
Posts Tagged: 'pete+wisdom'

Jan. 2nd, 2016




It is time that I offer my apologies to you all. As I understand it, snow is not uncommon in December here. You are no stranger to inclement weather. I do not know if it is often caused by one person, but in this instance I am to blame. I hope no one was harmed. I am...truly sorry. I will be stronger in the future, it will not happen again.

Dec. 24th, 2015




Alright, I'm on a mission. Who doesn't have anyone to celebrate with tonight? We're going to celebrate Christmas Eve properly.

Dec. 20th, 2015




I'd some brilliant conversations with Frosty throughout the week. Went to find him this morning and he'd gone, rather disappointed! Not every Christmas means getting to chat with a snowman, least of all avoid getting attacked by one, I suppose. I'd just given him a colorouful scarf, too. Bit like losing a friend, isn't it? Hah! Sulking over a children's cartoon come to life, now I've really gone and become one with this county.

Good thing I'll be off to the homeland this time next week, eh? Reminds me! What can I bring you lot back from England?

Dec. 4th, 2015




Ice cream for breakfast! Completely acceptable, if only to show off the food porn in this really cute bowl. But if you're curious, no, I'm not seriously going to eat the pickles with it.

image behind cut )

Obviously, it's safe to say that ice cream for breakfast isn't going to be the one responsible for making me fat in the next couple months. That's a blame that'll go right to Pete. Thanks, babe! Womb lease ends sometime in early June, but it'll probably be here faster than we think.

We're also not naming it after any of you assholes, so don't even suggest it.

Nov. 27th, 2015




Fuck these dreams. I already hate them.

Nov. 20th, 2015




Dreams are getting interesting again. My man friend who saved my life is plotting with me to take out the old, rich bastard that used me to further the vampire apocalypse.

Wow, I just read that part back and realized just how bizarre these dreams are getting. It'd be nice if I had someone like that guy in real life.

Nov. 14th, 2015




I guess after I'm done boggling about the entire mess of dreamland, I can actually appreciate learning more of what actually went on during the monster war that took place a thousand years before current dream events. Ever since I started dreaming I kept writing down everything I could remember - history, legends, spells, charts and whatever else - and I've got several notebooks filled. In case there's ever a need to look back for reference.

Anyway, things got to the 'OH SHIT' point to where casting the Giga Slave was the last option. Except I got blown up before I finished, the team and I got separated, and when we re-grouped we found a graveyard of extinct dragons (also part of the reason why this entire goddamn mess even started), and discovered the last Dark Star weapon. Cue a present-time dragon massacre, I got the weapon out of its barrier then proceeded to get the weapon stolen from me, and I woke up with a pounding headache.

My involvement in all this can be attributed to my sister, the first human approached to deal with this mess, declined, and dumped the responsibility on me. In both worlds you're an asshole, sis.

ON AN UNRELATED NOTE, The Reeces Peanutbutter Cup Burger. I...don't know if I'd eat that. Drunk? Maybe. Sober? Uhhh. Depends how hungry I am. I mean, I've had bacon chocolate chip cookies before, that was some good stuff. But actual beef stuffed with peanutbutter and chocolate? Errr.

Nov. 7th, 2015




There's something really irking about being killed by a team mate.


Apparently my dream-half is a little more forgiving than I feel like I would be. Seriously, twice. What the hell. Plus side, existence. That seems like it would be a good thing.

Nov. 2nd, 2015




So I'm Neena and I'm new to this sort of group. I just got a smartphone and this is apparently one of the sites it recommends.

I'm a bartender. The best thing about where I work is we don't do anything for the holidays. No stupid costumes, no candy on the bar, and the old drunks don't think they're clever when they ask for 'tricks'. Everybody just wants to get wasted and go back to their lives.

Oct. 15th, 2015




Ever get to that point where your dreams stop being even remotely interesting and then segue into an inevitable train wreck? I don't care about prophecies, I don't care about your dragon drama (especially when all of you are suspicious bastards), please stop interrupting my plans of travel that involve a) me getting filthy rich and b) eating. I'd also appreciate the attempts of murder to stop, because I actually didn't do what this urinal cake thinks I did.

On the bright side, I can blame my sister for forcing me to handle this mess, otherwise I'd quit. But I hope I get cool stuff. I'm due for getting cool stuff again, dreamfairy. Hinthint.

Anyway, moving onto more realistic matters, is anyone interested in a big clunker van? It's a Frankencar, has been shot at multiple times throughout the year and still runs pretty well. It's got somewhat butchered shag carpet on the inside and I'm keeping the beaded curtains, fyi, but it'd be a good project for a grease monkey.

As for the blood in it, it's not mine, I didn't kill anyone, people who got shot just bled all over it. I'll, uh, discount it for that part.

Oct. 4th, 2015




I always thought meeting people on the internet was a bit odd, and I don't see the point with my lack of ability to form a healthy social life, but this skinny little bar manager I know said this was a good thing to dick around on via the mobile while business was slow.

Name's Hawke. I may have served drinks to some of you, but I only remember the ones that actually made the bloody effort to tip me accordingly.

I enjoy long walks on the beach and cuddles. I like to be the little spoon. It makes me feel safe.

Sep. 27th, 2015




Obliterating Dracula's army was easier than being a woman, for fuck's sakes. I don't know how you lot deal with all this bullshit without setting creepy, grabby people on fire daily. There is no such thing as an 'accidental' touch, alright. Leave my tits and arse alone.

I also hope the OC's latest attempt at humour fucks off before my girlfriend has to take me to see her parents as a woman. Slightly awkward.

Sep. 21st, 2015




I just....

This is funnier than Trump.

Wisdom, I don't care if you voted for him or not I'm never letting your country live this down.

(ooc: the headline might be a little nsfw)

Sep. 19th, 2015




I need a new car.



Locked from Kyu

Okay, I need advice.

Is it alright to tell a girl you've been dating for a couple of months that you love her? Is that too early or going too fast?

I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.

Sep. 14th, 2015




So I guess after the world wasn't destroyed, and everyone in my dreamworld who died was miraculously resurrected (except for the douchecanoe responsible for the 'let's make you destroy the world' drama), killing two demonlords means this demonically created barrier keeping our specific continent away from the rest of the world is down. Every kingdom wants to send explorers out (probably to conquer, let's be real), and I'm just interested in going for magical studies.

Then a golden dragon decides to attack the port city the day everyone's launching off, a tsunami is accidentally created HOW DO I KEEP DOING THIS and everything's destroyed. To avoid blame I convinced my people to help me steal a ship and sail off.

And starve.

It seemed like a good idea, I guess. But the tsunami really was an accident.

On the bright side, there's pumpkin spice everything practically available, so it's time to indulge in 'basic bitch' tendencies.

Sep. 1st, 2015




And here I was thinking I knew every significant network on the web. I'm Dutch. Hello.

Aug. 15th, 2015




Said mornin' to my ... roommate, got punched in the face.

Aug. 1st, 2015




It's oddly comforting that this spider is doing a mating dance. What's really funny is that it reminds me so much of guys at bars. HEY LADY HEY PRETTY LADY LOOK AT ME LOOK LOOK LOOK

But seriously, this is the cutest spider and I wish spiders liked kisses.

Jul. 29th, 2015




It is well overdue I introduce myself here. Hello, I cannot say I am very new now, but the case somewhat applies. My name is Ororo Munroe. I have not decided the ideal things to post on here, but I have enjoyed glancing at some entries. I have not paid careful attention, however, which I intend to remedy in the future. As I understand it, many UC Irvine students fraternize on here. Is this the case?

Jul. 19th, 2015




I'm sure you lot have noticed the clear and sunny skies this morning. Hopefully all the missing things have been returned.

I don't post a lot on here, but Lina is was my girlfriend. She stopped the chaos and the storm from continuing but she didn't make it through.

I'll be putting together a memorial service for her, for next weekend. It'll be at [name of Indian restaurant] she would have wanted loads of food-- It's where we had our first date--. I'm renting it out for the whole day. If you knew her or were friends with her feel free to drop by. In lieu of flowers and things, she wanted any monetary contributions to go to the OC's magic guild.

Private to Booker DeWitt )

Private to Edward Elric )

Jul. 13th, 2015




Considering our fantastic luck with 'weather' (black lightning, weird energy, you know, 'normal' things), I went out to stock up on basic supplies because it couldn't hurt. I don't usually venture towards something that 'meows' often, but I found this guy hiding under a car from the storm. I became the awkward person trying to convince people in the parking lot to take it, and failed, because it's home with me.

I knew there was evil behind this.

Jul. 12th, 2015




Drink it up, people. There have been weirder things. When a freak storm always hit my parents broke out the vodka, so I'll be upholding that tradition. Happy Sunday. And don't do anything stupid in the next couple days, sheesh.

Jul. 2nd, 2015




I understand there'll be fireworks and food this weekend. I'd like to celebrate but I'm still sore about all that tea.




I'm going to get in some much trouble in these dreams. While I am definitely kicking ass and taking names I'm also doing this double agent thing. I know it's going to come and bite me in the ass. It doesn't help that I've been recruited to do this by a dear friend, whom I wish I could punch in the nose because of it. Sorry Tony, your father is a prat some days.

I must say though that I managed to make a couple of really good friends and discover a lot of crazy inventions. The item I almost wish was real in this world is a vial of Steve Roger's blood, but this world doesn't need the ability to potentially create another Super Soldier.

I really need a vacation. Someone make me go on vacation before my cousin's baby arrives.




I might not be the most patriotic person in the world but I made some July 4th goodies for the cafe. Lots of yummies ready to eat. So come, eat! I'll be open on the 4th, reduced staff so we might be a little slower. But I only put people on who wanted to work, so it worked out okay.

Booker, Cindy, Kitty, Lina, Pete, Garrus, if you're a friend: You.
I'll be cooking up food like woah for the 4th if anyone wants to pop by (Booker, you're pretty much expected since you live here) for foods - Cindy if you come by I'll be sure to have plenty of goods you can have too!

Jun. 26th, 2015




Alrighty, Valarnet, I need your sage input.

Anyone else have dreams that are done and over with, but are still experiencing physical changes? Because apparently I'm going blonde, so unless someone's been sneaking dye into my shampoo every day, I've got no other explanation.

And if someone is sneaking dye into my shampoo, I will find you. And punch you right in the intestines.

Jun. 18th, 2015



(sent earlier in the day, of course)

Filter: Fire Pit Party Pals
Given the recent developments, I'm not so certain our partying is well-timed. Then again, few things I do are ever timed properly. That is to say: would you all still like to go or perhaps postpone it for when it is I return?

Filter: Clara Oswald
Well, here's to our flight not being cancelled, eh?

Filter: Rose Tyler
Never a dull moment around here. Bit anxious for leaving now.

Jun. 12th, 2015




If anyone is ever in need of torture ideas, I've recently come to discover - thanks in part to my dreams - that getting a knotted rope swung at your balls is vastly unpleasant.

At least I've got this fantastic Omega watch to compensate for the dull ache that lingers.

May. 14th, 2015




I don't usually post about stupid articles, but apparently a Taco Bell in Chicago is going to start serving alcohol.

The amount of relevance that is to my life right now is both hysterical and unreal.

I'd go to that Taco Bell...

May. 13th, 2015




Date #1 ended with someone choking, then promptly dying on our dinner table. And actual dinner.

Date #2 involved avoiding the general public and eating at the beach, except I've unknowingly developed an allergic reaction to mangos and ended up hospitalized. Briefly.

I don't know whether to be mad or actually be impressed by my spree of unfortunate events, but that urge to shoot something still remains.

May. 10th, 2015




Oh look another year where I don't talk to my mom on mother's day. Yay.

But I did get a call from my kids the twins. I miss them terribly.

May. 6th, 2015




I have to admit that dreaming again is quite interesting. It's been a while since my last one and that one wasn't very happy, so I'm quite pleased to see my dream self enjoying her life. I mean, there's still sadness in there, but also so many things that she would never have done before. Brooklyn, NY has made an impact on her and she is slowly showing the male dominated world she works in that she's a force to be reckoned with. The 1940's is definitely a hard time for someone like her.

But on a more fun note, my cousin's baby shower is this weekend and I'm incredibly excited. I still can't believe there's going to be a new member of our family. This might even be cause for my parents to fly in when the baby gets here.

May. 2nd, 2015




shit, I got too stoned

That moment when you make an abundance of macaroni stuffed baked potatoes wrapped in bacon, and then you eat it. Like, all of it. I am, for once, genuinely concerned about my health but at the same time, regret nothing?

Does chewing on salad counter-act all that, or should I just not even try?

Apr. 30th, 2015




It's official! I'm unemployed! WHOOOOO!! Nothing like building a fort in the living room as you scan through your computer, looking for things that look interesting!

Alright, so it's sort of a lie. I'm so lax 'cause I feel like I have a good shot at a friend's company...fingers crossed!

I think part of me will miss the travel. But domestic wasn't worth seeing my friends all the time.

Watch out OC, Rose Tyler is back!

Apr. 23rd, 2015




These dreams seem to have something of a sense humour. One day, I'm waking up to find they've given me a rather nice car. The next, I've got a tracking chip embedded in my arm. To what end, I've no idea. Unless by some eerie twist, someone out there can now follow my every movement without my knowledge.

Apr. 9th, 2015




Well...today is my birthday and I've had to dodge calls from my parents since I am still of the male persuasion. I texted them to tell them that I was too busy to talk, but I'd get back to them as soon as I could.

Can this thing just be over? Not that my current body is horrible or anything, but I am so ready to be back in my body. And I think I may have to take a long vacation after all this over because I've been working from home while this is going on. At least I can look forward to that and maybe I'll convince Sharon to call my family back for me and pretend to be British.

Apr. 5th, 2015




You know what? I'm actually used to all this OC BS by now. Like, it's inevitable. I never get overlooked by the weird body changing stuff. At least I'm totally someone a little bit cool I guess.

Okay, but, bigger problem. So I guess I'm still dreaming as me? Which is a bit comforting. Except that of all people in the world to rebuild Asgard, the All Mother picked Tony Stark!? Like now I have to live in this totally cool high tech world of Asgardia constant reminder that he's a person that exists. :(

Apr. 4th, 2015




gif behind cut )

Apr. 3rd, 2015




I'm not normally the sort to shop at Hot Topic (I didn't know what it bloody was until I moved here), but I just ordered two pairs of each of these online. Because the cat stockings are just the cutest, even if the bear is a bit shifty.




So, I'm 95% sure I'm going to start looking for a new job. I actually have the next week off from flying so I thought it would be a great opportunity. And I'm willing to look at anything, so I'm sure I'll find something that will work. At least until I know what I wanna do. Years of experience in any sort of shoppe kind of helps, right?

Anyone out there looking for some extra help?

On the dream side, I feel like they've picked up. It was a bittersweet dream while I was in San Francisco. I dreamt of my dad. It was so good to see him again. And then everything went downhill from there.

Private to Jack )

Private to Daniel )

Mar. 23rd, 2015




"Feed a dog for three days and you get attached." I'm sure that could have been a thoughtful proverb if my dream!me didn't really butcher it.

I went through a cycle of the same dreams, over and over. First about a spell, then actual nightmares from the dream!self. Now there's a city I remember seeing destroyed resurrected with all its previously dead citizens in it. Also the diabolical little shit of a Hellmaster decided to possess Gourry, cover him in armor from head to toe, and then have us almost kill each other. And flare carrots, really?

Head, meet desk. I kind of preferred the dreams where I was stuck in a pink horse outfit for reasons.

This is why citizens of Orange County greet the morning with a cup of booze rather than a cup of joe most of the time.

Mar. 20th, 2015




Saint Patrick's Day--now that was brilliant fun! As I told Rose, do hope none of you went around telling the Irish 'Happy St. Patty's Day.' Quite a marvel what that day's become in this country, really.

Anyway, had a brilliant day. Solved a brilliant scavenger hunt courtesy of a one Rose Tyler, and subsequently earned a prize. Love it! Ought to keep me out of the pinstripes on a daily basis. Suppose I could just wear it instead of a henley. Pinstripes and a clever top! Oh, yes! That will be happening.

Filter: Martha Jones
My phone tells me you have got...a birthday today! Happy birthday, Doctor Martha Jones! You're brilliant.

Mar. 16th, 2015




That was a vacation I never signed up for. I owe some people a lot of drinks!

Mar. 15th, 2015




Beware the Ides of March. Here's hoping you don't get stabbed today, network.

It's also Mother's Day in the UK but I'd rather hear about where all the good St. Patrick's Day celebrations are going to be. Go on and help a fellow out?

Good god, I'm ready for new dreams where I'm not in an arranged marriage with a fairy.

Mar. 1st, 2015




Well my March schedule has come out and it seems much lighter than last month! I fly back in tomorrow and will actually be home for longer than a week! It's a miracle! And it seems right on time. Is it just me or have things finally calmed down? This calls for a celebration!

Private to Daniel )

Private to John )

Feb. 25th, 2015




Is it too early to start planning the after party? Rogue's got moonshine in the works, will most likely cook for an entire army, and we can celebrate no one we liked died. This entire thing is worthy of alcohol indulgence. Probably won't take place for a week or two, but hey! Enough time to make it awesome.

Do us a favor, OC. Try not to lose your shit so we can enjoy some downtime, got it? I will put a goddamn hole in you otherwise.

Now, I usually don't mix candy with alcohol - blech - but I'm going to get my hands on these. Booze filled chocolates. This can either be really good or really gross, but I'm all for trying things at least once.

Feb. 13th, 2015




Nothing says it's the season of love like sitting on your bathroom sink and biting on your toothbrush while your wife stitches up your arm for you. At three in the morning.

Sorry if we woke you up, Nealbear.

Now I have to figure out a way to make this bandage look sexy for my date tomorrow.

Feb. 9th, 2015




Award show hangovers are always the most interesting and I'm fully blaming my date for this one. But that was certainly one interesting Grammy's. Kayne West really needs to be seated at the back of the audience so he doesn't have enough time to run up on stage and ruin some poor person's moment.

And now I'm off to find some water to soothe this headache. Not sure what made my headache worse - the drinks or the Dreams that decided to happen last night. Can I take an aspirin to prevent those from happening anymore?




[Image behind cut! food porn]

You know, I always wondered how I'd die.

I always knew it probably wouldn't be pretty. I won't be in bed surrounded by fat grandchildren with a tub full of jell-o beside me, because by then I would have lost all my teeth and I'd have a gelatin diet. I thought I'd probably get shot. Or I'd do some epic suicide mission with a bunch of explosives strapped onto me. You know, heroic crap.

But now I know how I'm going to go. And the way I'm going to die is by eating these for breakfast for the next couple years. BEHOLD )

And I'm really, really okay with that. Just let me go the way I was meant to.