
September 8th, 2012




No fistfights yet. :-(




I think I've seen a guy around named Conner, right? Knows Roy, maybe? I could be making this all up




So looks like lady luck might actually be on my side for once, I have an interview tonight!

It's an unusual type of interview as basically I work and depending on how I do I either get the job or not. But it works for me!

Now the important stuff, what do I wear ;)




She's back and alive. Yipee.


Its Friday? No, Saturday. Yes, definitely Saturday. Don't bother with keeping track of the days when I'm out of town but seeing as I'm home now I suppose I'd better start.




These dreams have really have to go. It's nice that some of you get to dream about magic, magical places, flying and butterflies but some of us don't. It's all kids killing kids and people betting on the outcome like it is some twisted reality television show. Win? Yeah, your life doesn't get any better apparently. Least it didn't for me in this dream land.

But HEY! Least I can say I was a Victor and it is now my job to mentor kids ever year! Kids that will be destined to die. It gives me a reason to pour myself a drink here in the real world.




This dream stuff is giving me a big headache. Until now it has been pretty straight forward, magic and evil plots aside, my connections and relationships with the people I have seen in my dreams and real life have been the same... Or at least I thought so. Now it seems there are people in the dream that do not like me at all and it makes me wonder if they really do not like me here either. Maybe they are only pretending to like me? I do not know why they would though. This is all much more confusing than I originally thought. It is not just me, n'est-ce pas?

Makes me think it would be a good idea to take some aspirin, change into something comfortable and crawl into bed. We spend far too much time thinking about our dreams around here.




[Tardis Club filter]

So Donna. Tell us about your daaaate.