
Posts Tagged: 'iris+west'

Feb. 12th, 2021




So Barry, something you want to tell me?

“I lied to you/kept this major thing from you to protect you” will always be an insulting excuse and not based in actuality. Especially if the person being lied to is still pulled into the middle of the danger or whatever it is they’re supposedly being protected from.

Feb. 3rd, 2021




Looks like the dreams are starting to get into the best friend territory. The first time that I ever met my best friend, Chloe.


The dream didn't just show me that. I also don't want you to be surprised by bullet holes in the shirt upstairs.

Jan. 18th, 2021




It's rough when your dreams give you some insights into some actions that may need to happen in your life here. My mother has been suffering from memory loss in the dreams and I made the decision that it was time to put her into a home so she could have people watching over her all the time because I'm not able to be around 24/7. It was a tough one, but I think it was ultimately for the best.

I did finally get a gift from the dreams though. I asked Guerin to fix up the sign for my bar in the dreams and a smaller version (thank goodness) showed up here.

[Private to Guerin]
It's weird to send you a thanks for something that happened in the dreams, but thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder and fixing the sign. You've definitely got a soft core inside that grumpy exterior.

Jan. 1st, 2021




Collard green and black eyed pea soup simmering, deep cleaning mostly done... Happy New Year, let it be better than last. Bit strange being back after three years but life is strange like that.

Nov. 10th, 2019




I've been getting interesting reports relating to flu vaccines that were received yesterday. If anyone has received their flu shot yesterday and had an odd reaction and is interested in discussing it for a story, feel free to reach out to me.

Oct. 12th, 2019




I made lunch with the news on than tuned it off to have a nice meal with my daughter.

Meltdown ensues - tears, screaming, pushing the plate away because "I ruined her whole life" by turning off the news.

I feel like my kid is broken.




I really should know better than to read the comments on practically any article on Yahoo. I've never seen more horrible comments than on Yahoo. It doesn't matter what the article is about; these people are honestly the worst. They're rude and criticize everything. The worst are any article that is even remotely LGBTQ+ related or Kardashian related.

Sep. 17th, 2019




After that whole thing with the powers was over, I decided that I needed a bit of a change. So, here's the new me. All natural; no extensions or processed hair or anything.

All Mine )

I might go back to the braids at some point, but right now I love how my hair looks.

Sep. 16th, 2019




Okay yeah, not going to lie. Even with a warning about dealing with doppelgängers, there is a definite difference between knowing it's a thing and actually seeing it.

Not to mention
I need to call Barry

Aug. 13th, 2019




Who got their story printed front page above the fold? That's right, I did.

There is definitely something to that which you can't get with online only news publications.

Aug. 1st, 2019




It's no longer even shocking when dream me gets a new version of the first guy who betrayed us. We're on our third? or fourth? version of that face now. Too many Harry Wells to keep up with. This model calls himself HR from Earth-19.

What are you up to tonight?

Apparently Dream me can use the portals to bring people from one location to another. I wanna try that next

Jul. 29th, 2019




I suppose I should be used to the dreams not happening very often but I’m just dreading when they actually will come now. It’s almost August. I don’t want to wake up screaming on a holiday.

Jun. 15th, 2019




I can't believe
This is not

You know, I could really do without the people I trust the most lying to me about major things. It's getting really old.

May. 17th, 2019




Well I guess it's nice to know that even in the Dreams, my dad had the same reaction to me getting a job as a journalist. "Oh God" and needing a drink. And that no matter where you are, there will always be that person who is meant to mentor you that wants absolutely nothing to do with it. In a world of people with abilities, it's nice to have that normal. Or something.

May. 9th, 2019




[Friends filter]
Quite possibly my least favorite person on the planet has shown up. Leonard Snart, AKA Captain Cold is now network aware and active. Apparently fresh out of jail too.


Can you do me a favor and check to see that the Cold gun is still where it says it is on my GPS in the safe?

The guy that I made the cold gun for showed up. From the dreams. I..don't think he recognizes me yet, but he's not exactly an upstanding citizen and is apparently fresh out of jail according to police records.

May. 4th, 2019




Okay these guys are cute but GET AWAY FROM MY COMPUTER!!!

Apr. 22nd, 2019



[Rescue team + Jemma]
...I'm not sure what to say, but thanks or sorry maybe. I don't know.
Sorry I wasn't much help.
I have a few new ideas for security. You mind me poking around?

Apr. 10th, 2019




These dreams really know how to make me feel completely unnecessary.

Are you busy tonight?

Mar. 12th, 2019




Initially I had not thought there was anything odd happening when my charity was getting more people coming to us for assistance. However, after talking with a few women that have come to us, I find out a few shelters have closed recently because of buildings being bought. I don't like the sound of shelters closing down, but I will not turn anyone away that comes to us. It just means more work for us.


Which brings up a topic we should discuss.

Mar. 5th, 2019




Does anyone else just ever want to take their dream counterpart and shake some sense into them? I'm watching myself about to repeat the single greatest regret of my life, and it's so frustrating that there's nothing I can do to stop her. And what does that say about me that no matter what reality I'm living in, I'm still willing to sleep with my sister's boyfriend?

Feb. 25th, 2019




Meet Sonic. Curious little bugger has discovered all of the things to crawl in. Maybe I won't have to make him a extensive habitat at this point. Just put a bunch of mugs in his cage and he's a happy little dude.

Not filtered, just cut to save space )

Feb. 10th, 2019




I'm kind of amused and annoyed. The dreams literally gave me a shirt. I've been dreaming for weeks and all I got was Was this shirt?




I just finished watching that documentary on Netflix, Abducted in Plain Sight. I don't even know what to think of that. I just can't wrap my mind around it. That girl's parents have boggled my mind. How these people just continued to fall for that man's lies and continued to keep him in their lives in one way or another is just insane.

Has anyone else watched it?

Feb. 7th, 2019




I must say, I find it interesting that in looking up what can only be considered constant cover ups for the area, this is the first website that comes up. And most of it ends up being posts about dreams.

Mar. 15th, 2018




Et tu, Newman?

Cut for Image )

Mar. 11th, 2018




I just had the weirdest dream, at least in comparison to the ones I've already had. It's like I lived the same day twice but I don't remember everything. It feels like there are things I should remember but it's a haze while I have solid memories of other things and I can't help but feel that what I should remember and what I do remember are somehow tied together.... It's just weird. Has anyone else dreamt of something like that? It's not even de ja vu. Just a feeling from dreaming it even if I don't seem to realize it in the dreams.

Feb. 22nd, 2018




Well, at least when I was hired at the OCPN, it wasn't because of some belief that I had a secret connection to The Flash and that being the only reason I was hired and then dealing with a mentor who doesn't want the position. Though, I did wake up to find the picture I had managed to snap of the Flash on my phone.

Cut for size )

Besides the Flash and everything with Metahumans though, it still seems that my Dreams are otherwise fairly similar to my own life.

Feb. 17th, 2018




Okay, so maybe the Dreams aren't so bad after all. Just, naturally, there's magic.

The Universe is laughing at me.


Are you busy tonight, my love?

Feb. 12th, 2018




I am pleased to announce that on Saturday the twenty-fourth of February, the non-profit that Freya and I have been working on, The Pimpernel Outreach, will be opening. There will be a benefit dinner and silent auction that evening to raise funds. The non-profit is aimed towards helping women and children who are in need of anything from lacking funds for medical treatment, getting them back on their feet, job skills training, help with getting immigration papers in order, and many other things! All are welcome to attend the benefit, information can be found at [insert website here].

Feb. 7th, 2018




Well, loves, last week was something, wasn't it? That little cutie, Armin, did try to warn me about how interesting Orange County could get.

My Yacht and I survived the experience well enough, though it got a bit dodgy the day of the earthquakes.

Is everyone I'm fond of alright? Aria aside, we already know how she's feeling. Go on, sound off.

Jan. 22nd, 2018




Hi everyone! I'm Caroline. I grew up here but it's been a few years, figured this would be a good way to start meeting people!

So what is this site exactly? Like a localized facebook? With a lot of dream talk it seems like. You know, I don't really find my own dreams interesting enough to talk about but some of yours sound pretty fascinating :)

Jan. 21st, 2018




Glitter is the herpes of crafting supplies. It can lay dormant for years, but once it's out it spreads everywhere and is impossible to get rid of.




I would like to thank whoever is straightening their hair at 5:30 am, with no clue how to use a flat iron, for having to wake up because it set off the smoke alarm. Really, I had nothing better to do on a Sunday morning, like sleeping in, than to stand outside of the dorms in pajamas and bare feet while we all waited for an all clear.




Anyone else march yesterday?

Jan. 8th, 2018




You know, weird dreams? I can handle that. It's annoying, but I can handle it. I already had heard that dreams were part of this network. But the emotional bleedover? I could really do without that.

Jan. 2nd, 2018




I have the sudden urge to donate an exorbitant amount to reliable and respectable news sources and journalism programs. Does any one have any recommendations as to which programs and/or news outlets should be on the receiving end?

[Separate but identical messages sent to Elsa, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, and Kara]

I'm so sorry. I (quite naively) didn't realize that my personal relationships would be dragged into the spotlight so handedly as my company became more public. If there is anything that I can do to ease your mind in regards to this issue, I'd be happy to do it.

Jan. 1st, 2018




All I want for New Years is people to stay out of my damn lab. If you aren't qualified, go away.

Dec. 4th, 2017




So, I take it snow in December is kind of a tradition here in SoCal? You know, I wouldn't mind it so much if I still had my car. Riding a motorcycle in the snow is a guaranteed way to break your freaking neck.

Nov. 25th, 2017




You know what, if we stopped all the holiday stuff at thanksgiving? I'd be okay with that. All these commercials of families and my parents must be getting to me or something
that was a vivid dream and

Nov. 24th, 2017




8:30 is way too early to listen to someone rant about how society is falling to hell because people fall asleep in church and getting offended that no one is listening to him.

Nov. 14th, 2017




As there are a large number of incredible new releases in November Much Ado About Books are having a Booksgiving Day on Thanksgiving. Stop by on 23rd November for 20% off any book released in November. And for every book sold we will be donating to a local childrens reading charity too!

Nov. 9th, 2017




So, this is where there are supposedly answers about

You know, despite being in the area for a few years now since grad school, I'm surprised it took me this long to hear about this website. So besides all this dream talk, what else do people discuss on here?