
Posts Tagged: 'ninth+doctor'

Oct. 28th, 2012



Pond! COME ALONG, POND? If you're reading this, be a dear and check in with Rory, yes?

Oct. 24th, 2012




I met Vincent Van Gogh in my dream last night. It was... what's the word the kids are using now-a-days? Epic. Absolutely epic.

Also, is there a DOCTOR in the house? I hear that's the way these things go. I'm supposed to look for him now I know who he is, right?

Oct. 20th, 2012




I don't care how ridiculous her stories are, I like Skeeter. She's the only who ever gives updates on the Cat Lady.

Oct. 9th, 2012



RSVP here for the Stark Tower Halloween party

Just leave a note, people!

Oct. 7th, 2012




Guess I should introduce myself on this thing, right? I'm Mickey Smith. I just signed up the other day. My friend Rose told me about it. There's not a whole lot to tell about myself. I work over at a mechanic shop doing oil changes and smog checks and stuff. It's pretty boring.

Oct. 5th, 2012



Tonight the last of my series on Develo-core goes out over the telly. It's my last one for at least a couple of weeks. There are some stories that I'm working on, but no leads quite yet. Which is just fine, because I have four teenagers in the house, and they are completely running me up the wall.

So glad they're in school again. Luke's even in college this year, ahead of his class. I miss him, but I've got the others to look after.

Anyway, that's a plug for my television program.

Sep. 14th, 2012



The greatest thing about Fridays is the fact that I don't have work or school today. How am I celebrating this miracle scheduling? Sitting alone in my apartment playing on the internet...

Sep. 10th, 2012



Liam Smith and Ten Who. )

Sep. 8th, 2012




[Tardis Club filter]

So Donna. Tell us about your daaaate.

Aug. 25th, 2012




You know that thing where a Dr. Phil re-run suddenly reveals that somebody's been playing you for YEARS and you were too dense to notice it up until now?

Clearly, I should have done the psych major after all.

Aug. 24th, 2012



Liam, please tell me that was another burglar breaking into your apartment last night. At three in the morning. Honestly.

Aug. 19th, 2012




I just landed a job at Bloomingdale's! It's not exactly what I wanted, but at least I'll be able to save up some money for my own place closer to everyone. Fighting for women's rights will just have to wait a bit.

Aug. 13th, 2012




Can you feel it? Life. Death. So much power. It burns.

Aug. 10th, 2012




Okay. It's official. I'm a lazy bum who does lazy bum things. I haven't even started looking for a job yet and my resume needs so much work I'm not even sure where to start. I've been so distracted working on my mad weapon and krav maga skills that I think I lost sight of what's important. Putting aside any weird things that have been happening lately, vampires aren't real. I don't need to learn how to behead one. Thanks, dreams, but I think I got this.

Now. Anyone want to hire a women's study major? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Aug. 9th, 2012



Strange happenings. Fundamental shift of human bone, muscular structure, augmenting strength and speed as well as size. Genetic modification there, I'm sure. Hm. Rapid release of growth hormones? Perhaps. No way of knowing without extensive testing.


Aug. 7th, 2012




[Private to Donna]

I quite enjoyed our adventure the other day! Joe the Handyman will have stories to tell for years.

Well, months.

Well, a few days. But they'll be good days!


[Private to Troy and Liam Smith]

It has recently come to my attention that you may be versions of me from the future or the past, relative to my own personal timeline, in an alternate reality.

How are you?


Yeah, Olympics.

They certainly are a thing. That happens. Every other year.

Aug. 6th, 2012




Who knew back to school would make my schedule busy. Everyone trying to get bachelorette parties (and a few bachelor parties) in before the end of summer. I haven't had a night off for a week. I will get a little time off this week though, so who wants to help me spend some of this extra cash?

Aug. 5th, 2012




Right, going to make something very clear.

Don't ever anyone, even if you think it's funny, ask me if I'm your mummy.

Aug. 1st, 2012



Liam? You're still out of town, aren't you?

Jul. 28th, 2012




Ohgod. It can't--

I have to go home. Hawke, I'm sorry, I have to

It's my dad.

Doct Liam, come with me.

Jul. 24th, 2012




There is not room in here for all of these things. They're going to smother me in my sleep.

Also--Donna! I told you so.

Jul. 23rd, 2012




This is all quite fascinating.

Jul. 18th, 2012



Trend of dreams correlating to reality seems to be continuing. Interesting.




Not one but two auditions this week for Disney, and they cast me as the understudy for the lead in Book of Days. Still at Hangman, too.

So if someone wants to ask me on a date, he'd better do it soon. Probably going to have a lot less free time soon.



all over the news

Strange story about Trabuco Canyon, isn't it? A polar bear? Really?

Jul. 17th, 2012




Ah, California!

It's been a while since last I paid a visit. Must have been, oh... never, but next time I visit it will have been some time since, I suppose.

Big world, can't see everything.

Where was I? Yes! California! So much to do, so little time.

Tell me, the Internet, how do you fill your time here?

Edit Oh, most people call me the Doctor, by the way. No surname necessary, just a great big "the."

Jul. 16th, 2012




I was thinking of starting a TARDIS club, for people who know what a TARDIS is, of course. We could have scones and discuss space.

And if you couldn't tell, I've been rather bored today.

I looked up your Doctor online. That one's not mine.

Jul. 7th, 2012




Doctor? What are you doing now? Probably work, eh?

Jul. 6th, 2012




I did NOT miss the fireworks.

Jul. 5th, 2012




Finally gotten my schedule back to something approaching normal, I think. Break was good for me in the long term though, I think. Perspective, and all that.

Makes it easier to let go

How was everyone's Explosion Day then? Good, I take it? Everyone still have all their fingers and toes and faces and such?

Jun. 29th, 2012




I actually have a Saturday night off. I never get Saturday night off. I guess that means I get to enjoy the night life instead of being the night life everyone enjoys. Anyone up for dancing and drinking?

Jun. 28th, 2012




This has been the longest week and I cannot wait for Friday night.

Jun. 26th, 2012



Wonderful to be back to work. Missed it. Much to catch up on.

Still wish cause of connection could be determined.

Jun. 22nd, 2012



You're Welcome

You know that low whistle you make when you're at a loss for words? How would one type that? Wooo? Hooo?

I was up all night. There's lots of stuff out there, on the internet. You know? Stuff you don't even realize. Like this lovely little number I stumbled upon in a darkened corner of the valar network.

Guys. This might be the best thing I have ever seen. I don't know who's been working on it, or if it will ever go to print, but there is no reason to ever buy another calendar ever again.

[.zip file: men of valarnet calendar] )

(ooc: All in good fun! React away! You can treat the images here like photos that were professionally taken, personal photos that were swiped, photoshopped images... Anything you like! I would have made about 100 more, but there are only 12 months this year. So if you don't see a pup you would have liked to seen in this, I'm super sorry. We'll get them next time! Obviously, this wouldn't have worked as well if I hadn't kept it a secret. But you guys like surprises, right?)

Jun. 16th, 2012




Oi, Ears. Did I just 'oi'? I don't know what to call--

Doctor Whoever-You-Are. Brilliant, Rose.

I need to talk to you.

Jun. 15th, 2012




From what I've been able to put together, I think I was very fortunate to have woken up beside my wife Monday morning. Of course, that's always a good thing.

Jun. 11th, 2012




My name is Buffy Summers and I have officially gone insane. No, I mean it. I'm crazy, but it's okay because this time crazy has company. I can't seem to get away from this doctor, but at least he's nice and is humoring me? And he's going to come with me to my last final today. And my graduation on Saturday.... because that's important.

I am strangely calm about this all things considered, but talking it out helped a lot. Lots of talking.

Jun. 5th, 2012




The shrinks must be making a killing.

May. 31st, 2012




The Ugly Cup is closing!

That's the little coffee shop I tend to do my notes at after hours. There isn't even a Starbucks or anything nearby. Shame so many little businesses can't make ends meet right now.

May. 29th, 2012




Have to say, no matter how homesick I get the weather here really can bring me right back up again. Few clouds, little rain, and low humidity? Really liking that. And the beaches. And all the handsome available men walking around on the beaches.

My name's Donna. I'm originally from Chiswick. Nice to meet you all.

May. 28th, 2012



Always find days off problematic. Boredom, lack of focus. Unpleasant. Would much rather be working.

May. 23rd, 2012



Apartment broken into last night. Television and laptop taken. Fortunately, laptop's data backed up onto cloud drive. Still, had to spend day talking to police and cleaning up broken glass. Unpleasant.

Could use distraction. Perhaps La Bohème this weekend at the LA Opera.

May. 19th, 2012



Semester officially over. Believe this calls for celebration.

May. 15th, 2012




Oh, absolutely bloody fantastic. I'm out of coffee.

That's it, every appointment is cancelled for the day. Trust me, it's for the best.

May. 14th, 2012



Have graded 77.8 percent of papers. Believe this leaves enough time for social activity. Liam, contacting you publicly to obtain peer pressure since conventional methods unlikely to be as effective. Lunch tomorrow?

May. 13th, 2012



Ah, a local network! Good for community social integration without timing inconveniences of face-to-face meetings. Also seems to have effect on honesty of posters, like most forms of anonymity. Benefits of truth outweigh risk if threat of physical confrontation lessened. Digital age has produced interesting new perspective on communication.

Still prefer talking aloud, of course. Auditory learner, need to hear to stimulate thought process. But network useful during especially busy times.