
Posts Tagged: 'wanda+maximoff+%28scarlet+witch%29'

Jun. 30th, 2017




Summer is here and I am missing my brother a lot. I suddenly don't have school to keep my thoughts occupied throughout the day. I would appreciate any ideas to keep me occupied over the coming months if you have any?

Jun. 12th, 2017




I have just been watching the America's Cup sailing matches and they did a little piece with the sailors. It showed the training the sailors are doing while they are in Bermuda and I must say..they are extremely fine specimens... I think I need a holiday to Bermuda...

Jun. 7th, 2017




I'm going to be so glad when the school year is over. I'm getting tired of these brats and with how everything is heating up, I could really use the break, before I lose my temper.

But a good cleansing fire

May. 15th, 2017




Che palle. I did not know the answer to the question 'can these dreams put you into the hospital?' was yes. Then again, it may be a combination of them plus my own stubbornness that put me into the hospital, but here I am. With many needles stuck in me and staying for 'observation.'

At least I can breathe again, that is a positive.

I took a nap and woke up to see that the statue of my likeness was also right here in my hospital room - I am not sure where it was located in a dream, though it must mean I die soon because why else would someone put a statue of me in their office? But anyway, here I had to explain it as a prank. I think I am delirious enough on drugs for them to have believed me.

Apr. 13th, 2017




Hi, I'm Kara. I found this place while writing a recent article and I thought I'd check it out. So like you guys talk about dreams and stuff? I thought I had some pretty crazy dreams when I ate leftover Chinese food before going to bed, but some of the things I've read, in the short time since I joined are pretty crazy.

Mar. 28th, 2017




I am supposed to be focusing on my schoolwork, but one of my friends in the UK sent me a link and now I am incredibly distracted by this...

Mar. 27th, 2017




I'm not saying I want to disobey the sign and do this.

But I can say it makes me really, really curious to know exactly why this sign was necessary. I feel there's a story here.

cut for size )

Mar. 16th, 2017




Some sects of our Magic Guild are looking a little sparse, since people have come and gone over the weeks and months. I thought I would put out another open call for recruitment. Potions are not my specialty, but I have been practicing more and more - however, we could use the help there and in most other areas.

Please let me know if you are interested. I'm Zatanna, by the way, in case we have not been formerly introduced.

Jan. 20th, 2017




The new leader of the country quoted a Batman villain in his speech. My brain hurts, my soul is sad, and I'm still considering moving to Paris. They have macarons.

Dec. 2nd, 2016




Oh yeah, I got married today. Go me?

[Private to Friends]
If you want to come and celebrate with us, we'll be at [Local Bar]. Probably not too late, though.

It's my wedding night, I have plans.

Oct. 26th, 2016




Screw these dreams. I'm going to stay in bed for the rest of the day, and watch something awesome on Netflix.

Sep. 16th, 2016




[Cut for image, public post!] )

Aug. 31st, 2016




I think I want to study sciences at College. Maybe Forensics? Or Physics? Medicine could be interesting too.

Why is it so hard to choose? I want to do so many things.

My brothers have been begging me to take them to Disney though. The thought of them high on sugar though... It's a scary scary thing to deal with.

Aug. 30th, 2016




So that was not a good night. Has anybody else died in their dreams? It is a strange experience

Aug. 24th, 2016




Adjusting to being a Silent Brother has been interesting. I can now communicate telepathically and sometimes it happens without my meaning to. Tessa and Will are use to it, more or less, but I was at a coffee shop this morning and when the barista asked me for my order, I accidentally did it telepathically. Oddly, she didn't seem to realize I hadn't actually spoken.

My eyes changing back to brown has also taken some getting used to. When I look in the mirror I still expect them to be silver.

Aug. 12th, 2016




Hi, all! My name is Presto and I spotted a few notes about this place in a notebook at UC: Irvine. Thought I would check it out.

I'm a computer engineering student, and I work on campus, and pretty much have a boring life, unless you really like magic tricks, in which case, I know about a billion of those.

Uhm... that's... about it, really. Hi!

Jul. 25th, 2016




Who's all seen the new Ghostbusters film? Is it worth it? Date night on Friday, have to decide where we should go.

[Private: Bubbles]
That is, assuming you want to go to a movie with me this weekend.

Jun. 25th, 2016




I am disturbed by the Brexit. My Father's business is mainly exports. This is not exactly something we were looking forward to. I know my Father voted to stay. This is disheartening.

My dear, it is a good thing that Father does not rely on wholly legal means for the business. I have a feeling I may wish to let go of the house I still have there and move the last of our things here, gain a stronger foothold for Father here.

It is wrong to desire to go make a snack out of the idiots who voted to leave, correct?

Jun. 8th, 2016




In 26 hours and 42 minutes, I'll be finished with finals! I'm very much looking forward to it! I can't wait for summer break, and to take some time off of school! I already decided not to take summer classes. I'm taking the summer off so I can play! Finally. Taking eight classes is quite the load! I can't wait to read some books for fun and go see some movies and relax!

May. 16th, 2016




I've been told by my shrink that I need to be more social. I heard about this network on campus and figured I might as well check it out.

So yeah.

Hi I'm Derek.... and I'm not an alcoholic.

May. 4th, 2016




It appears that while the armour the stormtroopers wear is tough it also makes them rather clumsy. I froze the ground and it caused them to tumble over and lay there like turtles struggling to get up. It’s rather amusing.

Apr. 10th, 2016




Happy Siblings Day to my lovely sister Wanda.

I did not even know there was such a day but as there is I will take you out to lunch today.

Apr. 3rd, 2016




Yesterday my daughter informed me it was National Peanut Butter and Jelly day and refused to eat anything except those sandwiches. I have to say I don't want to make one ever again. I'm glad I have a boyfriend who indulged her because after breakfast and lunch I was done.

Apr. 2nd, 2016




So I'm sleeping, dreaming away of kicking some First Order ass and reuiniting with my best buddies. When I get woken up by this beeping. At first I thought it was my alarm clock, like I was stupid and didn't turn if off. But it wasn't my alarm.

cut for image, viewable to all )

Mar. 28th, 2016




So I have recently been developing certain...mental abilities which I have no idea how to control. Is there anyone out there who might have some experience with this sort of thing?

Mar. 24th, 2016




Has anyone else sat and considered the lyrics to Lady Gaga's songs? I was listening to her Born This Way album and I don't get half of what she is singing about!

Feb. 2nd, 2016




Oh no. I got to the studio this morning and we've already had notice that the girl scouts will be coming by soon - it's cookie time! I am doomed, they are so addictive.

Jan. 19th, 2016




Ugh, I have a horrible cold, my first for nearly a year! Anyone fancy delivering some cream of tomato soup? And toast?

Nov. 26th, 2015




I am enjoying Thanksgiving a lot, but not quite as much as my brother I think. This feast was made for him it seems! I don't think he's stopped eating all day!

Oct. 25th, 2015




I am loving my course! I love learning! Figuring out people's minds is just so fascinating, does anyone else find this?

Aug. 1st, 2015




So I have one week left until my first Marathon in the United States. I will be running in the Summer Bliss marathon at Huntington Beach. I am very much looking forward to it. There are a lot of running events in and around Orange County, I believe I am very much going to like it here.

Jul. 29th, 2015




It is well overdue I introduce myself here. Hello, I cannot say I am very new now, but the case somewhat applies. My name is Ororo Munroe. I have not decided the ideal things to post on here, but I have enjoyed glancing at some entries. I have not paid careful attention, however, which I intend to remedy in the future. As I understand it, many UC Irvine students fraternize on here. Is this the case?

Jul. 28th, 2015




There's a meteor shower tonight, the Delta Aquarids apparently. Seeing as it doesn't seem to be related to the end of the world or anything, I might go out on the roof and enjoy it for a bit. Would anyone like to join me?

May. 24th, 2015




So I think my brother and I arrived in this city at an interesting time. Are those vampires I see outside our apartment? Is this a...regular thing?

Nov. 5th, 2012




Anybody in this place have an idea where a girl can get a decent cheap apartment or a job that isn't catering to assholes at Walmart? Never mind the reasons but I'm kinda in the market for both these days, since I guess I'm gonna be around a while and Motel Six ? Not cutting it, thanks. I wanted to listen to guys and their high profile callgirls going at it every night, I would've gone to one of those rent by the hour places up the road. Or applied to work at one of their lovely ports of call. Since I'm not that desperate, or that stupid, time to bootstrap myself out of THIS Hell hole, right?

Suggestions? Really fucking welcome cause I'm pretty sure I've got a cockroach in here arguing for squatter's rights.

Oct. 21st, 2012



Well hello, Orange County. My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius, I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach and frisky women.

Oh, and being employed. Anyone looking for someone to work for them? I'm a damn good mechanic, I got lots of experience with firearms, and oh yeah– I'm goddamn adorable. ;)




This greeted me at work today:

Read more... )


It was delicious.

Oct. 3rd, 2012




Good afternoon folks! Courtesy of the wonderful Tony Stark I'm going to be throwing a Halloween bash at Stark Tower!

It'll be all ages so bring your own alcohol, dress up in costume (It's REQUIRED!) and have a good time. Doors open at 6 and close whenever Tony throws us all out!

Sep. 30th, 2012




I need a new dancer for my club.

Anyone with dance quality that has a decent body? If so, please respond so we can set up an audition. The pay isn't amazing. But it can be a late night part time thing.

I hate running this business. I want servants again. Stupid father.

Sep. 16th, 2012



I love One Direction!!! That Louis is so hot.

(The post goes up at 10:00 am on Sunday. Replies won't come until after 6:00 pm.)

Sep. 2nd, 2012




Who has two thumbs and got sick for a long weekend? Oh yeah. This guy.

Fuck my life.

Aug. 20th, 2012



One of THOSE days.

And then, today, I learned how much I have to learn, and just how far I have to go.

Talk about your rude awakenings both on the range and in the boardroom.

This isn't me giving up, not now. I'm in too deep. This IS me being a little worried about how it's gonna go, and hating how far I've managed to let myself go. It's gonna be one long road to the mask.

...Consider this a casting call for some workout buddies, not just archery ones?

Aug. 6th, 2012



I'm a bad person.

I don't know why this is bothering me so much. It's not real. I wasn't really kidnapped and interrogated and tortured by nazis, and it's just a DREAM. Get it TOGETHER, Barnes, come ON. You can handle this.

True or False: Mental health days are a valid reason for missing work? I mean I can't really lay down or anything because when I do, I feel the straps digging into me, and the recliner was even worse, and I can't even turn off the light right now. obviously I'm going to lie about WHY I'm calling in since "I'm feeling kind of off" isn't a good excuse but I'd sort of like to feel less guilty about the whole calling in and lying to people, and making up a just medically acceptable enough illness to tell them that I definitely shouldn't be there. So, I mean, normal people do this, right, and not just on TV?

I also really don't want to look at stretchers or strap anybody to a board right now. It's not the same but it might as well be. It's just kind of...been a really busy last couple of days and I really need the break. and a fifth of vodka, and maybe a couple everclears... That's acceptable, isn't it?

I feel worse about this than I probably should Steve's probably handled a lot more than just this, but ...

Aug. 5th, 2012




Spent today on the couch listening to 90s rock and reading. Time well spent.

Going to work tomorrow makes me want to punch something, though.

[Private to Alice]
I am going to judge you on this harshly, so favorite musician of all time. Go.

[Private to Wanda]
Guess who's bored.

Jul. 23rd, 2012



Hey. Anyone know Rory Williams, RN? B and I dropped him at St. Joe's. I'm sure the hospital staff will look for family, but his phone was completely crushed and it's going to take them a while. I just thought I'd cut out the middle-man if I could.






Jul. 18th, 2012




I deny all responsibility for how that copy of Fifty Shades wound up in the breakroom. Even though I've been reading Edward in our Twilight re-enactments when we're bored with no calls, there are standards I will not be breaking. I will not be Christian Grey or whatever her name is.

Really. No matter what your sexual fantasies of me are, co-workers. There are boundaries you know.

At any rate, I'm denying knowledge of how that happened. Really. Truthfully.

...Why is it nobody believes me anymore?

Jul. 15th, 2012




Things that have made me happy this week:
- employment
- this trailer, which is good because it's directed by Tarantino and also because people will suddenly know how to pronounce my name
- the Orange County fair, which I need to go to sometime soon

Jul. 8th, 2012



General Warning, Recruitment, whathaveyou:

I was gonna just send this as a message to Queen, who I will add, looked like a total fool last weekend, in front of the ENTIRE guild of archers and assorted family and friends who bothered to turn up for something as ridiculous as watching a bunch of us prance around in tights and get our Robin Hood on, but Hell, I'm willing to fork out a lot more cash to further antagonize him, for the benefit of it being done in front of a much larger group of people, so let's coordinate.

Archery's a thinking man's game, and clearly, Oliver Queen isn't thinking anymore, so we'll resort to brutal out and out aggressive tactics, sharp shooting, and general leadership ability in the field. Full out paintball war. Me and my superior marksmanship and him and his rapidly fading Olympic Glory.

From now until, oh, let's say Labor Day, when he doesn't have the excuse of being under someone's desk, and hopefully has not been gnawed to death by the current crop of crabs he's giving new life to as we speak, we'll recruit, we'll train, and we're going to create our armies.

No recruitment tactic is too cheap and low, cheating, blackmail and other coercion methods are allowed, and, in fact, encouraged, and we'll have the rest of summer to get everything moving.

Now, I doubt the corporate free love hippie has ever handled a gun that didn't give out electric shocks before, so let's give him a good ten minutes headstart onto his portion of the field and call it good, am I right?

Details to be finalized, once I make sure that I can even get the paintball field for that time, or moved around as needed, but there's the basics, guys, and Queen. Winner takes...I'm not sure yet.

You ready to accept my non gentlemanly, low down, total lacking in honor challenge, Queen? Consider this a formal declaration, will you?

Jul. 4th, 2012




Where are the good places to watch fireworks today?

Got plans for today?