
October 16th, 2012




Anybody ever had experience with genealogy stuff? Like, looking up records and all that? Don't know where I'd start, especially if I ain't on the scene.

It sounds nuts, but had some damn weird dreams, and, I don' know. I think maybe I saw my father in 'em.




I spent so much time worrying about not having any memories while everyone else did.

Then I had five dreams in five days.

I'm actually kind of exhausted now.





The night I get out of jail, I have a dream about Ollie, his insanely hot shrink ninja ex, Nightwing(?!), Wally from my dreams who apparently quit being a superhero because I don't know why, and, hysterically, An older clone of me, all coming to give me some kind of fucked up rooftop intervention about how original flavor Roy is probably dead, and anyway, I'm the one they've known for all this time, so we have to move on.

Uh. Excuse me?Read more... )


Look, I don't keep a book of Emily Gilmore Post's Etiquette under my pillow or anything, but I'm pretty sure there is zero excuse in this day and age to show up from out of town, unannounced, and expect to crash on someone's couch for a week.



Turning the page or closing the book?

Well, the practice is now officially closed. And my tickets to Australia are purchased.




I'm kind of jealous of you guys, you all dream of being awesome things. I dream of doofy stuff.

and it feels really real and I wish it was sometimes




I think it's time I set myself up as a business, seeing as I appear to have become one.

Good thing this used to be my field, law pertaining to small businesses, or I'd be completely lost. XD




I'm starting a petition to ask that the city of Irvine let me paint a Iron Man mural under the Sand Canyon overpass bridge. If that sounds like something you'd like to see, please sign here!

I should also point out that I do murals for the home and business. If anyone wants one I can set up a meeting to go over my portfolio. My prices are very reasonable!




I feel like I've said this before, but.... this must be what going insane feels like.




You know, if my man space dove, he'd be getting laid right now. Just saying. Imighthaveanadrenalineaddiction

Also, get me a space suit and a lift into space and I don't need fancy rockets or a parachute to free fall and live.


Hashtag 'hifelix.'

This. This is precisely why truth is stranger than fiction. Stark shows up the Austrian space-diver and tweets about it.