
Posts Tagged: 'poe+dameron'

Apr. 8th, 2020




Anyone else suddenly turn 7 years old for a week? Or was that just me?

[Max and Isobel]
Thanks for you know... putting up with all that.

Apr. 7th, 2020




Alright, this thing has gone on six days too long. I can safely say that not once in my life have I ever wondered what it would be like to be a woman and I'd really like my own body back now. I would like to be able to go back to work and I'm pretty sure BB-8 has been recording me so that he can show Rey and Finn how amusing he found this the next time either of them comes over.

On a completely different topic, I woke up this morning to find part of my X-Wing in my backyard. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with this, but if I got part of it, something tells me I'm gonna get more or it and I'm going to need a place to keep it. I'm also going to need to figure out how to put it together. I can do maintenance on a jet, but I don't know if I can actually put an X-Wing together.

Apr. 3rd, 2020




[...] There is not enough coffee in the world to keep my sanity for Orange County tonight.

Apr. 1st, 2020




Am I the only one who thinks this is fun, full stop?

Mar. 6th, 2020




Never thought I'd be back here again.

Mar. 5th, 2020




So quick BB-8 update; I still can't understand him. He keeps beeping and chirping at me. Although he has a little lighter tool in one of his tool bay disks and he's been using as a sort of thumbs up if I've guessed something he's trying to say to me. So I guess we're off to a fairly good start.

Also, for anyone curious about what exactly he looks like, Meet BB-8 )

Mar. 1st, 2020




I just got woken up by an incessant beeping sound and at first I thought it was my phone or something until I got out of bed and this droid from my dreams rammed itself into my fucking calves. In the dark! Seriously? He seems really happy to see me, but I have no idea what he's trying to say.

All I know is that he's called BB-8 and is my astromech from my most recent dreams and somehow I can understand him in my dreams, but I can't here.

Now what do I do with a droid?

Feb. 26th, 2020




To everyone who said it was a 'when you start dreaming' not an 'if', I admit, you guys were right. Weirdly, the main difference between the dreams I'm used to and these Dreams are they way that I wake up feeling as though they actually happened.

I dreamed about being a young kid, being taken away from my family (wtf, space wizards?) and then being taken to a place (planet? temple?) called Coruscant where I was given robes to wear and told I'd be getting training.


If I didn't already know that 'dreams' were a thing, I'd have wondered who spiked my take-out last night.

I've seen a few people post about dreaming of other planets and stuff. How are you guys handling the knowledge that you aren't dreaming about Earth?

Feb. 23rd, 2020




I still don't understand how it's possible for things to pass over from dreams. I don't understand it and yet, it's apparently happened to me now. As if my mother dying, in my dreams, wasn't torture enough, her wedding ring that she gave me, before she died, was on my nightstand when I woke up this morning. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with it. It's weird since my mother is still very much alive, in real life and this clearly isn't her wedding ring. This is all just too fucking much.

And to add to all of this, apparently I went through a rebellious teenager phase and became a spice runner and for anyone asking what that means, it basically means I was smuggling space drugs. I mean, seriously? Am I the only one who sees a problem with this? Sometime after that though, I guess I got over my rebellious phase and joined the New Republic Defense Fleet, which is basically the space navy. That at least makes sense since I was in the real Navy, in real life.

I think I need a drink. Is two in the morning too late or early to start drinking?

Feb. 19th, 2020




It's always interesting when your actual dream Empire, filled to the brim with self-serving homicidal backstabbing maniacs that desperately needs reform is closer to the moral center than your real so-called Republic.

But then, the Galactic Republic in my dreams is just as hypocritical and corrupt and in need of reform as well.

We should purge it all with fire.

Feb. 13th, 2020






So, I left my tower and then Flynn decided to take me to this place called The Snuggly Duckling, which is a pub filled with a lot of ruffians and thieves. Things were looking a little scary but THEN we started to sing a song about our dreams! One guy with a hook wants to be a pianist, there's a florist, an interior designer, a baker, and one guy collects tiny ceramic unicorns! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Of course they all became nice after we sang, but we had to run due to the palace guards coming after us.

That lead to a chase, a dam we have to escape, and getting trapped in a flooding cave. We were close to dying, but I was able to sing to light up my hair and find a way out. Who knew that leaving the tower would be so dangerous; all this just to see some lanterns (goodness).

Feb. 12th, 2020




I dreamed I saved a little droid from another scavenger. He was really cute and I tried to maintain a serious face but he just rolled his head at me and beeped and my heart melted.

Feb. 1st, 2020




So it's not bad enough that we have spam mail and spam calls, but now we have spam texts? I felt the need to share the one I received today.

Cut for Size. Viewable to all )

First of all, the obvious, my name is not Marco, so clearly it wasn't actually meant for me personally and second, I really don't need whatever they're selling or pretending to sell. Trust me. ;)

Jan. 19th, 2020




Well that was incredibly weird. I just woke up from the strangest nap I've ever had. It wasn't the nap itself that was strange, but the dreams I had while I was sleeping. Now I've had weird dreams before, but these felt different. I was a kid and I think I lived on another planet. I mean, Yavin 4; that's not a real place. Where did my mind even get that? What's even stranger is that then I learned to fly a spaceship! A freakin' spaceship! Well, I never actually flew it; my mother did and she taught me.

And now what's even stranger than all of that was the weird urge I had to have to come here and talk about it. What is going on?

Jan. 10th, 2020




Welp. Now I have an unexplained facial scar. This will be fun to explain.

Jan. 7th, 2020




I would like to take time to thank all of you for helping Lizzy's thrive.

You've help me live out one of the dreams of baking/cooking for a living and I'm grateful.

Now I want to make everyone favorite desserts.

Tell me what you like and I'll make it then put it in the storefront to purchase!

Jan. 4th, 2020




I don't normally do social media stuff, but for some reason I was drawn here when I happened upon the link. So what do you guys talk about? Local stuff? Random stuff? The weather? I mean, someone had to talk about last month's snow, right? Global warming is a bitch, huh?

Alright, I think my middle of the night rambling is over. Although, before I go, I'm Poe and I'll probably come back later.

Sep. 5th, 2018




More dreams. Seems like I followed in my mom's footsteps and became a pilot too.

I have to admit flying planes after dreaming of flying spaceships isn't quite as exciting ;)

Jul. 23rd, 2018




I've heard this is the best, and generally secure means to getting in touch with the local community, which is not something I've done so much in the past. I'm Leia Organa, and I've recently moved to the area.

I'm involved with the Legal Aid Office in Santa Ana, and the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law. They've both got a pretty healthy social media presence already, but I thought it might be another way to reach out.

I've heard that also .. using this network is, just the done thing around here.

It’s definitely a little strange

Jul. 12th, 2018




You know, I've never been to California before. Growing up, I always thought it was supposed to be sunny and warm. But I've been here for one day and it's snowing. Didn't you guys just have a heat wave? Apparently global warming is worse than I thought.

Guess I should introduce myself. My names Will, and I just moved here from Chicago.

Jul. 6th, 2018




Ever stop to think that when you dream, like little d and not the big D dreams, you can have a conversation with someone and not know what they're going to say even though it's all in your head?

So doesn't that mean that your brain is capable of withholding information from itself?

Jun. 27th, 2018




Is talking about your dreams something that happens here a lot? I've noticed a lot of posts to this thing mention them. Is there some kind of study you people are all involved in?

Jun. 26th, 2018




Do you ever go away for a weekend and just never want to return?

A group went up to Pride in San Francisco and I, personally, had a blast and just hate having to come back to the normalcy that is home. Sure, I enjoy it here but Pride feels so liberating. Now, I just have to get back to my jobs and have to wait another year to experience Pride, again.

Jun. 22nd, 2018




So this is Orange County huh? Seems nice.

Any recommendations? (Other than joining this net and Disneyland since they seem to be everybody's suggestion)

Poe Dameron by the way, commercial pilot at your service.

Feb. 22nd, 2017




Pretty Big News released today.

In case anyone's interested.

Feb. 4th, 2017




My weekend of and I set the fucking alarm clock.

"Good habits" my ass.

Jan. 21st, 2017



Filtered away from non-puncturable/non-punctured SW people

So...is it cheating to go to this Star Wars Celebration thing and roll up as myself in cosplay?

Cuz I kinda want to. But not alone.

Anybody ever been to this? It looks kinda crazy fun.

Jan. 19th, 2017



Filtered from non puncturable Star Wars kids

Today in one of my study groups we were talking about various fashions in Tv and Movies and someone mentioned the Star Wars franchise. I mentioned I had never seen it and suddenly six people are staring at me like I've grown a second head or something.

Is it that weird to have never seen it?

Jan. 17th, 2017




Do you ever look at your Dream Self and just think, "Calm down there, General Edgelord." But then again my Real Life Self bought these sheets so who am I to judge?

In lighter news, Poe bought the Star Wars thumb wrestling thing for us to play with.

The bastard keeps beating me at it.

Dec. 18th, 2016






Dec. 17th, 2016



Blocked From Those Not Puncturable

Cut for Rogue One spoilers maybe? )

Dec. 5th, 2016



Locked from Non-Punctureable Star Wars Folks

Interesting thing about Dreaming you're in the Star Wars universe - other than discovering that it actually exists...somewhere - is that every where you look you can find something with Star Wars slapped on it: Books, movies, toys, you name it.

So in my Dreams the Big Bad is this guy who is only known - to us anyway - as The Inquisitor. He's a pretty fucking intimidating dude, tall, with a long gaunt face, sharp teeth, red streaks coming down from his eyes. He's currently employed by the Empire to hunt down and kill Jedi during the purge. This guy has taken a particular interest in me and my crew, even somehow projecting an image of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, whom he killed by the way, to lure other Jedi into a trap. And, yeah, I fell for the trap, very much like an idiot. In my defense, though, they used her bones to lure me and my padawan to her cell where we were ambushed. We managed to get away, because we're pretty fucking awesome like that, but Jesus Christ, this guy has issues. Like...creepy stalker issues. I've been looking over my shoulder since he first made his debut in the Dreams just in case he shows up here.

So what does this have to do with all the Star Wars merch that's out there? Well, as I was looking through Amazon trying to get ideas for gifts for the holidays, I found this little Lego representation.

Pffffhauahahahahaha! Look at him! Just look at him! I can't stop laughing!

Nov. 17th, 2016




I hate to admit it, but work has definitely dried up in this economy. I mean, even in good old Cali, fewer people are hiring private jets, so piloting isn't paying what it used to. So...back to the job market. I have got to cover rent and I don't want another roommate right now but if I have to...

Anyone have any leads for a highly qualified pilot and mechanic?

Oct. 26th, 2016




Screw these dreams. I'm going to stay in bed for the rest of the day, and watch something awesome on Netflix.

Oct. 25th, 2016




Why is Halloween so popular here, anyway? It's always puzzled me and I've been living in the states for years.

Oct. 22nd, 2016



[locked from non-puncturable SW folk]

Seeing small versions of my uniform for sale as Halloween costumes is so much more disturbing than anticipated.




On a scale from 1-10, how lame is it to dress up as yourself for Halloween? Because I look pretty damn cool, and it's the best fitting costume I've ever had.

Though, Finn, I might need to borrow my jacket back.

Sep. 24th, 2016




Not only did my Dreams gift me with my uniform, but also with a table that was sunken in in the centre.

I thought the indentation was filled with dust but it... doesn't look like it's dust.

I need my vacuum cleaner, about ten gallons of colorox with bleach, and years of therapy to deal with this.

Sep. 11th, 2016




I moved something without touching it this morning.

I was thinking that I needed a pen, and suddenly it was across the room, in my hand.

I haven't tried again. Maybe if I don't use it, it will go away.

Sep. 7th, 2016



Blocked from the nun-puncturable types

Presented without comment.

Aug. 17th, 2016




cut for mention of dream violence )

Jul. 20th, 2016




You know, I gotta say, I'm almost a bit sad that my dreams are at a stand still. Like a chapter's ended but you know another one has to be coming. Maybe I'll take the X-Wing out for a ride this weekend.

[Finn and Rey]

Finn, if you want a go in it, BB-8 seems pretty good with taking you for a spin. And I'd feel bad if I didn't let Rey along to go for a drive herself.

Jul. 18th, 2016




Team Mystic?

No one can even say they have no idea about the whole Pokemon reboot craze going on basically. I have to carry around two port chargers just to keep my phone juiced up for 8-10 hours while I'm working lately. This is insane.

What's also insane is that I'm waiting to find Charizard invading one of my dreams at some point. Wouldn't be that bad, maybe I could have been a Trainer but nooooo I had to go and be Spider-Man. Maybe I'll find some spare parts and try and make himself a real pokedex, only I'll give it a real purpose. I dunno.

On the other hand, true life finally echoes my dreams. I got dumped! WTH!!!

Where are my fellow Team Mystic's at? C'mon...

Jul. 10th, 2016




Has anyone ever... known something was coming, but when you finally dream it you can't..

You can't.

I don't even have a word for it. I woke up crying, and like there was a rift in my heart I didn't know I had and it just got filled.

And anger lord is there anger

Jun. 19th, 2016




[Blocked from Ben, Finn, and Rey.]
Hypothetical question.

What do you do if you're really into someone who, just by sheer chance, is a bad guy in your dreams (the sort of bad that just kills people and agrees with wiping out entire planet systems). And your two best friends also share these dreams. So naturally your best bro really doesn't dig the idea of you and this guy together.

This is one of the weirdest things I've ever asked advice for. Is this the sort of thing you need to call your mom about?? I'm in my thirties, I shouldn't have these problems.

May. 15th, 2016




This place always so welcoming? Few shades stranger than what I remember it being like. Sure ain't Cozumel at least. Could've gotten shot out down there, but not by blasters.

Name's Han Solo. Trust me, you haven't heard of me, but you will. Looking for some new business opportunities around here. Ain't interested in this dream talk, but I am game for talking shop if you've got something good for the semi-new guy. I'm all eyes and ears!

May. 10th, 2016




Seeing as I have my X-Wing and all, I guess it's only fitting that my flight suit was waiting for me when I got home from work today. I gotta say, orange is totally my color. No big deal, but I look great.

May. 7th, 2016




It's taken me a few days to be able to process what exactly happened this week.

My friend Poe was on his way to my office during the madness on Wednesday, but my building requires a key card to get in.

I ran out to meet him and the Stormtroopers started firing.

Without thinking I threw my hands up and

it stopped.

The shot just hung there in the air. Like a bolt of lightning. Like I had done in my dreams.

They ran off after seeing that. I haven't tried moving anything since. I don't know that I want to.

May. 4th, 2016




There are Stormtroopers runnin' down the street in my neighborhood.



Apr. 26th, 2016




Cut for discussions of dream violence, viewable to all )