
Posts Tagged: 'eren+jaeger'

Dec. 14th, 2019




So, got my first ever write up at work.

I don't know if all bakeries are the same, but for ours? Large orders require an ID. That way if anyone wants to change it, we can match it and make sure it's our actual customer trying to change it. Apparently there have been issues in the past. So that is just our policy. No ID, we can't change it. That is just how it is

The Karen I dealt with today didn't like that I wouldn't take her word that she was the bride and wouldn't entirely change the size, flavor, and style of a wedding cake for her without trusting she was who she said she was. She kept saying she didn't have her ID on her. It was in her other purse. She didn't drive here so she didn't need it. That I was invading her privacy and this was awful customer service.

Finally she told me to bite her ass. I informed her I didn't have my rabies shots yet and I was sure she tasted awful anyway. So she complained to the manager.

...Does a write up still count if the person giving it is trying not to crack up at the same time?

Nov. 5th, 2019




I didn't make it into the internship program over the summer, so I've been working extra hard so that I can get into it next semester. Journalism is just an incredibly competitive field, so the only thing that I can do is just to keep trying harder. This is all I've wanted since ninth grade. And I'm up against so many other people that also have wanted this since whatever grade.

I've always been able to stubborn my way through whatever problems, though.

In less stressful news, I have a giant rabbit and a pug both trying to occupy the same space in my lap at the same time, and there's something very relaxing about being this loved.

Oct. 23rd, 2019




Winie is settling in really well here. After a few nights of sleeping in different rooms throughout the house I think she's decided on the room across from mine as hers. I'll just have to move some of the furniture out of there to storage for her.

I think I'm going to have to skip coming by the club tonight. I'm just not feeling like myself. My emotions are just all over the place and I think I'm starting to turn. I had to give my maid the rest of the week off because all I could think about was what her blood would taste like so I think this is the only solution that will keep me from not losing control.

You should come hang out with Winie and I the next time you have a day off. Not tonight but soon.

Oct. 21st, 2019




There’s a jigglypuff on my snorlax chair that keeps bitchslapping me everytime I try to catch it in a pokeball. Eren….I need you to come home and catch it for me. And Mopsy doesn’t like the new litter pan so she dumped it in the food. And Pan won’t let me up to go make more tea.

Oct. 17th, 2019




What in the actual hell? Seriously? Someone tell me that there’s some weirdass tradition in California of pranking waitresses by accusing them of trying to hit on your boyfriend by asking what he’s ordering. Because if not? This girl I waited on today needs a serious reevaluation of her relationship. And possibly her sanity because she went OFF on me for asking what he wanted to order. I had a moment where I thought she was actually going to physically attack me with her coffee mug and no thank you. I don’t care if it has been sitting in front of you long enough that it’s not scalding anymore. I don’t want your coffee all over me.

Also if you are that damn concerned about your boyfriend cheating that you think he might hook up in the back of a diner with a waitress at noon? First - fuck you for thinking so little of someone you’ve never even met before. Second - why are you going to keep seeing someone you CLEARLY don’t trust? Have some damn self respect and ditch him. Or quit attacking waitresses and calling them sluts when they ask “And for you sir?” Because A)They’re just doing their JOB and B) no one wants spit in their food. I wouldn’t do that but I know some servers who would.

Oct. 12th, 2019




I guess Mom's been deep cleaning where we keep the holiday things, because I just got a package full of some of my old Halloween costumes, minus I guess the more special ones, and the things I made in school. Which means I'm finally old enough, I guess, that their junk has become my junk. Am I supposed to hold on to this? Dispose of it to save Mom and Dad the guilt of doing it themselves? Call my sister and ask if she, also, received her own box of junk, and discuss what to do with it? Do I expect more of this in the future? No one told me about this part of adulthood. I live in an apartment, we don't have room for more of this.

Sep. 17th, 2019




Why is it so hard for people not to be creeps. You don't need to stare at someone as you drive by and then have to turn your attention back to the road, only to pull into a parking lot they're going by and just STAY there and seem to wait around and watch for what direction they're going and then pull out when it seems you've figured it out and show up where they're heading.

It's just..ugh.

Today is already fucked up, seriously the last thing I needed to deal with
Unless its

Sep. 6th, 2019




Armin and I are pretty good about sharing and rotating chores. And tonight was my turn to make dinner. Since we both had classes and work, I figured the slow cooker was probably the best idea. And I came home when I had a break between classes to get everything ready. Had just enough time to prepare all of it plus fix myself a sandwich before heading back to campus. But...

I forgot to actually plug it in.

I just got off the phone with the delivery place while my fiance's still laughing his ass off in the background.

Aug. 30th, 2019




I swear that the most annoying thing about google is how it remembers everything you ever searched, and you keep getting ads on facebook related to things you looked up for school months ago. I mean it's not as creepy as when it gives me things I've been talking about and haven't searched for at all, but it's still very annoying.

Aug. 28th, 2019




I had wondered why a lot of you seemed to be so invested in your dreams, but I think I've figured it out. I'm generally pretty good at remembering my dreams, but this one felt more like a memory than anything else. It wasn't anything special, just a conversation with my mother which I'm sure I must have had here when I was a kid too, except we were living in Roswell, New Mexico (yes, that Roswell).

It was actually really nice. I miss having conversations like that with her.




I'm glad we got to take a vacation before we had to go back to classes, and I'm really glad Armin's grandad loaned us the money. He insisted it was a gift, but I'd feel really bad about not paying him back. He already does so much for us... And I'm glad V petsat for us while we were on the other side of the country. Although from some of the pictures she texted us? I'm pretty sure we owe her new houseplants. And a phone charger. I should have warned you about Mopsy...

Aug. 19th, 2019




Man, this chick who ran my bar while I was in prison handled it all so well I think I might retire from the business and just sell her the place.

And yeah, I did just say prison. Behold, the infamous dunkin donuts truck stealer. I did that shit while I was still in a wheelchair. You guys have to at least semi respect those skills, right?

Hey Pidge, I promise I don't steal anymore so please don't ban me from yours.

Aug. 8th, 2019




Only heard about Flemish giants from Eren a little while back, but they're so cool! They're rabbits the size of medium sized dogs.

Let's just pretend he totally spammed tons of Flemish giant bunnies here )

Gotta go to work. Later!

Jul. 20th, 2019




I can't believe that there is seriously a meme about everyone just up and storming Area 51. I mean, you're right, they can't stop all of us. I agree. If there is actually a big enough turn out, it would be really hard to stop us all. I mean, quite a few people are going to get killed doing that, and do you really want to be the idiot that dies for a meme?

Now if you really wanted to take that sentiment of "they can't stop all of us"... maybe turn it towards something that would actually be worth it. Maybe towards protesting the actual child concentration camps? Take that energy and put it towards something that actually fucking matters.

Jul. 16th, 2019




Lucky the library is already open. Anyone know a website for jobs? I've been putting out physical applications, and now have to apply for a lot of places online. A lot of stuff is done online these days, huh? Haven't really been out here since 2014, and now this.

Online's really not my thing. But gotta get a job. I'd appreciate help.

[Edited 7:35am.]

My name is Setsuna Mudou, btw. Call me Mudou.

Jul. 2nd, 2019




I have a special treat for you this Saturday. You will not want to miss it. An auction will be held at Lux at midnight to win a date with yours truly. One night only. Dinner and a show…the definition of a show could be I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. So save your pennies, darlings. Bidding begins at midnight and ends when the gavel falls. And oh yes, the proceeds will go to a charity of your choice.

Jun. 24th, 2019




I am so mad right now. There's a girl back home that, on Mikasa's and mine recommendations, took over a lot of our duties at Mom's bakery when we left for college. We trained her, she always seemed like she was doing really well and customers loved her. We really thought she would help fill the gap both of us leaving at once left Mom with.

So she's going to college soon herself, and when she put her two week notice in? Her personality did a complete 180. She apparently found out that places can't fire you after you put a notice in, because it's considered retaliation. And she decided to use that to be rude to customers and employees and just sit around on the clock without doing much of anything. She even started on personal insults to one of the women that's worked with Mom for ages, and when she refused to respond to those? She pulled up facebook and started in on her children. What the fuck is wrong with her?

I know it's been years since I recommended her but... I still feel really, really guilty. Mom went ahead and stayed for the closing shift her last day to make sure she took her key from her, and she's having all the locks changed now, just to be safe. If she was like this before her last day, who knows what she's going to do after, you know?

Jun. 21st, 2019




The government is arguing that it doesn't need to give soap or toothbrushes to detained children.

They need to step back and see the key word out of that sentence, bloody hell.

They are children!

Jun. 19th, 2019




I really fucking hate some of the adults in my Dreams. Just because they don’t understand how Eren was able to come back from the Titan, how he was eaten and then we pulled him out of a completely different Titan whole - arm and leg that he’d lost replaced, even - the military wants to execute him. And Mikasa and I along with him because we’re trying to defend him. Just as they’re about to fire, Eren transforms himself into part of a Titan and protects us inside his ribcage from the cannonballs. I hope Pan will forgive me for accidentally throwing him off the bed when I woke up at that sound.

May. 27th, 2019




I Dreamt about that Titan again last night - the one that was fighting the others - only this time my Dreamself figured out a way we could use his aberration to our advantage. Everybody was blocked in at HQ so Conny, Mikasa and I lured the strange Titan there, and he started kicking the ass of the Titans that were attacking it while we went inside and assessed the situation there as best we could. I didn’t see him go down but he was only instead of disappearing the way they always do it kind of...crumpled I guess? And as it did, I saw Eren there in it’s neck. Just kind of unconscious, like he’d worked himself to exhaustion somehow. We got him out of there and he’s...whole. The arm he lost grew back. I don’t know what’s going on there, none of it makes sense but...he’s back in my Dreams. And he’s here with me. So that’s good right? Even if I don’t understand how?

May. 23rd, 2019




I guess we're going to have to get a bigger hutch sooner than we had planned on. And from now on, if the pet supply store is having an adoption fair, I'm going for whatever we need, or at least not sending Armin on his own. Not that I can really blame him, they do have the saddest looking eyes. But ...still.

Anyway, meet Mopsy. And yes, this is how he tried to sneak her in.

Unfiltered, cut for space only )

May. 20th, 2019




So when I mentioned to Granddad that Eren and I were getting to replace one of our living room chairs I wasn't trying to get him to buy us one, although it was a really nice surprise to come home to a new chair today after work. And I really can't be at all mad at Granddad picking it out without discussing it with us when what he picked is this. Pan, Flopsy and I spent our time cuddling on it while Eren made dinner.

May. 17th, 2019




Well I guess it's nice to know that even in the Dreams, my dad had the same reaction to me getting a job as a journalist. "Oh God" and needing a drink. And that no matter where you are, there will always be that person who is meant to mentor you that wants absolutely nothing to do with it. In a world of people with abilities, it's nice to have that normal. Or something.

May. 16th, 2019




I'm not sure when being in sales and being responsible for the word of mouth market came into play but here we are.

I'm Nebula, I work at No Rest For Bridget in Newport Beach (although we're in Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa too) and I've been newly tasked with our online and social media brand and this was one of the recommendations. T_T KMN.

And to make this less of an ad and more relatable, what are some of your customer service nightmares?

May. 15th, 2019




Who wants to go with me to Vegas this weekend?

New Work asked me to start early by going to the Tribology and Aerospace Applications convention. I got an extra ticket. You get to learn about the amazing advances in aeronautical lubricants, applications, and see on site demonstrations.

Lubricants. Lubricants. Lubricants.

May. 11th, 2019




Since I haven't heard of any weird Orange County fuckery happening today... I'm going to guess the reason I came home from work to the entire apartment complex's mailboxes on the ground and the wood all broken has absolutely nothing to do with the weather and absolutely everything to do with them being original to the buildings?

May. 10th, 2019




And some of our neighbors think I'm spoiled and entitled because Father pays the rent and my bills while I go to school. At least I don't think that I have some kind of claim on laundry room usage for our building and that I'm doing everyone a huge favor by allowing them to use the machines like the guy I ran into down there this afternoon when I was starting a load. One machine already in use so I'm loading the other one when this guy comes in and starts giving me a bunch of shit about how he guesses he'll just have to be okay with waiting to use the machine while I'm still loading the one I'm using. All the whole he's coming closer and trying to peek into the machine to see how much I'm putting in there, like he's going to ask if he could dump some of his own things in there or convince me to let him go first or something.

I looked at him and told him yeah he was going to have to wait. Because I got down there first and was already loading the machine. And actually I think I was being pretty nice about the whole thing, for me at least, by not telling him to just fuck off. But when he got pissed and started talking about how he's always having to wait for the machines because other people are always using them. Which it's a community laundry room - what do you expect? Them to clear it with you before doing their laundry? Get over yourself. I've met actors on Father's film sets that were less full of themselves than this guy.

Which he didn't seem to enjoy me telling him. Or my telling him that if he feels that strongly about not wanting to wait for a machine to be available to buy a house with it's own laundry room or get a washer/dryer installed in his apartment. The complex we live in them has them. You can get one put in and your rent will go up each month by like 50 bucks. I looked into it a couple months ago. I spend less than that each month going down to the laundry room and using the machines.

May. 7th, 2019




Honestly - I'm surprised that Zelda didn't bring one of the Porgs home with her from the park while they were here. But it's probably for the best because I'm pretty sure we aren't allowed any more pets in our apartment and I don't even know what we'd feed a Porg if we had one.

May. 3rd, 2019




So twitter finally made an algorithm to keep nazi propaganda off of their site and ban people that post it. ...but they are refusing to implement it because it would deplatform too many politicians. I don’t know, to me that sounds exactly like the kind of people that should be deplatformed.

At the same time, it looks like Verizon is selling Tumblr, because traffic went down 33.3 percent after they decided to ban nsfw artwork and make LGBTQ issues impossible to search for. It's almost like doing both those in a mostly fannish and LGBTQ space was a bad idea. Who possibly could have seen that coming?

How did the people in charge of both these sites even get hired?

Apr. 23rd, 2019




I don’t know what Eren was thinking when he handed me the necklace to put my ring on a few months ago. He should have known that I wasn’t ever giving him back that key. It’s caused so many questions in our dreams and with it showing up here? He’s not getting it back. If he ever finds the door it fits I want to be there when he goes in.

Apr. 18th, 2019




I had another weird dream about being fighting people naked. Who are also naked. Which is something that the psychology department would have a field day with, I’m sure. But then ...the dream shifted. I was losing this weird nude kickboxing tournament and collapsed. And then all of a sudden Armin and Mikasa are there, holding me to their chests and crying with Armin holding my hand, our fingers intertwined. I’m back in the Dream world, but that isn’t possible? I died in them. Got eaten by one of the titans. I really don’t understand how I’m dreaming about it now.

When I woke up, my 3dmg, the gear we swing from buildings and trees with as well as fight the titans with, was at the foot of the bed.

I really don't understand what's going on. Can you ...undie in the Dreams?

Apr. 11th, 2019




George seemed a little down so we took her to the vet. They said she was fine. But she’s not. She’s not acting like herself. So I started doing some research online, and everything was pointing towards she needed more socialization. Now Eren and I play with her all the time. Her and Flopsy both actually. And they play together in and outside of their hutch so I didn’t really understand how that could be the case. Until I came across this article about an organization in Seattle that organizes what are basically bunny play dates for bunnies and their owners so that the bunns can play and get to know one another. Anybody know of anything like that out here? Or anybody who’d be interested in starting something like that here?

Apr. 2nd, 2019




On one hand, thank you and no thank you to Tumblr for their April Fool's joke this year for reminding me of my middle school posts with the memories feature. On one hand, it was cool to see posts I hadn't seen for years in fandoms and interests I haven't thought about forever. On the other hand... 14 year old me. That's all I can say about that.

I did kind of like it, but I hate that it was for a joke and won't stick around. Much like the one they did a few years ago that had spreadsheets people turned into art or memes and things. They come out with some really cool things for their April Fools day pranks that would be wanted and useful, and the rest of the year they decide to ban nipples and make LGBTQ tags unsearchable.

I swear, next year their prank will be to make a functional website for a day.

Apr. 1st, 2019




Nazi vampires. Because of course, why not. I can't even act like I'm all that surprised. But seriously?

Mar. 29th, 2019




There are days where I really wish I lived closer to my dad so that I could smack my brothers upside their heads. Or at the very least that their mom would warn me that the boys are around when we’re talking on the phone and they’re overhearing our conversation. Or maybe she and dad should just take their credit cards away for a few days because I got a surprise from them - some new lipsticks since I told their mom I needed to go buy some. Nice gift right? That’s what I thought too until I opened them up and saw that they were shaped like penises.

Mar. 28th, 2019




Well this is going to be a very fun conversation for me with campus security. My dad is insisting that I find out what I need to be allowed to have my gun on campus. It's licensed, I have a permit and I know how to shoot. I just don't think that in a sorority house which I swear has to be filled with more than our share of airheads with girls who didn't have the benefit of growing up with a cop and all of his friends from the police department is the best place to have it. No one just happens to know UC:I's rules about weapons on campus do they?

Mar. 18th, 2019




You really do have to love those entitled customers don’t you? We had one come into the bookstore today, pissed as hell because her order had been shipped to the store and not her house - we’re a small store, not a chain, so all of our orders get shipped to us - and when we got it out of the back for her she discovered that one of the corners of the cover had been damaged. In an effort to make her happy, the manager offered her a discount. I was the only cashier on right then with a line almost to the back and this woman goes shoving past everyone, including the guest I was checking out right then, and demanded that I take care of her right then. And of course the manager on duty didn’t back me up when I told her that she’d have to wait at least until I finished the transaction she interrupted.

So I was told to back everything out and start over processing this woman’s discount and God bless the man who’d been at my register because he was so patient during this entire fiasco. I gave him my employee discount as an apology, but what the hell was with that woman?

Mar. 17th, 2019




First thing I always have to do in the morning is take Zelda out for a walk. She's a tiny dog, she has a tiny bladder to match. I am not making her wait while I shower, eat, or any of the rest of my morning routine. If I wake up early enough, I even take her out to the dog park, since we live in walking distance, and leave a text so Armin knows where we are when he wakes up.

So today I woke up early and took her down to the park so she could run off some energy and play with the other dogs, assuming anyone else was awake that early. There is a dad and his kid there. I didn't really think anything of it. Families bring their kids all the time with their dogs. I let Zelda off her leash and let her start barking up at squirrel that she's never going to be able to catch. When this kid starts making a running dash for my baby girl.

I get it, she's cute. But it is never a good idea to let your kid run at a strange dog. Zelda's super friendly, but not all dogs like kids. Not all dogs like PEOPLE, due to past owners. Your kid could have gotten bit if she was any other dog than her goofy, pug self.

I run up to get between them and try to be nice and tell the kid he needs to ask permission before going up to a dog he doesn't know. When he starts crying that I won't let him pet the puppy. That got the dad's attention. He came stomping over asking me who I thought I was and to leave his son and dog alone. Wait, what? Zelda, my Zelda that Mikasa and I picked out from the shelter together sophomore year of high school and who decided to sleep at the foot of my bed ever since, you are trying to claim that is your dog? He told the kid to take the dog and “let's go home”. The boy at least had sense enough to say they didn't have a dog. ...Why are you in a dog park, then? Seriously? Was your whole reason to come to try to STEAL A DOG? Who the fuck does that?

I quickly put her back on her leash while I cussed the guy out and threatened to call the cops when he changed his tune and offered $50. For my furry daughter. I don't think so, dude. He probably could legitimately ADOPT a dog for about that same amount, why are you trying to steal your kid a dog?

I do not understand some people. Does anyone know if you can get someone banned from a dog park? Because if they try this again when the park is busier and someone is distracted, they might get away with it or an innocent dog might get hurt. Or the kid, if they try with the wrong dog. Not his fault his dad is an asshole dognapper.

Mar. 16th, 2019




I was hired recently by a man who wants me to look into his daughter's personal life, specifically whether or not she's dating the right sort of people, so that he can decide whether or not to keep her in his will. At $150/hour plus all inured expenses paid, it was just too good to pass up.

I'll be following a lead from a very reliable source that she's very interested in volunteering, so I guess I'll have to check out places like Habitat for Humanity and the soup kitchen. Anyone else have any other suggestions?


This seems like it's going to be a very long, complicated case, and I just don't know if I can't handle it myself. How'd you like to be hired on as a consultant?

Mar. 11th, 2019




People can say whatever they like about China - but they know what people want. They built a 250 acre solar farm, which is pretty cool on it’s own because that’s a lot of solar energy instead of fossil fuels. But they went one step further according to the article I read - they built it in the shape of a giant panda. And everyone loves pandas. It’s a fact. And not only did they build one - they have plans to build two more massive solar farms that are shaped like pandas.

Feb. 25th, 2019




Unlike most everyone else, I wasn't watching the Oscars last night. Instead, I was watching a new documentary on the Science Channel called Lost Beasts of the Ice Age. Being an Evolutionary Developmental Biologist, this was like right up my alley of interests. And holy shit the things these scientists discovered was beyond amazing.

They found an in tact Cave Lion cub, fur and all, which is extremely rare to find. There was a severed and fully in tact head of a Steppe Wolf which has never before been found. And, of course, they found plenty of Woolly Mammoth remains. They managed to get one of the best DNA samples of a mammoth ever found and they believe they can fully sequence the genome of it now, which just freaking blows my mind. Actually this whole program blew my mind, but yeah. It really is an amazing thing to watch and I highly recommend it to anyone who's interested in the subject.

Feb. 18th, 2019




I moved here last month and I swear I saw melting snow still hanging out in places??? This is California, I LEFT Canada to get AWAY from the snow. Me and snow are not besties anymore, okay?

Then I get on here to see if anyone has an explanation, and, wow. Are you telling me this entire COUNTY is like this? You know that's not really hallucinogens in the water, right? Maybe I should go back home now before whatever's actually in the water gets to me, but that would be boring. So, challenge accepted? Bring it on, whatever it is.

Just someone tell me where to get some good coffee, because Dunkin' Donuts isn't it.

Feb. 15th, 2019




I just saw on TV that Taco Bell delivers now. Something tells me that's going to be really popular in California. And Washington state. Colorado. Oregon. Etc.

Feb. 1st, 2019




California, I am in you! What is up? It's been a long time, but I am glad to be home. You never realize just how much you miss home until you come back. Speaking of, I don't suppose anyone has a spare couch I could crash on for a few days until I find a place of my own?

Also, wow. I knew California had a lot of hippies still, but all of you are all way too into your dreams.

Jan. 25th, 2019




I'm really glad the government reopened, even if it's just for three weeks, and that man caved like a house made of cards. There were so many people going without their jobs or being forced to work without payment, not to mention all the little things that we take for granted that weren't being done. Like food inspections. I mean, we already found out in November that salad wants to kill us all. Without people doing the job of inspecting it, it can. On the other hand, it makes me sick he's using it as a diversion tactic to keep everyone talking about something other than another of the people that worked with him getting arrested, making it closer until he goes, too.

In less political news, I really, really hate Tumblr's new policies. Let's ban everything not safe for work, but surprise! The porn bots aren't going anywhere. Instead, let's flag my perfectly innocent photograph of our pet bunny as porn for no reason.

Look, I get that Flopsy is naked. In my defense, you try to find pants that will fit a dwarf rabbit, then we'll talk. What part of a rabbit cleaning her face looked like porn to you?

Jan. 9th, 2019




So I was having to do some research on my home state of Washington for a class, and came across a little tidbit: the states lack of a bestiality law for about 30 years. Apparently they took it off the books in the 70s to update it and then nobody noticed it never got put back in. Fast forward to the 2000s and a dude is dropped off anonymously at a local Emergency Room with internal injuries - including a perforated colon - that nobody can figure out how he sustained them until they manage to review the footage and identify the car that dropped them off. Great. Mystery solved. Unfortunately.

Police found out that the injuries were a result of the guy having sexual intercourse with a horse - and I’m not going into details about that but think about the injuries and you can figure it out - while his friends video taped it. So the dude who got hurt died and the police are going to charge the friends with bestiality on top of the other shit with just abandoning them which is when it was discovered that due to the oversight in the 70s - they technically hadn’t broken any law while having sex with the horses.

My home state rivals Orange County for weirdness in some respects I think.

Jan. 7th, 2019




I am so glad that Armin’s job and mine both let us take time off for us to go visit my parents. I’m not ready to go back yet. Or back to classes. Or back on the road with Armin, a dog, a cat, two bunnies, myself, and our luggage. It was fun enough getting everyone settled the first time around.... I’ve missed my family, though, and Zelda really missed my sister.

Also I’m not going to lie, I’m glad I wasn’t at the bakery for this round of “it’s not ‘happy holidays’, say ‘merry christmas’!” There’s more than one holiday in December, and do middle aged assholes really have nothing better to do in their lives that they’ve chosen this hill to die on? And apparently now this year they’ve decided to add getting angry at gingerbread people to the mix. ...I’m sorry, but if you can clearly tell your gingerbread person is a dude, you probably shouldn’t be giving it to your kids anyway.

Our big present this year was Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, which I’d been expecting since Mom told me not to buy it for Armin’s birthday. I forgot they were a remake of pokemon yellow and didn’t think that “of course we won’t be allowed to evolve our starters”. It didn’t hit me until Armin’s eevee got mad at him when he tried to use a water stone on it. I need to figure out a way to get him a vaporeon now, because I knew how much he was looking forward to having it.

Nov. 27th, 2018




My neighbors already have their Christmas lights up.

Would it be epic or obnoxious to put up a giant inflatable Menorah this year?

Nov. 10th, 2018




While I have no plans to ever get in the sort of trouble with the cops that results in high speed car chases, I have to say that if I ever do? I'm damn well taking the opportunity to force them into doing fucking donuts in the road while I have the chance to. I've been watching this for five minutes, and it keeps getting funnier.

Edited an hour later: I've sent this and my comments about it on a family group text. So far only my sister's replied, just to ask me "Why are you like this?"

Nov. 4th, 2018




Took Armin to play hooky again for his birthday, like we did the first year we were together. This time we went to the zoo, though. I had to take him to see the pandas first, and honestly I wish we could take one of the little red ones home with us. But, we have two bunnies, a cat, and a dog. I don't see our landlord agreeing to another. Especially not one smuggled out of the zoo...
It was hilarious watching them every time they surprised themselves or each other. The way they stood up real tall to make themselves look bigger when they honestly look like living stuffed animals.

When we got back home, I made him cake from one of Mom's recipes and made enchiladas for dinner while we waited for it to cool. I wanted to get him Lets Go Eevee, but it’s not out yet, and my parents said something about holding off on it, anyway. I DID find him a giant plush Eevee, about the same size as the Bulba he got me for my birthday. And a panda hoodie so I can get my hoodies back that I didn’t want to wait until the holidays to give him. Now to try and convince the bunns that Eevee isn’t theirs.