
October 15th, 2012




Ladies who will be attending Natasha's soiree, please let me know your favorite colors here. You may text me your measurements [here] so that they remain private.

I have no idea how my life has come to this point. I'm terribly amused.




Just a reminder that this Saturday night we'll be doing the zombie flash mob thing at the park. I figured that it would be easier if we do it before Halloween so we don't impose any any Halloween plans people may have. This is all your official notice before I post the instructions later in the week.

PS. I'm a little disheartened I didn't get a mention in Rita's circus. Must mean I'm losing my touch. I will have to remedy that. Don't worry it'll be positively spun into something that will make my mum cringe I'm sure.




My horoscope stated that I am keeping a secret that could spell trouble. Isn't that the case with all secrets? But least I'm not a Leo. Those unlucky lions are being told to bend to the every whim and need of someone else... What kind of life is that? Lions need to be out on the prowl.

Who writes these things? Better yet who reads them outside me? I find it a nice dose of amusement with the morning coffee. I'm a Scorpio if anyone was curious and yes, you should be sending me birthday presents soon.



Locked to Pryde/Rasputin/Coy Manh household

We're going looking at a house Wednesday! I want to make sure we all like the place.

Additionally, we're all going to dinner Friday, I made reservations at a nice restaurant!




I feel there's something to be said for those who respect the privacy of others.


This is random and very specific, but is there a Black Widow on here?