
October 29th, 2012




Well that's shitty.


When I looked around I saw and heard of none like me. Was I a monster, a blot upon the earth from which all men fled and whom all men disowned?




I find it funny people keep telling me that I should be careful of wolves. It must be a euphemism for something like big bad people. Good think I know plenty of people that are more than capable of looking out for me. I doubt the forest or the city is full of wolves, what do you think?




It seems I have found my own litter of kittens. They have been following me around all weekend like a goddess and have now found their way to the dance studio. Good news is they are happy to sit in their box and watch me dance. My new dance is very catlike, fierce, and will make a good audition piece.

That being said, anyone missing their kitten(s)?




About time, Skeeter.

Shame she was completely off-target. Whilst I respect Shepard and Liara, they're not exactly my usual type.




I'm not sure I can take these dreams for much longer. Especially There are too many taboos, too many things I can't do, or I bring down some terrible punishment...

I think I need a holiday before I go completely insane.



Pretend this was posted a few hours after the Stark Party

So... I'm wondering if anyone knows where Wanda is. She got lost a little earlier and then I got distracted by a girl who looked like an expensive call girl . Fairly classic her. She's dressed like a rainbow and might be acting a little off.


Only Monday and it's already been a week. Is anyone else having a week like that?




For once I think it was actually smart to plan my layover through Toronto than New York. It meant no cancellations. I do feel terrible for those stuck in airports and I feel worse for the people being affected by this storm.

Plus side? I'm back in Orange county again. It's nice to be some where with indoor plumbing, a working shower, and fast food.