
Posts Tagged: 'tinkerbell'

Oct. 10th, 2016




Okay. So my kickass friend scored two tickets to the Bear vs Shark reunion tour in two weeks but now has to bail because of some family stuff. Anyone want to take me up on going? They're weird, and there's some yinging, not even gonna lie...but this is the opportunity of a lifetime! LIFETIME people.

A taste of their stuff. I wanna be the light round your wrist

C'mon..who wants an adventure?

Tonks, by the way! In case you don't know me. I technically signed up for this thing ages ago, but I mostly use the internet as a way to find books and music.

Oct. 6th, 2016




I haven't been dreaming of the 30's for a while, but I guess the Dreams, or whatever controls them, decided to give me the motorcycle I drove in them. For something that's about 81 years old, this thing is surprisingly as good as new. Kinda can't wait to take it out for a ride.

Sep. 19th, 2016




[Public post, cut for image] )




It's international Talk Like a Pirate Day today. Yeah, I know it's one of those made-up internet holidays, but whatever. I'm gonna spend the day annoying the crap out of my roommate with pirate talk.

Also, rum.

Sep. 18th, 2016




...can't breathe... #laughingmyassoff...




Does anyone know how to play dominoes? I found a set in my bed a week past and I cannot teach myself how. It was not a good dream but I think that if I have been given a gift I should use it, non?




I'm kind of ready for the summer to be over, I'm tired of heat and hope we get snow this time around. Plus Halloween and pumpkin things. Can't forget the pumpkin things.




Okay. That was weird. I just dreamt about some girl's funeral that I am pretty sure I've never met in my life. All I know is that I definitely didn't like her and people were staring at Jenna and me.

Sep. 16th, 2016




Why doesn't the sun go to college?

answer )




A little morning humor:

What kind of boats do vampires like?

Sep. 15th, 2016




Just a reminder to everyone that Monday is Talk Like a Pirate Day 2016. I'm expecting eye patches, scarves and gold teeth, jsyk.

And if anyone wants to join me? I'll be at [Krispe Kreme Location] picking up my dozen free donuts, thanksverymuch.

Sep. 14th, 2016




Nothing quite like going all day walking around with a wad of gum stuck to your pants. Sure would have been nice if someone at work had mentioned to me instead of waiting until the kids at the Ranch had a good laugh.

Why would anyone think it's okay to leave gum on top of a chair anyway. That's what garbage cans are for, people.

Sep. 11th, 2016




God damn you Pumpkin Spice.

Sep. 4th, 2016




I'm finally starting to feel human again. Whatever's going through the county right now is apparently from my dreams. My bad.

The bad news is it's contagious so maybe if someone starts bleeding from the eyes you shouldn't touch them. The good news is, if my dreams are anything to go by, it should pass in a day or two. And hey, only like, four people in my dreams bit it so there's that.

Sep. 1st, 2016




OHMYGOD Words with Friends. I seriously thought I was gonna suck at this game. But guess what? I'm not terrible.

Does anyone else play?

Aug. 29th, 2016




So if anybody wants to come join me in watching Gene Wilder movies tonight in honor of his passing - hit me up. I'll give you my address. Figure that watching his movies will be a good way to celebrate the passing of a comedy genius.

Aug. 27th, 2016




Dream time again!

Kid me got her first ever crush. On a boy. Gross. And he was green which is gross, and on top of that he was in a gang. Called the Gangreen Gang. And of course the guy totally tries to distract me while the rest of the gang tries to drop my sisters into a container of lava. Where did they even get lava in the city?! But in the end the day is saved by us. These things really are a trip

Aug. 26th, 2016




Anyone know any good drinking games?

Aug. 24th, 2016




I... I think I watched ten hours of Netflix today. I can't tell if I'm proud of myself, or a little embarrassed and ashamed. Either way, I think my butt's asleep.




The worlds I visit in my Dreams have gotten stranger and stranger. First I was in a subway, which seemed normal except for the utter lack of people, dog-thing-monsters and ghosts coming out of the walls. Then I was in these creepy ass woods. Then at a water prison where I am convinced some religious cult was keeping children for god knows what. Then this maze like version of South Ashfield, where I apparently live in the Dreams. Now I'm in this really weird version of my apartment building. Of all the places I've been to, this one is the most fucked up. The walls and floor look as though they're made of flesh, that is when there are walls and not mesh or wire or even cages. The only place that looks normal is the area right outside my apartment door...which I can't open.

I feel like I'm making progress though...I'm just not sure what kind of progress.




Looks like my break from the dreams is over but they’re still pretty boring compared to what most of you seem to be dealing with. All that happened was DreamJess decided to join a sorority for some reason that wasn’t entirely clear to me in the dreams but hopefully it’ll be a fun experience. Bonds of sisterhood coming out of it or...something.

[Regulus Black]

So how are things with cute, dark and British going? I need the details if I’m going to live vicariously through you!




Adjusting to being a Silent Brother has been interesting. I can now communicate telepathically and sometimes it happens without my meaning to. Tessa and Will are use to it, more or less, but I was at a coffee shop this morning and when the barista asked me for my order, I accidentally did it telepathically. Oddly, she didn't seem to realize I hadn't actually spoken.

My eyes changing back to brown has also taken some getting used to. When I look in the mirror I still expect them to be silver.

Aug. 23rd, 2016




Our first football game is on Friday and I've been made a starter! At least there's some benefit to this whole werewolf thing. I expect to see a lot of familiar faces at UCI's first football game of the year.

I don't really know where all my money went this month. Maybe it was the shoes. But I think I'm going to need to get a roommate pretty soon. Anyone need a place to live?




Nothing like coming to my room and finding the warrant for my arrest from the dreams. Honestly, as if life in the dreams wasn't complicated enough to begin with.

[original edict written in French]

Translation for those who don't speak French?

"By royal edict warrant of arrest, the gypsy known as 'Esmeralda', being under suspicion of sorcery and witchcraft and the arts of hell. Anyone found harboring or helping her will be charged as well"

So that should be fun as I'm now going into hiding. All because I told someone something they didn't want to hear.




In my dreams, I'm far too obsessed with getting into Yale. While my father did go there in the waking world as in the dream world, I was never as desperate to get in myself. I was so desperate that I tried getting back at a new teacher for giving me a B then I got suspended and decided to blackmail her by starting a rumor. In the end, after being wait listed then getting an early acceptance, she was fired and my father found out I'd lied.

My dreams are a mess. Honestly. Oh and Jack Bass is a despicable human being even in these dreams.




Nothing new to report on the dream front. Human's still killing everyone, Underground's still going to shit, everything's still horrible. But...there was something weird. I can't explain it but something about the dream last night just felt weird. And when I called the human - because dream me is still calling them - I called them a "dirty hacker". I don't know what that's supposed to mean but it...it was weird. Everything about it felt weird, almost like something was wrong and not the way it should be. Not that anything about what's going on is the way it should be.

Wish I could just go back to the dreams I had at first. I'd love to have those back.




Finally. I thought I would never stop being a cat. I have to say that I'm pretty amazing at fighting. Even if I did sort of attack a giant wrecking ball because I thought it might be dangerous. So naturally we're being attacked by Set's creatures. Serpopards are really annoying. But then again, so is Set. Is anyone surprised? But I defeated them. Go me.

So of course we're running from people who are chasing us with a coffin and I might have stolen a car. Might.

Oddly, that care was outside of my place this morning. So that was probably the more surprising parts of my morning.




No news in regards to my blindness, but my doctors are still trying to figure it out. The dreams have not yielded any new information, other than things I already knew were going to happen, or had happened. I was, however, promoted to Captain of an Anbu team, again the youngest one in the village's history.

A lot did happen in that particular dream, but the main thing that I've taken away is that one of the elders is a snake in the grass and our current Hokage is a good man. I'm glad he's willing to help protect my brother, and not change the barrier number so I can come home to check on him if I need to.




Greece is such a beautiful country. I've seen so many amazing things.

Dorian surprised me completely with this trip and I can honestly say it's been so very wonderful.

Aug. 22nd, 2016




Random fact that I heard today; apparently if you're in a pinch, you can use peanut butter to shave. When I heard it, I had to google it to see if it was true cause it seemed so far-fetched, but apparently the oils in peanut butter give you a smooth shave. Now, this doesn't mean I'm gonna go grab the jar out of the cabinet the next time I take a shower, but I thought it was interesting.




Nothing new has happened dreamwise, just trying to get to Sherry still and dodging the infected. You know, normal stuff. I did get a few things from my dreams, a key and a hand crank. I have no idea why the hand crank came through, but who knows? Apparently my dreams thought it was important to have.

In real life news, since it's safe to announce it now, Dean and I are expecting. I'm feeling a bit better now, although the morning sickness hasn't completely gone away yet but I'm definitely looking forward to that finally easing up. And the exhaustion, I hate coming home every day after work and doing nothing but sleeping since I have house work that I'd like to get done and not rush around on my days off to get it accomplished.




Hey guys! I'm Belle, and I'm new to the network. I heard all the cool kids hang out here, so I figured I'd check it out.

Also, I'm armed with pirate jokes. So beware.

Nov. 6th, 2015




My niece was born today! They named her Bella--sort of after me, which was cute. My brother was crying when he told me. ...she was some odd inches long and some odd pounds and ounces. I don't remember the exact details, but mother and baby are happy and healthy.

Nov. 5th, 2015




So, my Sister-in-Law just went into labor.

Oct. 29th, 2015




I can't go back to sleep so I've been looking up random videos on youTube. I think this might be my favorite one tonight.

Oct. 25th, 2015




I ordered my Brother and Sister-In-Law some onesies for the new baby--they don't know whether it's a boy or a girl yet, and are keeping names a secret--and they just came in the mail. God, I love these clothes. Takes my mind off the p

I may have to binge watch TNG on Netflix tonight.

Oct. 20th, 2015




Okay so...

I have dreams, of a dream life. But in the dream life... I have dreams of another dream life. So, I have the equivalent of two fake lives in my head right now and this super weird feeling that something bad is going to happen. Like it can get much worse.

I mean, really. I almost said yes to marrying a flying monkey. What even...

Plus side, I actually have a moderately respectable gamer score. Score one for raising the kid in at least one life.

Oct. 17th, 2015




I'm going to go find Link.

And when I do, I am going to put a leash on him. I shouldn't lose my boy, I'm a fairy.





Oct. 8th, 2015




Chalk this up to things I never knew about before the dreams: Your shadow can come unattached from you. I currently have a shadow following me around my apartment and thankfully he cannot leave the apartment. In the dreams the way to rejoin us was to sew it back, but I'm not sure I want to attempt here.

Am I the only one that gets incredibly weird things like this happening to them?

In exciting non dream news: I got a whole bunch of new syrups at the coffee shop, so come stop by. The special of the week is a Boo Berry Latte with marshmallow and blueberry syrups.

[Private to Wendy]
Want to come help me with the shadow? I also got something else you will be incredibly interested in.

Oct. 4th, 2015




My Dreams continue to be beyond twisted. You'd think by now I'd be used to it, but it really kind of puts things in perspective when you kill an innocent girl and your best friend decides to comfort you by telling you that you've killed over two hundred girls by his last count.

Maker, I just want these dreams to end already.

Oct. 1st, 2015




Please explain to me why everything is pumpkin and why Americans enjoy this so much.

Sep. 27th, 2015




Had more dreams about Neverland. We were able to get a message to Henry, so he knows that we're there to rescue him, but we're still figuring out a plan. I'm hoping we rescue him soon so we can get back to Storybrooke, because I'm more than ready to leave Neverland and never look back. I mean, I know we eventually rescue him cause of the others who are all ahead of me, but I can't wait till it happens for me.

Sep. 18th, 2015




Netflix won't looooaaaad. I'm really saaaaaddddddd. :(

Sep. 14th, 2015




Okay, these dreams have just officially ruined a childhood favourite for me.

Urgh. I hate jungles. I hate camping. I hate coconuts.

Screw it, I hate Neverland.

Sep. 9th, 2015




Nothing better than some nice dream repeats to put you in a good mood. Oh and a day full of meetings. Deep. Joy.

Sep. 2nd, 2015




Okay, I'm new to this whole social media thing, so don't laugh too hard if I screw up. I figure it's time to meet some new people, and it was this or okcupid... and I don't think I'm ready to visit that side of the internet just yet.

Where do I start? The name's James, but most people call me Bucky. I just moved to the OC a few months ago-- I'm from Brooklyn, originally. Thought the change in scenery would be nice. I work at the VA doing social work.

Is that enough information? Or too much? I can never tell with blogging.

Aug. 26th, 2015




Has anyone successfully been able to keep the dreams separate from their real life?

I thought I could, but thanks to the dreams writing no longer feels... right. Looks like I am taking a break for the time being.

Aug. 23rd, 2015




No... no no no no no.

Oh god, really? Why would you do this to me?


I ...

Well look for yourselves.

Image under cut )

Aug. 12th, 2015




Oh wow, it has been a long time since I was last on the Network, hasn't it? Between the Dreams and work and other stuff, I've been so busy I can scarcely believe it. I've finally managed to finish a pretty big project, which is a load off. At least until I start the next project.

I believe I've officially ever given up on having any good Dreams. I've left the Grey Wardens and have relocated to a City State known as Kirkwall. I've been working as a Healer in Darktown for a few months.

Last night I finally met the famous Hawke, as well as her sister and a dwarf named Varric. I was to meet a friend of mine, a man named Karl. In real life, we grew up together and he was my first boyfriend when we were sixteen. In the Dreams, we had a similar relationship.

Last night I dreamed the Templars had made him Tranquil, and at his behest, I had to kill him with my own hands. I wish we hadn't lost touch when I moved to Germany. Perhaps it would be strange to contact him after not seeing him for fourteen years, but I wish I knew how he was doing.