
September 6th, 2012




It is too early in the morning to deal with this shit.

Lady from the coffee shop, I'm sorry.




I think I am in love. Today I met the most handsome guy. He was strong and gentle and kind of perfect. Sorry Bill.

Cut for photo )




Niagra Falls on the Canadian side is very interesting, not that I've ever been to the New York side of things, but I don't expect they have carnival games and mad houses there. It kind of threw me off guard. It was fun though.

I'm glad to be back home. I go back to work on Monday so I still have a little bit of time to relax. I hope you kids in the office didn't get into too much trouble while I was gone.




I think I've been overworking myself. Never dreamt of such weird things before. Kingdoms on the Moon, a woman who looks so much like Usa begging me to find some sort of crystal...

The legendary and illusory silver crystal. Sounds like something out of a shoujo anime.




I always knew my mom was mental but what was she thinking swinging around a frying pan? She could have damaged my lovely face. I mean sure, maybe I should have mentioned I was coming home but I thought it would be a nice surprise! I have been gone three months! Geeze.

Okay, maybe I shouldn't have crept into the house at 1am either. I admit it but airports are about as accurate and on time as the weather forecast.

At least I know our house is safe from burgers. Mum has terrific aim, I might add. My reflexes are just better.




You know. This past weekend? Excuse the language. But it can go fuck itself.

The dreams that I had last night to cap my already crappy week off? They can go fuck themselves, too.

Danika Thatcher, you, especially, can go fuck yourself. And this Skeeter woman. If I find you. FBI agents be damned, I will kill you myself. They can find me and bring me in if they want, I don't care.



[ Locked to the Ponies ]

Oh... uhm... Hi, Everypony!

I... well I had this idea, you see, and maybe you won't all like it, or... well you probably have some other plans, too, and that's alright. This is last minute, so ... well. I didn't really expect too big of a response.


We have those dresses that Rarity made, and I have a lot of space at my house, and I'm wondering if you all want to maybe... get ready at my place together before going to the Gala. We could help each other with hair and makeup and things before we go...

Maybe some of you could stay the night




Does anyone have access to the guest list for this little shindig Tony's throwing?




I cannot believe I got roped into going to this thing.

If I had one of those fancy phones, I'd hide in the corner and somehow get it to remotely play World of Warcraft.




And I'm right back into the creepy and terrifying side of my dreams. Great.

Silence is coming Normally I'm all for pretty women in them, but this one's more than a little insane. And is probably trying to end the world. And that's not even mentioning the name




It's been a long time since I've had a dream like that..

Good show tonight, Sam.




Figures I would get stuck in a hospital right before a huge event like the Stark Gala.




Can anybody help out a gal who's just moved into the area? I'm looking for a job, my background is mostly bar work though I'm willing to try my hand at anything.

I've heard the net is the easiest way to reach people around here so I thought it would be worth a shot. I don't have a cell phone yet or internet in the apartment so I guess I can just check back for replies from this internet cafe.

Anyway any help would surely be appreciated, names Faye Valentine by the way.




You know what's harder than being the new girl, in a new place, and in a new school? Trying to explain that your name is Glimmer. It is like an instant cue to start the teasing and harassing. I can tell that I am just going to love this place.