
September 7th, 2012




Dammit. I need a hair cut.




That's odd.

I don't think Kanye West liked the Party Cannon! I thought everyone liked the Party Cannon!




Who forgets about the VMAs? Apparently me.

It is like one of those mandatory things for actors and I should have been there even if I just got home yesterday. My agent was like GINNY YOU COULD HAVE FOUND A DRESS IN TIME! Yeah, because you know I have Valentino or some other major Italian designer on speed dial.

I didn't even watch the VMAs. I bet it was a lot of cursing and inappropriate comments.




Dammit. I am regretting this haircut.

Later Update:
[Private to Loras]

I'm sorry.




Konnichiwa, valar.net! I'm Ichimaru Gin, from Osaka. Pleased to meet ya. I'm looking forward to my great big ol' California vacation, where I'm goin' to Disneyland and seein' the big Hollywood sign and lookin' at girls in bikinis on beaches.

So now that I'm here, how about let's play a game? It's one of those getting-to-know-you games, which is fun for everyone if they want to take part in it.

If you had to pick an animal that best symbolizes you, what would it be and why? Please explain, so that the rest of us can get a better insight into if you're insane or not.

Just kidding! Don't want to start a hootenanny on the internet. It's already insane enough as it is. I've been on 4chan. I know how bad it can get.

My answer: I've always liked foxes and stories about kitsune. They're clever critters and I like clever critters. Other people tend to call me fox-face because I grin too much and I like to play pranks sometimes. So I think I'm most like that. And it's better than admittin' that I think I'm like a snake, too.

How about the rest of you?




I'm just ridiculously excited about the Gala tonight. How often do you get to do the fancy dress up as a grown up?

Hopefully I'm not dead on my feet after that bizarre dream last night.




So I am being dragged along to this gala thing tonight by my flatmate, she's as excited as a kid at Christmas.

I really just want to stay home and read the latest astrophysics journal that came this morning. I'm a geek and proud of it. But she pulled the best friend card so I guess I have to go. At least I have a dress already.

If anybody else is going who would rather not maybe we could start a support group there ;)



Gala night invitation

Well, I'm getting ready for this Gala tonight and I've been really looking forward to it. Am hoping it means I'll get to mingle with everyone, as such, I am open to offers of dancing and good conversation! Can't wait to meet you all there!