
Posts Tagged: 'jeremy+gilbert'

Jan. 17th, 2020




You know what? I’m blaming Percy for this. Somehow this is his fault and as soon as I can figure out exactly how? I’m calling him to blame him. I woke up this morning and the my damn sword from the Dreams was leaning against the front of Cesare’s bed. I’m glad that for whatever reason he decided in his little doggy brain that he wanted to sleep in the bed with Will and me and cuddle last night. He normally doesn’t like to be that close at night.

The sword doesn’t look like Riptide. Or any sword that I’ve ever seen. Not even in one of Father’s movies. It’s all black. And I don’t mean the blade is painted black. It’s black metal. Not dark gray. BLACK. And was sharp as hell when I tested the blade. And immediately got chewed out by my boyfriend for cutting my palm on the blade when I “didn’t know where it had been”. He didn’t seem to like my response of “in my dreams” - pre-med is making him not appreciate my sarcasm anymore. Either that, or the fact that just touching the handle seemed to drain him as much as it scared me, and that’s what caused him to frown at my response. I’m going to stick with blaming it on pre-med though. Worries me less

I don’t even want to know what touching it would do to either of the dogs. Although when I showed it to Hazel it didn’t do anything to her when she touched it, so have fun figuring that one out. I wonder if I can find a sword mount with same day delivery on Prime so that I can get it out of Ziggy and Cesare’s reach before I have to go to class.

Jan. 9th, 2020




I think it's safe to say between a gun turning up, dreaming about somebody I know being bitten by a snake and dying in front of my eyes because we have literally no infrastructure to deal with shit like that and then carrying her body back into town I am feeling super crappy right now.

I'll be in my bunk.

Lights off.

Just no, fuck these dreams.

Dec. 10th, 2019




My dog is insane. It's safe to say that Dragon loves the snow. I can hardly get him in the house cause all he does when we get back from a walk is want to roll around in it and try and catch it in his mouth as it falls.

Dec. 8th, 2019




You know, there are days where I feel like I'd be better off sticking my leg into a trash compactor and waiting for it to devour me whole than speak to another person whose ex "spitefully" put their car in to be destroyed and wants it back.

Sorry dude, that was crunched three days ago. Take it up with your lawyer and leave us out of it.

Also, snow? Seriously? Global warming really is gonna just eradicate us by the end of the century or whatever.




I thought cliff jumping was fun, turns out a full on cop chase and going over a cliff in Tyler's car in a Thelma and Louise type deal with three of my closest friends is definitely way more fun.

Amazing what power can do when it's combined.

Also, Caleb, I totally met the dude (Aaron) at the party and I do not feel bad about the whole puking thing.

Nov. 29th, 2019




I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving!! Now begins my favorite part - leftover turkey sandwiches, yum!! Nothing beats toasted bread, mayo, cranberry, and turkey. It's so good.

I also made sure to pick up a few toys for donations while I was out and about doing some Black Friday shopping. I'm definitely glad I didn't need any door busters because I am not someone that enjoys standing in lines for a long period of time, so I went out a bit later and made sure to put my earbuds in.

Nov. 22nd, 2019




Watching yourself as a teenager flirt with a girl you don't know in real life is super awkward especially when the dreams shift into you getting a phone call in the middle of the night from your boyfriend in real life. It didn't help that I also had to watch myself make out with said girl in the car.

So, not only is someone using powers that they shouldn't be I've also got to deal with becoming "friends" with the new kid Chase. Apparently his parents gave a lot of money to the school and I get to be his new bestie by order of the Provost. But all that pales in comparison to the creepy ass "darkling" that keeps appearing. You haven't lived until a spirit of a dead kid watches you while you sleep.

Nov. 12th, 2019




So my dreams just gifted me with camping gear so I'm thinking this has definitely got to happen.

Anybody else a fan of camping who might want to come along?

Nov. 9th, 2019




Dream me if fallen in love with everyone, she really loves love or loves the fact people love her. She's an adorable manipulative psychopath always on the run.

It was a late night with work, you'd think my dreams could have waited a few hours before waking me up.

I need coffee.

[Elena and Jeremy]

Wanna go to see a movie tomorrow?

Oct. 31st, 2019




Tomorrow me and Dragon are giving out candy so I went and got costumes for us. He's less than impressed with it, but come tomorrow night when he's getting a ton of attention from all the kids, he's gonna be fine.

Oct. 22nd, 2019




Started EMT training earlier this month. It's funny, all my life the last thing I really wanted to do was anything medical related; my dad was a doctor, but recently I'd started thinking about it and while I don't want to be a doctor, I want to be able to help people so I thought being an EMT would be a good alternative. I don't know if it's the random invasions that happen here or if it has anything to do with my Hunter abilities, but here I am. Hopefully I'll pass all my classes.

Oct. 12th, 2019




So my dad bit it in my dreams.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Oct. 1st, 2019




I never really consider myself a physical person, like, ever. I mean I hated sports when I was younger, hard to play anything with the coke goggles I used to have to wear (thank fuck for contact lenses) but ever since moving out here I've found that running first thing in the morning actually helps to clear my head.

That and yoga.

It helps that the instructor's nice.

Sep. 13th, 2019




So, I'm a vampire the things you find out when you almost bite someone thanks to this craziness, but now it's Friday the 13th and a harvest moon and I'm starting to feel a little weird.

Is a werewolf vampire actually a thing? I feel like I'm in a horribly written YA novel and some sparkly vampire and jorts wearing werewolf are going to show up and fight for my love.

I think I might have to find a place to hide out because I don't want to hurt anyone if I end up turning... I hate this!

Sep. 10th, 2019




While everyone is sharing their random powers - every time I think of an item it moves. And no, that's not something I can do in the dreams.




So if I'm understanding the network correctly people with powers are now powerless and those without powers are powered?

Is this a normal run of the mill occasion in the OC?

It's fascinating and I'd really love to talk to some of the people affected for my blog and podcast.

Aug. 28th, 2019




So I guess yesterday was like National Dog Day and I was going to share a picture of Dragon, but I never ended up finding the time. So, it's a day late, but this is Dragon and I'm so grateful to my ex for letting me keep him when we broke up.

Dragon )

I also signed up for EMT training that starts in October. I'm looking forward to finally having a plan for my life.

Aug. 14th, 2019




I hadn't had any new dreams for months before Caroline and I went to New York earlier this month, and now I've had two since I came back. It's almost like the County is punishing me for going on vacation.

I'm really not loving these new ones, by the way. I might have started off like an asshole in the first set and in real life, but at least I tried to get better. But in my new dreams, the person I became better for is almost as terrible as I am. So much for trying to improve myself, I guess.

Aug. 12th, 2019




I need these in my life. Like, right now.

Aug. 11th, 2019




Sucks to wake up lamenting an event that isn't occurring here. Here, in the real world. It only exists in the dreams. But damn. That drive in closing down and getting razed feels...crazy as it sounds, it feels personal. Like, I woke up with a brick on my chest. Not a nice feeling.

And hey, my dad showed up in the dreams. Just as much of a jerk as he actually is. So there's that.

Aug. 7th, 2019




Living through my crappy childhood was bad enough the first time round but now the dreams are doing a groundhog day and just circling me back around.

Looking forward to when the cool stuff starts happening.

Jul. 15th, 2019




So, I know some people don't have summer classes but I do and my first one's at 9am but I've had no sleep because the person living next to me held something like a drum and bass concert last night and it didn't finish until about an hour ago and now I'm not even sure a dozen coffees is enough.

I wish I could just magic myself awake. That'd be awesome.

Jul. 7th, 2019




Okay I'm calling bullshit on my DuoLingo app. Because of a glitch in their network my 93 day streak gets wiped out and in order for me to restore it I have to buy into their premium app? No. Hell no. It's not the money because my parents don't care what I buy but I shouldn't have to pay for the company's fuckup.

Jul. 2nd, 2019




Finally graduated high school in my dreams!

And my boyfriend can now return to town.

Of course there was a lot of insanity that happened around graduation but at least it ended on a good note!

Jun. 27th, 2019




Today is National PTSD Awareness today. For those of us living with PTSD, know that we aren't alone and there is no shame in having it. There is help available, but most importantly, we are not weak because we have PTSD. We are strong for having survived the trauma we suffered. Though I know that it doesn't always feel that way.

Jun. 18th, 2019




Alright. It looks like some of your dreams have just stopped? But how did you know they were done?

I haven't had a new one in months, but it felt like mine were just getting started.

May. 20th, 2019




I played Super Mario Bro 3 last night and I now can't get their little game music out of my head. Nothing seems to work to make it go away.

May. 19th, 2019




Saturday nights at the restaurant are probably the worst night. I was on the bar tonight and people seem to think I can make four drinks at once. If I'm helping one person you have to wait until I'm done. How hard is that to understand? Then one guy insisted that I didn't make his drink right and that he should get another one for free. Granted, this was after he drank it. Sorry, but you're not getting a free drink after drinking the first one completely.

I'm beginning to think that I should start looking for another job.

May. 15th, 2019




Sunday, Mare and I did our annual Mother's Day visit by visiting Mary Alice's grave. I dread the day when she gets old enough to ask me why her mother isn't here.

May. 7th, 2019




Honestly - I'm surprised that Zelda didn't bring one of the Porgs home with her from the park while they were here. But it's probably for the best because I'm pretty sure we aren't allowed any more pets in our apartment and I don't even know what we'd feed a Porg if we had one.

May. 5th, 2019




I'm going to just go ahead and try to get ahead of as many people as I can who are going to ask this - no margaritas are not half off at Fangtasia in celebration of Cinco de Mayo. Please do not come in and bother my bartenders to give you a discount for the holiday. I really don't want to have to toss anybody out on their ass tonight if I don't have to.

May. 3rd, 2019




I need some suggestions on where's a good place to buy a bed and mattress. Now that Dragon has decided he'd rather sleep on my bed, with me, instead of the dog bed I bought him, it's getting pretty crowded. It'd be one thing if he slept at the foot of the bed, but he's decided that he likes sleeping next to me and he's not a small dog either.

Apr. 26th, 2019




You know, I'd wondered why the insurance on my place was so high, I mean, it's a fancy place, sure, but when my dad told me how much things cost (a well played guilt trip to ensure I don't mess things up, for sure) my jaw hit the ground.

But now I'm kinda getting it. I didn't realise earthquakes tremors could do this.

So, with that said, is there a place that makes durable furniture for dealing with these things?

Apr. 18th, 2019




I woke up covered from head to toe in blood.

My dreams...I...

Mar. 31st, 2019




I can't believe tomorrow is April 1st. Where did the last three months go? I know everyone says stuff like this throughout the year, but seriously, if feels like the year just started. It's gonna be half over before we know it. I think this summer I need to find a new hobby or something.

Mar. 17th, 2019




I've had more dreams about this Rosewood town. But hey, at least this time I woke up in my own bed. Even if I did suddenly get an owl shaped flash drive from said dreams.

Mar. 7th, 2019




My mom was pretty upset at me for bailing on her so soon after dad died, but we've been having dinner together pretty often since I managed to get my head on straight. We've been talking a lot, and I don't think she's handling living in that huge house by herself very well.

So, I've decided to move back home. At least for a little while. Me and my mom were never close growing up, but I think that'll change now that Dad's not around. I don't want to give up my apartment, especially since I'm so close to owning it outright now. Does anyone want to sublet it for cheap? Decent location, fully furnished.

Feb. 18th, 2019




It's so strange being back in the house I grew up in. I mean, I've been back here to see Elena, of course, but now I'm living here again and it's just so strange. Dragon is also getting used to living in a new house. I can tell that he's still trying to find Myrcella, but he's also taking to Elena and Katherine pretty well, which is good cause it's made this whole move easier on him.

Jan. 15th, 2019




Ya know... Just when I thought my dreams were finally done... No, I get a new one. Least it's just one... And it seems my dreams wanted to remind me of my fucking attack, thanks for that by the way. So picking up with me in the hospital I woke up to go shower, and suddenly my hair starts falling out and when I look to the drain it's covered in water and hair and when I reach down, a fucking hand reaches out to grab me. Obviously, I scream and apparently I took off for two days.

When Stiles and the Sheriff found me, I was walking dazed and confused int he woods... Naked mind you. Went back to school that following day just to have all the school hear about what happened to me and stare at me. It's okay, I walked in like a boss, head held high and went about my merry way.

Still, that just means that I woke up in the actual fucking woods with my throat hurting from screaming I guess.

Jan. 8th, 2019




If this werewolf costume that showed up in my bedroom this morning is any indication, my new set of dreams have one hell of a sense of humour. Too bad I'm still a massive dickbag in them though.

Dec. 3rd, 2018




I've never been so damn cold. It's pretty, but also so much cold. My short sleeved self was very unprepared. I didn't realize this was a thing at this elevation?...wait. This is an O.C. thing isn't it?

Dec. 2nd, 2018




I think that if anyone loves the snow most, it's Dragon. When he noticed it, he ran to the kitchen door and started barking until we let him out. He then proceeded to roll around in it for like ten minutes straight. This is clearly his favorite time of year.

Nov. 30th, 2018




Did you know that if you lock your keys in your car and a locksmith comes out and pops the lock for you, you can submit the receipt to your insurance company to get reimbursed?

I do now.

And I'm kicking myself for all the money I could have saved if I'd saved those damn receipts every time I locked myself out of the damn car.

(OOC: I actually found this out myself this afternoon after locking my own key in the car.)

Nov. 29th, 2018




Here's a fun fact: Human beings put a man on the moon before we put wheels on luggage.

Another interesting fact: The people in my dreams can literally teleport anywhere in the world, and yet they still think that tying a letter to an owl and sending it off is the most reliable way to deliver the post.

Nov. 18th, 2018




So, I've heard that a lot of people have weird dreams here. I gotta ask, do you actually feel the pain? Get the scars? What about if you're turned into...something else?

Nov. 14th, 2018




Had another dream. I can handle the high school stuff and the lacrosse game stuff, but digging up half of a body of a dead girl is a bit much. I really hope I don't have nightmares about it.

Please tell me you're not busy right now.

Oct. 29th, 2018




Whatever is going on, I wish it would stop. The microwave keeps burning my food to a crisp. I can't text on my phone because it either makes the text backward, upside down or deletes whatever I wrote whenever I push send. The fridge keeps spitting ice out at me every time I go into the kitchen. And I swear my PS4 is laughing at me everytime I fuck up in a game.

Oct. 17th, 2018




I think I've joined the Dream bandwagon. I don't like it. I don't want to dream about some weird town, high school, and werewolves.

Also, has anyone ever had something show up from their dreams?

Oct. 15th, 2018




So, new apartment, new job, new city. It's been a while since I hung out in The O.C. what's new folks?

Oct. 13th, 2018




That feeling when you get halfway home before you realize that you never turned on your headlights. I'm just glad I didn't pass any cops. That wouldn't have been good.