dungeons and dirtiness dice game or anything! =D

Oh wait. Too bad it's not pink!

So. I need a new unicorn. Now this one's not good enough. =(