
Posts Tagged: 'sam+merlotte'

Feb. 20th, 2019




Scientists have found a new moon orbiting Neptune, and it's name is pretty damn adorable. Hippocamp after a sea creature from Greek mythology.

It's so tiny even Hubble missed it. Graphs!

It could enable the discovery of other moons and 'exoplanets' outside the solar system - some of which could harbour life.

That would be so cool. By the by did Oppy ever get rescued?

Feb. 18th, 2019




I've been forced to think about light versus dark as a metaphor for good versus evil for the last infinite number of weeks.

And you know what? That metaphor is bullshit.

You know what lasers are made of? Fucking light, that's what.

You know what would destroy everything on earth if it wasn't for the ozone layer? Fucking light from the sun, that's what!

Light is not inherently synonymous with happy good friend feelings. I hate this metaphor.

Another complaint for thought.




It's so strange being back in the house I grew up in. I mean, I've been back here to see Elena, of course, but now I'm living here again and it's just so strange. Dragon is also getting used to living in a new house. I can tell that he's still trying to find Myrcella, but he's also taking to Elena and Katherine pretty well, which is good cause it's made this whole move easier on him.




I've decided that maybe I need a late Valentine's gift to myself. I need a new car, or a truck maybe. What's good out there?




Thank the Gods that Valentine's day is over. The salon was so utterly jam packed with people they even had me washing hair. Spoiler alert: I'm terrible at it.

Instead of going out, I decided to spend the night with Henry Tilney in Northanger Abbey. Who doesn't love a man with a sharp wit and exceptional taste in muslins?

So who is your favorite Austen hero? Or couple, whatever, and why?

Jan. 21st, 2019




This feels like a special kind of never ending hangover. Any time it wants to stop would be great.

Never going to watch the Walking Dead the same way again.

Sorry if I worried you, I don't..even remember leaving. Last thing I remember doing was sleeping.

Missed the check in, sorry. I'm alive. Feel like hell itself but alive

Jan. 14th, 2019




Found one of my employees at the bar skimmin' out of the cash register.

Turns out he's been havin' problems at home. Suspended him for the week and told him next time to come an' talk to me.

Jan. 11th, 2019




Alright - Fangtasia regulars might already have gotten wind of it but Eric decided to head back to Louisiana to oversee the idiots club there after hearing what was going on there so if you come down you won't see him sorry ladies. But you'll get to see me not stuck behind the bar all night since he made me one of the managers - my sleep schedules already used to working nights and sleeping days so try not to give me any headaches while I'm getting a hang of everything alright?

And anybody looking for a job that has bartending skills - we're looking for a new one.

Jan. 10th, 2019




You know, when I was told the sun would do me good, I didn't really take it terribly seriously. But I must admit, I could get used to this.

Of course, there do need to be a few concessions. Can anyone direct me to some bars/clubs/restaurants that are particularly appealing? Have to make sure the social life doesn't suffer in the move, of course.

Jan. 8th, 2019




Now that the snow is finally gone, I can get back to work at the site I was working at before December. After all, trying to build a condo in the snow just isn't feasible. I ended up taking a temporary job in San Bernardino so that I'd be able to pay my bills last month, but I'm happy to get back to the site I've become familiar with.

Dec. 18th, 2018




I don’t know who it is that keeps putting mistletoe over my station at work and on my car but I’m sick of it. When I find out who it is I’m going to make them eat that little twig.

Nov. 23rd, 2018




They're finally here! The Hershey's bar with Reese's pieces in it! I got a bunch. But I can't remember who said they wanted one before. Sooo, if anyone wants one, let me know!




One thing I definitely don’t miss about Louisiana - the phone calls to bail my brother out of jail after whatever stupid crap he pulls. Now I just hear about them from our parents and my only responsibility is to reassure them that they weren't shit parents and that’s not why he does this crap. Although I got to admit this years stunt was pretty funny. He and his best friend got bear costumes and then went to Best Buy to “wreck the campsites of all the people camped in front of Best Buy in advance of Black Friday.”

Nov. 19th, 2018




I mean, do traditions even matter to Millennials anymore?

Are Millennials feckless? Did I use that word right? I’ve always wanted to use “feckless” in a sentence, but appropriately. If I get it wrong, some octogenarian will probably wave a cane at me.




The last few weeks have certainly been interesting, to say the least. Since it's not a secret, in my dreams, I don't see why it needs to be a secret to anyone here. Especially considering the number of vampires on this community. As of Halloween, I too have become a vampire. Not to worry, I've had help from someone else in this community and I have no need to snack on any locals or customers.

Nov. 18th, 2018




The good thing about being from a time zone that is two hours behind local time is that I can use those “extra hours” to completely finish unpacking and decorating my apartment.

The bad thing is that I lose some sleep cause I’m trying to wake up at a normal time here.

Any tips for going to sleep earlier? I’ve tried but I just end up staring at the ceiling.

Nov. 11th, 2018




To all those who have served in the armed forces, or are currently serving in them, I wish you all a good Remembrance Day, or Veteran's Day as it is called here in America. I served in the British Army Special Forces in Afghanistan, and to all of my fellow soldiers and veterans, thank you for your service and sacrifice.

Oct. 30th, 2018



I never would have imagined my various electronics not minding themselves. My coffee maker played the morning news today.

I might need a new coffee maker, there's an axe in this one.

Oct. 29th, 2018




I don't remember who gave me the idea but thanks to whoever made me think of picking up a French press as a backup in the event of future coffeepot death. I had to unplug mine after it started beeping at me in morse code today so - coffee emergency averted thanks to already having a backup in place.




Whatever is going on, I wish it would stop. The microwave keeps burning my food to a crisp. I can't text on my phone because it either makes the text backward, upside down or deletes whatever I wrote whenever I push send. The fridge keeps spitting ice out at me every time I go into the kitchen. And I swear my PS4 is laughing at me everytime I fuck up in a game.




So frustrating! I haven't encountered any shiny Pokemon during this Pokemon Go event. Almost everyone else I know who plays has encountered numerous shinies and I haven't found one. Yes, I know this is a very minor problem, especially considering the technology problems that have started hitting the OC, but it's still frustrating to me.

Oct. 28th, 2018




I walked into an elevator and I thought I heard laughter.

And now I'm stuck in the elevator.

And it's making 'yum' sounds.

I could break out easily but I don't want to damage someone's property.

Oct. 27th, 2018




The lights have been flickering all night at Fangtasia and when I attempt to call an electrician to come look at it, I get different numbers. The sound system also occasionally switches songs mid way through. If this keeps up, I'll have to close early and that's the last thing I want to do.




My coffee maker is on the fritz. Churned out some kind of sludge, and then I swear to god it beeped angrily at me.

Oct. 26th, 2018




I never realized what a holiday Halloween was here in the States! Everyone seems to go all out! Parties, clubs, schools! I may have to give in to this idea and dress up myself!

Now the question is who! The possibilities seem endless!




Being English, I always celebrated Guy Fawkes Night moreso than Halloween. I'm curious, would any fellow Brits, or anyone else here, be interested in a Guy Fawkes Night celebration? There may not be a life-sized effigy of Guy Fawkes to burn, but there will at least be a smaller one. Food and so forth will also be provided if anyone is interested in coming.

For those who don't know, Guy Fawkes Night is November 5th.




So we all remember my wonderful con buddy Nick, right? Turns out he's smarter than he seems. Sly fox.

He has all his paperwork in order and an answer for everything. I don't like him. I wanna smack that pretentious smirk off his stupid face. He's the kind of guy the world has to watch out for because he's too ingenious for his own good.

To make matters worse, I ended up wanting to prove him wrong so badly that I made a fool out of myself and walked in wet cement. Being a bunny, I sank pretty far too. Good first day on the job. It had started out so well too.




I heard about this story the other day. It makes me worried that someone will try and take Lion away from me. Not that our situations are the same but you never know: Lion Cub Found...

At least, Lion can return on his own if someone ever takes him.

In other news, I've been rehearsing to perform at Pandemonium's opening night. Costume and everything...my dad is letting me "borrow" his band for the performance.




I finally grasp the concept everyone been talking about with having dreams.

It's was haunting, dreary, I killed a girl who was my best friend?, just daunting.

I need to center myself, figured after hot yoga tonight, going to offer a free hour meditation class.

Since it's last moment, not taking reservations - anyone is welcome till we are full.




Anyone up for a little fun on October the 30th?

Oct. 25th, 2018




I’ve been so busy practicing, that I FORGOT MY OWN BIRTHDAY the other day. Who does that? I mean, mine and Alice’s family didn’t let me forget it for long. But I was so confused why my phone kept going off in class that I turned it off. And then wondered why my Dad was at Alice’s, ready to take us all out to dinner. It was super embarrassing when Mom asked me if I remembered what day it was. Although I’ve been eating leftover cake as breakfast for the past few days, so that helps take some of the sting away?

Oct. 24th, 2018




So had the first casualty of my living out here finally - RIP coffeepot. You served me well over the years, kept me well caffeinated with my insane schedule and family. Now to find your successor before next week since I know I'll need one at my place on Halloween if I'm going to survive work. What's the best place to buy one out here? And if anyone suggests I go to a place that sells nothing but those damn Keurig machines I make no promises about resisting the urge to cuss your ass out.

Oct. 20th, 2018




The idea of the lottery hitting a literal billion dollars is insane. Shouldn’t there be some sort of cap on how much it can go up to, and then after that… put the money into funding something like education, feeding poor kids, fixing the roads… And just restart it over again? That’s so much money that could help so many people. Then again we’re dealing with a government that is bankrupting itself to keep rich people richer than they’ll ever need to be, so what am I expecting? They don't exactly know how to spend their money in any way that makes actual sense.

Oct. 19th, 2018




I know that a lot of other clubs and bars are also doing Halloween parties, but I would hope that you'll consider stopping by Fangtasia on Halloween as well. We'll have a special Halloween themed drink available and I may or may not give free drinks to anyone with a costume that impresses me.

Sep. 25th, 2018




I'm asking in the name of Scientific Inquery:

What substances and/or actions have people tried in effort to prevent themselves (or others) from Dreaming? Go!

Sep. 24th, 2018




I found this thing in a stream today.

I think I'll call him Wrex.




I bored. Anyone wanna entertain me?




Hello, everyone. I've just moved to the area. I'm from California, actually, but I've never spent much time in Orange County.

And I'm starting to see why.

My name is Loras. I fence and it keeps me quite busy, though I hope this network will help me meet more people around here.

Sep. 6th, 2018




Fun part of being able to shapeshift into a dog; Cuddle piles with actual dog, wife, and baby.

I can shapeshift into quite a few things now, but dog is my favorite!

Aug. 29th, 2018




Is anyone else awake?

They discovered a kind of alien with amazing energy capabilities. Naturally, the pirates wanted to get a hold of them to use them as weapons.

Naturally, the Galactic Federation tried to stop them and failed, so they sent me in alone.

Aug. 23rd, 2018




Since it opened at the beginning of the month, Fangtasia has been doing extremely well. Much better than I had expected for the first month; especially considering the recent invasion. I guess people still need to get drunk when demons attack. I'm thinking of hiring another bartender if business continues like this.

Aug. 8th, 2018




I think I might have had one of those dreams you all are talking about, just in time for my birthday. At least, I think I might have. It felt real, but it didn't make much sense. It was my birthday in my dream too, and I was spending it in what I think must have been a safe house with a woman, who I think was my girlfriend. But at the same time, I was also spending it with six other people in a Korean prison, a German club, a beach in Italy, a yard in Kenya, a picnic in San Francisco, and at home in Mexico. And then we all had a

Are all these dreams this confusing at first?

Jul. 18th, 2018




Well, this is an interesting little site with an interesting little community. Please tell me you all talk normal things besides comparing strange dreams all the time.

Jul. 15th, 2018




I've been Dreaming again. It feels weird to say this, but I've almost missed these.

Apparently in our "retirement" the Reds and Blues, Carolina and I were set up on a little moon kind of out in the middle of nowhere. You'd think things would be quiet, but these guys are literally incapable of doing that. The fact that the planet was apparently inhabited by dinosaurs didn't help.

Jul. 14th, 2018




I think I had one of those Dreams you all talk about.

I was a kid on some space colony. There were these aliens, the Chozo. I befriended one of them. After they left, we were attacked by space pirates, and a space dragon murdered my family. The Chozo I'd befriended found out and came back for me.

It was all a jumble when I woke up, because I was not in a good way, but I think they infused their DNA into me, and started to train me like one of their warriors. I don't feel any different though, except I could really go for murdering some pirates.

Why can't I just dream about kittens, or that cute barista I saw yesterday?

Jul. 8th, 2018




It’s strange seeing how different Tamaki must have been before he moved to California. At the same time, I do like some of his old friends. Some… not so much. She knows who she is, and from what I can tell the feeling is mutual. Of course maybe she’s just like this because her parents obviously didn’t care enough to not name her after a pastry.

Other than that, we’re still enjoying France. I’ve gotten to see and tease Tamaki about baby pictures of him.That bear used to be almost as big as he was I’ll have to return the favor some day and let my grandparents embarrass me by showing him their photo albums.

Jul. 6th, 2018




Has everyone heard about the rhino poachers that were eaten by lions in Africa? Now that's what I call karma. Honestly, does anyone feel bad for these guys? I certainly don't. Far as I'm concerned, they got what they deserved.

Jun. 25th, 2018




There’s a reason they call it craft herpes What do you do when you can’t get something out of the carpet just by vacuuming it? And you think all you’re doing is grinding it into the carpet more? Asking for a friend.

Jun. 23rd, 2018




Well - finally found a place that isn’t a couch and got the last of my stuff in and unpacked. It didn’t take me as long as I thought it would - I’m not sure if that’s because I decided to get rid of a lot of the crap I got living in Louisiana or just because I didn’t have my mom and sister ‘helping’ me get settled in. By which I mean going behind me and undoing everything and redoing it how they want so that I have to go back and redo it again.

Jun. 18th, 2018




Pay close attention because this is the only time I’m going to say this - Eric was right. I should never have said anything about hoping I don’t dream about being an animal. Because what did my Dream turn out to be? My shapeshifting into a dog. And apparently it’s not the only thing I can turn into in the dreams - if what my parents told me there’s true, I can turn into any animal. It just has to be the last thing I see before I shift.