
Posts Tagged: 'lorna+dane+%28polaris%29'

Oct. 2nd, 2013




So Congress shuts down America but keeps their own paychecks?

strong language )

Oct. 1st, 2013




Lets play a game.

Biggest regret from your youth.

ETA: Silly regrets! Though serious ones are welcome too!

Sep. 26th, 2013




My name is Aang. I am a human leaf-blower.

Sep. 23rd, 2013




my eyelid won't stop twitching and my boobs hurt and i haven't slept more than twenty minutes straight in a week

pete you are never having eleven kids ever ever ever unless you make them yourself

still alive just tired

Sep. 16th, 2013




I'm so happy to have all my crazy back.




Well, the cats are back to normal. I'm sure Lara's friend Sam will be sad not to see them flying around on the webcam anymore. I'm kind of sad, too. Watching them terrorize Renji was amusing as hell. Sorry, Renji, but it's true.

Wrex is probably super happy that Doom the squirrel is no longer trying to bench press the Ranch, too.

Unrelated - Does anyone on here knit? I've got a really weird request for a knitter. I'd pay for the yarn and your time, but I'm looking for handsocks. Or something like that. A long piece of knitted tube I can slide over my wrist and arm, and part of my hand?

My skin is really sensitive so it has to be the kind of yarn that was produced by angel feathers or something, but I'm willing to pay really decently for anyone who can do this for me.

Sep. 15th, 2013




So I've been digging around after seeing an interesting vase when I was at the museum the other day. It's Grecian, and depicts a woman with hard edges, and a male figure with light coming from a single eye. Like the mythical cyclops.

When I saw it, it triggered something because I'd remembered seeing it before. It was in one of my father's old books. It's believed to date to the early 5th century B.C.E, but little else is known about it, except where it was found nearly a hundred years ago.

Your archaeological science for the day!

Sep. 12th, 2013




If half of your personality becomes another person, and that person is missing, what does that mean for the rest of me? Am I not a full person anymore? Am I half dead? I guess it's a good thing I'm not religious, bringing a soul into all of this only makes it weirder.

I feel strange. Not unemotional, but temperate, I guess. Like things that used to super bother me or get to me don't as much? And the highs I used to chase aren't appealing to me anymore. I'm focused, for once. I didn't feel this okay before the dreams, and I've never felt it since. I don't understand. I want to, but I'm not upset that I don't.

Sep. 10th, 2013




Having my persimmon trees an' the rest of the garden trying ta kill me? That sure isn't adding the fun into my birthday.

If I go out there one more time an' its still on the attack, then I'm gonna haveta level everything in one fell swoop.




I need to see a doctor. I'm not hurt or anything, I just need help managing my anxiety. Is there anyone on the network who can fit me in tomorrow?

Sep. 7th, 2013




So, I've been trying to figure out how to work with this shield, and I gotta say it's going pretty well. Except for a few broken windows. It's kinda like riding a bike? I dunno, it just feels so familiar. And it's pretty cool, so, there's that.

Sep. 6th, 2013




So I don't think I really introduced myself last time on this thing. Well, except for the cops and detectives and all in this community here (thanks guys for the help, seriously). But figured I might as well be social.

Name's Ana Lucia Cortez. I'm from NYC aka the best damn city in the US of A and I've dragged my former NYPD backside over to this coast chasing after the bastard who killed my partner and nearly offed me. Last place I expected to get the tip was from some so-called Brit rock star's heroin supplier. But here I am. Been here for nearly two months and can't find a damn lead. Had to resort to bodyguard work. Again.

'Course, I'm starting to wonder if I'm in the middle of some sorta mass therapy session here - what's with everyone talkin' about dreams and stuff?

Sep. 3rd, 2013




I've been having the same dreams for so long I forgot what new ones feel like. It's funny, but I totally forgot Sinister was even a big deal in the dreams. Don't even ask me how that happened. I guess I just didn't dream enough about him.

I don't know why he'd want to attack me, but the dream ended on a cliffhanger. Like it's the season finale of my crappy dreams and they want me to tune in.

Aug. 29th, 2013




So, has anyone ever Googled themselves and found something embarrassing on the internet?

(I don't mean porn. Though that would be pretty embarrassing.)

Because I definitely just found this from my "Finally Chuck Got A Real Job" party. And they thought they could keep this from me.

Aug. 27th, 2013




Okay, Valarnet, question time!

I know that some of you lucky folks have dreamed about having magic or superpowers and then gotten them in real life... did you know how to control them when you got them? I'm just curious, since... doesn't it take a while to learn how to handle something like that, normally?

Aug. 25th, 2013




I'm so glad things are back to normal. I'm excited to start my first week as a full time teacher at the Ranch! I didn't expect my life to go in this direction when I graduated, and it's been a crazy year, but I'm actually pretty happy with how things are. There's only one major downside, but there's nothing I could have done to avoid that.

I still wake up and wonder how I got so lucky. I have a great husband, a crazy eclectic family, and a really fulfilling job.

Aug. 26th, 2013




It seems to be the week to get pets. Meet Tsavo. She's an Ashera, which is actually a fairly new breed. I have to admit, the scientist in me wants to observe her to see how much of her wild cat lineage remains. She's fun to take on walks - that photo is of a little girl who asked for me to take a photo of her with the cat. So far, I'm very pleased.

Aug. 24th, 2013




I kind of miss going back to school time. I still get myself new pens and pencils and notebooks and this year, I got myself a freakin' steampunk iPhone dock. Yeah. That's a real thing, and the UPS person is going to bring it to me.


It's almost enough to make me wish I could enroll in a Ph.D program!

Aug. 23rd, 2013




So I don't know how to do this kind of shit, but I want to do a fundraiser and some of the kids suggested an art faire.

I'm really, really gonna need some help with that. I don't know art from the backside of a Vorcha.

Aug. 19th, 2013



The hardest thing about having a new roommate is getting used to wearing clothes all the time. And not having sex anywhere but our bedroom. Surprisingly, the roommate himself has been no trouble, he mostly minds his own business. I think he's trying to be as unobtrusive as possible so we don't kick him out. I guess we'll see how that goes once he settles in and figures out we're not jerks.

Aug. 15th, 2013




So...that happened.

I'm sure Lorna is happy to have her hubby-san back. Am I right?

Aug. 14th, 2013




My Top 10 favorite films of 2001:
10.) Joy Ride
9.) A Beautiful Mind
8.) A Knight's Tale
7.) The Fast and the Furious
6.) Hannibal
5.) The Royal Tennenbaums
4.) Moulin Rouge!
3.) Life as a House
2.) Zoolander
1.) Donnie Darko

Comment and I'll give you a year.

Aug. 13th, 2013




I'm looking forward to being a father again. For real with getting to raise them in a normal god damn life

Aug. 12th, 2013




Why is this not a thing?!

cut for image and now with correct image stupid phone )


I did not miss panic attacks when I was in Billy's body. Stupid brain. I'd like to petition for a new one, this one is clearly defective.

Aug. 8th, 2013




This week is weird even by my standards. Added to the list of things that went off, a now-dead laptop.

Fun times.

I'll be shopping for a new one soon, I guess.

Aug. 6th, 2013



Okay, being an underage boy is not fun. I feel like Chris Hanson's going to break into the house at any moment and ask me to have a seat. I'm anxious about using the bathroom, and it's not fun.

Aug. 5th, 2013




I got stuck as a bat for about twenty minutes earlier today. I flew into the mirror in the foyer because I didn't have a reflection. Suffice to say, it hurt.

Aug. 1st, 2013




I eventually did sleep last night, and yes, I did dream. This time it wasn't too bad. I had children, and I went into politics all the way to the white house. That was always a possibility, but I never really chose that in this life.

Being a single mom is a lot harder than being mayor or governor or president, mind you.

Apparently this me let the X-men run off and do their thing out in space while she worked for mutant rights back home.

I hope other mes decide that's a good idea too.

Jul. 31st, 2013




Weird kinda dreams. Only a few near death experiences. Counts for something, I guess?

Anyway. I guess I'm feelin' like it's a donut and ice cream kinda day. Or maybe the beach? I dunno. Anyone feel like hangin' out?

Jul. 29th, 2013



I learned that pigs are really, really fast today. I mean, they look lazy and stuff, but they can move if they want to.

Also, chickens are jerks. Which is why I picked up a bucket of fried chicken on the way home from work.

Jul. 28th, 2013




Alright, first things, first, I'm Roy Harper and I just moved to the area. I have an eight year old daughter, so I'm gonna need some information on elementary schools. Not only that, but I'm gonna have to start looking for a nanny or babysitter for when I'm working. If anyone could help me out with that, I'd be grateful. I never really needed a babysitter or nanny before cause my parents never minded watching Lian, but now we're not exactly close, geographically that is. So, I might need some help figuring that out. As for what I do, I'm a detective with the Huntington Beach Police. But don't think that, that means that I don't know how to have fun, because after I get settled, I'm gonna be asking around for places to go around here. Well, I guess that's all for now. Got lots of unpacking to do.

Jul. 26th, 2013




So, if anybody has a metal detector, or metal detecting skills, you should help me clean up after the firefighters' picnic "penny pickup." Because there's bound to be some coinage that the kids left in the grass.

Jul. 23rd, 2013




I feel like I ought to have something profound to say, whenever I post here, but I never do. Does that make me a terrible Avatar?

Jul. 19th, 2013




Well, Stockton was a bust. Got a little too hot for me there. Had to bail out. Fortunately, I hadn't really unpacked, so it didn't take me long to pull up roots and head on out of town.

Been on the road for a while so I thought I'd stop somewhere in Southern California. Then I overheard people talking about this network, and I have to say... you all are crazy. Can I join in?

Jul. 9th, 2013



Is it always going to come down to a no win scenario? That's the thing I hate the most about the dreams, how mo matter how hard we try, or how much we fight the only thing we can do is choose the smaller of two evils. Everything always has to end with death.

I didn't even know her that well, not here. I don't know why I can't stop crying Nobody should ever have to make that choice, especially not after the dreams she must have dreamed.

I can't pretend it's never going to touch me, anymore. I can't keep hiding from the inevitable. If it always comes down to the same things in all universes, I can't run from who and what I need to become, and the things that I hope I'll never have to do, but almost certainly will.

I guess in the end it really is true. With great power comes great bullshit.

Jul. 5th, 2013




Hi! My name is Hyun-ae, and I just got pointed to this network, and I wanted to say hi. So hi!

Jul. 3rd, 2013



I could have lived my whole life without that dream. I mean, objectively it's not as bad as Genosha was (I hope nothing will ever be worse than that), but this was still one of the top five horrible dreams I could possibly have.

I'm not even excited to have my powers back, that dream wasn't worth it.

Jul. 1st, 2013



My first day back at work and most of what I did was wish I had the ability to help teenagers stop freaking out. Thank you, Orange County, for yet another fun filled adventure, I'm sure the therapy sessions for this will be as amazing as always.

I'm pretty much never going to stop smoking, I really should just embrace that and find better vices to give up.

Jun. 26th, 2013




I grew up in Portland, Maine, but somehow, I never became aware of the North American Wife Carrying Competition that was annually held in Newry, about two hours away. Apparently a couple wins the wife's weight in beer, and five times her weight in cash.

I do accept that that's a substantial weight of cash. It might be the only sport I can see a point in, though I'm not sure I'd try it myself. ... I mean, I have no wife, but still.




Why is it that everyone seems so genuinely surprised at whatever fresh hell this place dishes up? I've barely lived her a month and I'm already jaded.




My mother rung me up and I had to remind her that no, I'm still not going to get married, even if I can marry 50% more of the population now.

Jun. 23rd, 2013




I leave for eight months and when I come back it's just in time to get bitched out in real english by my cats. Why the hell does Doom sound like Samuel L Jackson?

The more things change, the more Orange County stays the same, I guess.

Jun. 21st, 2013




Everyone mark your calendars! July 13th we're going to have a Gala Party at Baxter Bakery. If you're a local artist who would like to display artwork at the event, or if you're a local musician who would like to play, please comment below and contact me!

Also at Baxter Bakery, one of my employees has decided that we need to have a sandwich called "The Audrey"... if you think you have good ideas what "The Audrey" might be, please fill out a form and drop it in the box! We'll vote on the best sandwich at the Gala!

Thanks for your time!

Jun. 14th, 2013



I have a question that I'm hoping this fine network can help with. Now that school is done for the semester, I've done the math and realised that I might need a summer job. I can't do much that isn't associated with campus - I do have a student visa - but I wondered if anyone, especially someone whose business is plants or nature - might need some summer help?

Jun. 13th, 2013



So if Alex and I were to theoretically find some place cold enough to still have snow and possibly maybe provide some transportation (by which I mean Scott please let us borrow the plane I swear we'll give it back with a full tank of gas), would anyone stand around and watch some poor guy freeze his butt off while he marries us?

Did I mention there will be free food? I think I should mention the free food. And hot drinks.




I miss them already. Beth and Alma and Elise. I know they're safer where they are, and I can 'skype' them, whatever that is, but it's not the same. Almost wish I could go with them, but I got a lot of kids I got to take care of here, too. The Ranch is too important.

Maybe next time I'll adopt a kid a little younger so I can hold on longer.

Jun. 12th, 2013




It's weird, being out at sea and just enjoying myself. I'm used to working a lot, and this rest thing is slow to catch on. I think I startled the cruise ship staff by actually using the gym room, which apparently not a lot of people did, recently.

And of course, there's the weird thing, I still have no powers. Whatever changed back there in the OC, my powers are still gone, utterly. And I don't miss them one bit. Sure, yeah, it's weird, but... nope, I don't miss them. I hated those power, with a burning passion.

Jun. 7th, 2013




I'm confused. My cards ain't workin' - I can't charge no magic.

But at the same time, I can see! No more stupid color blind, no more ugly eyes. I hate the eyes.

Anybody else havin' problemes like this?




Seems like there's a lot of fuss going on, a lot of people being affected by yet another 'weird happening'. I hope everyone find themselves okay, in it. Times like this are when everypony should stand together to help one another.

Filtered to Pony Dreamers and their loved ones )