
Posts Tagged: 'regina+mills+%28evil+queen%29'

Dec. 1st, 2015




Wow. I just realized that I've been out here for a year now. I hadn't realized that a year had gone by already since I decided to move out here. So much had been going on this time last year that I kind of forgot when I moved. I've gotta say that despite some crappy stuff that has happened this year, this year went a lot better than I expected it to and I have to give credit for that to my friends. If I hadn't met you guys this year I don't know what the last year would have been like.

This time of year also means I have to decide if I'm going to decorate. I didn't really do anything last year since it was the first Christmas without my family and I'm still not really feeling it this year, at the moment. I don't know.

Nov. 21st, 2015




Could those of us in Storybrooke be anymore naive? Me in particular. After everything we'd been through, especially with a year of our lives missing, I trust a woman I'd never seen before who suddenly wants to be my midwife? Of course she'd be the Wicked Witch everyone is looking for.

Sidenote, watching Emma and David trying to put together a crib was highly amusing.

Nov. 12th, 2015




Dinosaur droppings. In case anyone was wondering, they're as dino-sized as one might expect. Not really what I anticipated on a tour of a park guaranteed to be a disaster, but interesting all the same.

I also find it interesting that in these dreams I have three kids - here, I only have one that I know of. It's something to be thankful for as I take headache medicine with my coffee this morning - last night Kelly slammed her bedroom door in my face, yet yelled at me through it for a good twenty or so minutes about how I don't understand her. This is all because, as I can recall, I asked her to take out the trash.

Hormones and mood swings are killer at this age. It's like I need battle gear in my own house.

Nov. 10th, 2015




I was reading a bit about 'fun' Thanksgiving tidbits, you know, to educate myself a little. In addition to learning that the day after Thanksgiving is the busiest for plumbers (to handle all those clogged drains/toilets?) apparently whatever is commonly eaten on Thanksgiving wasn't even present during the first anyway - you lot are strange.

But I suppose that leads into my question. Where's a good spot to get a pie? I'd try making one myself but I live on a houseboat and my kitchen is somewhat small. It would lead to fires, surely.

Nov. 5th, 2015




No mess is complete without a questionable pregnancy scandal. That's also when you're absolutely sure your dreams have been elevated to a 'soap opera' platform even further, and my general anger towards it has dissipated into apathy. Wonderful. Zelena is a cunt, and I will now be the aunt of Robin Hood's child.

Among other things.

I've also had the pleasure of dealing with this nonsense across the street at night - what the hell were they thinking? I'd hoped the zombies that came to life on their lawn would deter them from putting up more things that make me claw my eyes out, but that's my mistake for putting faith in humanity's taste.

Oct. 20th, 2015




Okay so...

I have dreams, of a dream life. But in the dream life... I have dreams of another dream life. So, I have the equivalent of two fake lives in my head right now and this super weird feeling that something bad is going to happen. Like it can get much worse.

I mean, really. I almost said yes to marrying a flying monkey. What even...

Plus side, I actually have a moderately respectable gamer score. Score one for raising the kid in at least one life.

Oct. 16th, 2015




So a dead body in Ohio was thought to be a Halloween decoration.

I can't tell if I'm more disturbed by the fact people just assumed it was a Halloween decoration or prank, or the fact that I know this isn't the first time dead bodies have been mistaken for Halloween decorations.




This is, surprisingly, not a post about pumpkin spice or Halloween.

I'd call it an introduction. Not a blind one, however - no, I've scrolled back many pages to revel in all this...uniqueness.

Dr. Ian Malcolm, resident Chaotician at your service. I teach a few classes here and there at UCI, and recently moved to the area with my daughter who is a budding Olympic gold gymnast.

But that's only me. What about you? Lots of dream talk. I like it.

Sep. 28th, 2015




Oh, good. I was beginning to worry that I'd wake up with maleparts forevermore. That's an experience I don't care to participate in ever again, but does free will really exist here, in its entirety?

Neal, we need to swap clothes. Again.

Sep. 24th, 2015




Life changing decisions happening here. Okay not really, but I did officially change my major and decided to take up cheer again.

This is going to be a good year. I can feel it.

Sep. 7th, 2015




Even though it's over, I'd assume anyone under its power would at least like to know the name of the spell - Shattered Sight. Consider it a dream bleed over in a way, and it did exactly what it was meant to do: turn you against your loved ones to destroy one another. Fortunately for us, it was stopped before it went that far. File that under the list of 'dream baggage occurrences,' as we've had plenty.

Public announcement aside, gaudy Disney Villains have graced my dreams, Robin Hood and his family are no longer in the picture, but neither is Rumpelstiltskin. How fitting, though I doubt we've seen the last of him there. We're never quite that lucky.

Private to Emma )

Aug. 15th, 2015




Ever woken up revolted by your own wardrobe? Oh, but no worries, I found a couple things that were just perfect.

I missed being me.

Aug. 4th, 2015




Bitten by the dream bug again, how lucky of me. Well. I suppose I should be thankful they haven't turned into some ridiculous musical, but if I sit down and watch the entire Disney collection and assume everyone's somehow intricately related and backstabbing each other, it'd be a very accurate reflection of the kind of bullcrap I just woke up from.

And, of course, there's that very awkward moment when someone's kiss of 'true love' is supposed to remove a curse from their wife, and it fails. For even more awkward reasons.

I'm in dire need of caffeine being directly injected in my veins, thank you.

Jul. 22nd, 2015




Well being back in Storybrooke didn't last long, now did it? I'm starting to wonder if, now that the curse is broken, if we'll ever had normal lives again.

First, Regina went missing and at first we thought maybe she'd left with the magic beans, but then we found out that she'd been kidnapped when Gold gave us a potion that would allow me to see everything she saw. She was being tortured and it was the worst pain I'd ever felt. We finally found her only to find out that we all might die cause of something she'd done. We were all going to escape to the Enchanted Forest after that in order to survive, but once Henry found out that Regina was going to sacrifice herself to give us time, he wouldn't hear of it and I had the idea to use one of the beans to make a portal and throw the fail safe into it. It was too good to be true of course, because Hook stole the beans and it looked like we had no other choice, but Emma helped Regina and saved the day. Our happiness was very short-lived though when we found out Henry had been taken and we had to go to Neverland to save him.

I can only assume that it's not going to be easy once we get to Neverland.

These dreams though have shown me that I may have been far too quick to judge Regina here. And as usual they make me miss David even more.

Jul. 1st, 2015




I'm going to be straight up and say I might have gotten a bit teary-eyed by the end of this article. And I am definitely going to be getting this book.

Jun. 8th, 2015




Sorry about any broken windows last Friday.


So I owe you a tour sometime. I hear the feds aren't happy.

Apr. 17th, 2015




I think I'm starting to see things.

Mar. 23rd, 2015




God, so many dreams last night. My head is swimming today. I don't even remember my own name.

I'm running late. I need a coffee.

Mar. 22nd, 2015




I asked and almost forgot to give her the ring. But then she said yes, so we're cool.

And then it was like... )

I guess I'm obligated to share the joy on the network, and then not post about it again for awhile out of fear of being obnoxious. But hey, still in New York until Tuesday so if anyone wants anything from the city, speak up. I will happily play courier.

Mar. 3rd, 2015




If there's one thing these dreams love to echo, it's this: villains don't get happy endings, even if they're no longer the villain.

Feb. 25th, 2015




Sweet mother of god, I thought I was done dreaming. Has anyone resorted to Nyquil addiction just to avoid all this? It almost seems more preferable at this point.

I just...there are these mountains and a magic urn and snow and so much with the snow and the things and the stuff and fuck this Nordic fuckery, I can't.

Feb. 17th, 2015




Lara and Sam went to the hospital not too long ago to have the baby and I'm waiting around for news. I didn't think I'd be this anxious about it. Should I be this anxious when it's not my baby? I wonder if it's cause my siblings are older than me so I was never really around anyone who was pregnant or having a baby or anything before. Whatever it is, I keep checking my phone to see if I missed a text or call from either of them.

Feb. 12th, 2015




Does anyone have new information about the spike of crime? Privately, or publicly, whichever. I'm just curious because me and my companions were nearly blown up in a bar last night. It's not really your normal, everyday occurrence.

Feb. 6th, 2015




I... have a strange book from my dreams. It feels insane, but does anyone have any knowledge on magic? There's something.... weird about this thing.

Jan. 29th, 2015




So thanks to last night's little incident, I suppose I'll make some kind of 'magical public announcement,' though healing isn't really my expertise. (And Severus, this might be more up your alley, to be honest.)

Should anyone, for whatever reason, get shot, run over, stabbed, and whatever other bodily injury is going around these parts thanks to the area's infestation of illegal activity, there are people who can help speed up the healing process in unconventional ways.

So if anyone with the ability to wants to provide their services, make yourselves known in case.

Jan. 22nd, 2015




I guess dreams are a welcome distraction to all the crime going on lately. At least this one had some good parts.

Though I did wake up to find out Baxters was broken into so that was a downer. At least I don't have work? I think classes should get cancelled too.

Jan. 18th, 2015



[Filtered to the people Edward Elric is helping]

If I find out that the reason my nephew snuck out and then didn't come home last night was because he was helping you lot with who the hell knows what you are going to be very sorry.

If he doesn't come home soon you will find the authorities knocking at your door.

Jan. 12th, 2015




Right then, with all the chaos I finally got a moment to myself here and uh. Is anyone missing a purple cloaked goth girl? I've found her. In my apartment. Not that I don't appreciate the welcome wagon but kiiiiinda awkward timing considering I was only in a towel and she's like 16.

Jan. 10th, 2015




First it's throwing smoke bombs into the coffee shop. Now it's holding up a waffle house.

Is nothing sacred?

I may have a couple of spells that could be of use that I've done in the Dreams. I'm not sure how well they'll work, but one involved breaking an ancient evil out of a spell book. The other is the sealing said ancient evil into a spell book. Or just whatever we have at our disposal.

Jan. 5th, 2015




How do you explain to your family

Being a woman is one thing

Why does this always happen to me, it's not like I'm a

It's very hard to keep up with all the spinning plates in my dreams when I am always becoming not me. I guess after you sigh about being thirty most people wouldn't mind being a good ten years younger.

I'm so over this place.

Jan. 2nd, 2015




If anyone feels the need to fess up in stealing my car, feel free to do so.

I promise I'll be quick to forgive. In the form of cutting your goddamn spleen out instead of outright murdering you.

Dec. 27th, 2014




I should have known that was too good to last.

I can still feel it, which is the worst part.

Dec. 26th, 2014




Not even naps are sacred. I suppose I've earned my medicine when it comes to being tortured, though. Neal, your fiance was a total peach, by the way. Wished my Queen half would have pulled her spine out and fed it to her.

Now it's Neverland with the Royal Family, Captain Guyliner, and Reptile Face. Because my dreams couldn't get more like a bad Disney movie. Just let me slaughter everyone on that goddamn island so I can save my son and be done with all this.

On another note, anyone with inflatable Christmas decor on their yard should be ashamed of themselves. Get out. What on Earth were you thinking that you thought it was a good idea? Can we please move on from the tacky holiday decorations and at least try and make an effort to make things look nice for once.

Dec. 13th, 2014




Yesterday was quite curious.




This has been a super, super strange few days. First the electricity, then the strange birds. Like okay, I wished for snow and it's been snowing forever, but I didn't wish for strange birds, so no one's allowed to blame me. Uh uh. That one? Is not my fault.

Then I'm like... off to the mall, to grab a few last presents and maybe find whatever crazy food it is I'm craving now (because it's nothing in my cupboards or the fridge and I have no idea what it is). Maybe some of the smells in the food court or the little snack shops will tell me what the heck it is the blueberry wants to eat.

But nope, the car was all SLIP SLIP SLIDE and I thought I was going to DIE. Only... no accident actually happened because this huge crosswind kicked up against the car and made it stop sliding. The snow went crazy for a few minutes after that, too, so I kinda just hung out on the side of the road with my mug of hot cocoa.

I'm okay now, just... can we stop with the weirdness please? Between Christmas, New Years, Wedding Planning and growing a life I am SO stretched thin. I really don't think I need any more.

Oh yeah, me and the blueberry are completely fine, just in case people are freaking out.

Dec. 10th, 2014



Trigger Warnings: mentions of death in comments

If anyone wants baked goods I've out baked myself at the Cafe, there's cupcakes, brownies, pies, breads, plus food of all kinds. I don't even care if I sell it, I just need to make space to bake more.

Baking: a better stress reliever than drinking one's self blind - except for the sugar coma. But the place smells divine, might open the door a bit and waft the scent onto the streets, come and get it folks!

Dec. 2nd, 2014




Finally finished replacing my mirrors. And most of my windows. I'll gladly pass on the magic stuff if it meant less of my things being subject to shattering. Oh, and that funny look when an acquaintance glances at my yard and asks why there's a crypt dead in the center.

I'm sure there's a spell to keep it hidden from view if I actually look. Or I can go the practical route and bulldoze it. Either or sounds effective.

Pulled down all the apples from the tree to save it from the cold snow in California, how curious and now I have an abundance. I'll give them away for free. And if you're wondering, no. They're not poisonous. I'm going to nip that suspicion in the bud before 'evil queen' gossip spreads. You're all quite welcome.

Dec. 1st, 2014




Last night I dreamt that Hook told us there was still a way back to Storybrooke and that a giant had it. So, Emma, Mulan, Aurora, Hook and I found the beanstalk to the giant and Emma went with Hook while the rest of us kept watch. I ended up talking to Aurora about her trouble sleeping since her sleeping curse, which I was familiar with, having been under my own sleeping curse. I promised to keep watch over her while she slept so that nothing would harm her. After Emma was gone for ten hours, Mulan tried to start cutting down the beanstalk, but I wouldn't allow her to do it. I couldn't lose Emma again, but luckily Emma got back just at that moment. I have no doubt that I would have stopped Mulan, bodily, if I had to.

I'm glad that I haven't had the nightmares that I did in the dreams after the sleeping curse I was under here. Who wants to dream about a red room with no way out that's on fire? Certainly not me.

Nov. 17th, 2014




Well. We finally made it to Neverland in the dreams. I'm surprised we all got there in one piece, to be perfectly honest. It's not really at all what you'd think it'd be. It's sort of depressing, and a bit terrifying. Like a twisted bedtime story. I'm not really looking forward to what happens while we're there.

[Blocked from Mary Margaret]

I know some people here have magic, from their dreams. I need could really use some help from one of you. I woke up with something from these dreams that I know modern medicine won't cure.

Nov. 3rd, 2014




I think next year I'm going to be avoiding any sort of Halloween festivities if this is price I'm going to pay for it.

I'm sitting here with several very strongly worded letters to various people in power in the mythical land of Westeros. Lannisters always repay their debts, how could you send me away and lock me up in some hovel, etc etc.

And that bitch drank all of my wine.

Oct. 25th, 2014




What's everyone doing for spooky day?


Got plans?


Going to dress up, or is that too kiddy for you?

Oct. 20th, 2014



Halloween is definitely a lot sexier than I remember it being. I like it.

Oct. 2nd, 2014




It appears as though I have a temporary house guest. One quick check to Valarnet shows that I'm not the only one with an inexplicable, invisible bond to another Valar folk.

I assume that if an answer to the question of what this situation is should arise, it will be explained on the network?

Sep. 28th, 2014




Attention Super Secret Organization with Super Secret Heroes that no one talks about:

Sharon Carter will not be into work on Monday evening or Tuesday.

That is all.

Sep. 24th, 2014




I'm looking for part time work. Does anyone have any leads?




[Not filtered, public, image inside] )

Sep. 22nd, 2014




I dreamed I had two hands again, it was very exciting.

Beyond that, the dream was a little strange. It was about my youth -- but not as I remember it, not exactly. Everything looked distinctly Victorian, though I still attended Eton and Oxford and became a lawyer.

But after that, and I'm not quite certain how I managed it, but I discovered a place called Neverland. And there, wonder of wonders, I joined up with a pirate crew. Blackbeard's crew, no less.

It seems I am a pirate, after all. At least in some other dream world.

Sep. 11th, 2014




Strangely enough, I find that the more violent and disturbing my dreams become, the more I turn to my kitchen for comfort.

Not comfort eating, exactly, but comfort cooking. I prepare elaborate meals at three in the morning, only to pick at a bite or two before disposing of it and returning to bed. Such a waste of good food, but I've never been a fan of left-overs.

Perhaps I should channel my energies into a dinner party.

Sep. 10th, 2014




Well then.

Excellent reporting there, Ms. Skeeter. My horrible, dirty little, completely obvious secret - that I was not even trying to hide - is out. Oh, woe is me. I'm crying in my Cristal right now.

Yes, that's me, dancing on that pole. I've actually gained quite a bit more muscle tone since I started and I think I look quite dazzling. Do you recognize the costume, X-men? I found that in my wardrobe the other night and just couldn't help myself.

Sep. 7th, 2014




Oh, look. I dodged this entire sleeping curse-like mess. Lucky me. Almost felt like my dreams bled into reality for a second there.

All this dreaming about apples has been giving me the baking itch to keep me from choking someone. I suppose it's a productive way to vent stress, but I'm not sure what to do with all these apple pies, apple turnovers, apple cobblers, apple crumb muffins. Unless someone wants to gorge themselves with an unhealthy amount of sugar and flour, these are going to sit in my fridge and go stale.