
Posts Tagged: 'emma+frost+%28white+queen%29'

Feb. 16th, 2017



locked from Jean Grey

[ooc: posted during this]

I have come into a minor dilemma.

I am in need of someone either capable of atom attachment or in possession of magic/cosmic fires. There is an attachment issue, in that something need reattaching.

Feb. 8th, 2017




Business ventures can be such fun. And the eyebrows that certain ventures raise are all the more enjoyable.

I must say, I never expected to own a burlesque club, but I really can't say it doesn't suit me terribly well. Victrola is currently under new ownership, but that is the current extent of the changes. Employees are welcome to discuss anything that's on their mind but February will be a month of no change while all the appropriate paperwork is dealt with.

At least running this club will most likely be less stressful than trying to manage the Cabal, egos, egos everywhere. I forgot how delicate Von Doom could be.

Jan. 27th, 2017




I need $36,000. It's very important.

Jan. 25th, 2017




My dreams are replaying a love triangle of mine, and not all that different from what I remember in my first set of dreams. Still Logan and Scott fighting over me like I'm some kind of prize.

The anti-mutant Senator suffered a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone. Even if he kind of deserved it.

Ended up taking all three of us plus our friends to win a battle against Magneto at the Statue of Liberty though.

Nov. 28th, 2016




I've made sure that not only is the company making donations, but I'm personally branching out to help more worthy causes this year than ever. It's a difficult time for a lot of people--changes in the world make futures uncertain--so we give back wherever we can.

If anyone is looking for venues for charitable donations this holiday season, please consider the following:

Toys for Tots
OC Food Bank
Laura's House
Equality California
World Wildlife Fund

Oct. 28th, 2016




So I got some crates of cuban rum for friends and some other people. Ain't got any plans for Halloween except to crack one open and give kids too much candy, while watching bloody horror movies.

Oct. 16th, 2016




A thousand brilliant little lives, all that potential, all those sharp minds, all of them. Wiped out in a millisecond. Cosmic bitch.

And now I get to listen to that last little echo of them, their limited consciousness, and never know the potential they could've reached. Motherhood is a cruel joke.

Oct. 14th, 2016




Finally. Ain't nothin' beat a Cuban.

Sep. 16th, 2016




I'm unfortunately going to be out of town for whatever day it is where you talk like a pirate, however, the Jolly Roger has got a nice space for a fire pit - or really, it's a metal box filled with sand meant for grilling or heating preserved food. Nothing fancy but I quite think it's about time I had people over to see my beautiful love for a get-together on deck and under the stars.

She's in private dock space in Newport Beach - how about next Saturday, I'll just invite the whole bloody network. No boiled and salted leather or turtle's blood, but there will be lots of fish and other delicious things. Perhaps rum as well.

Someone else is quite ready for it too, mind you.

cut for image, viewable to all )

Red and black is my favourite piratical colour combination.

Aug. 26th, 2016




[Filtered away from Hanna and Emily]

Apparently the reason I can see ghosts is because they wanted to make a spin off of this Pretty Little Liars show. While I'm flattered they chose to base it off of me it's no wonder it was cancelled. Everyone knows I'm meant to be with Hanna.

So what the hell am I doing with Spencer?

[Private Filter to Hanna]
So there's something you should know.

Aug. 13th, 2016




Last night was fun in dream land. I died again. But this time it seems to be more permanent. Kind of.

I'm in this white room. I'm not alone there, not really. And I kept projecting myself to people. And then the Phoenix returned, pretending to be me. But I'm not the Dark Phoenix, or the green one either. I'm the white Phoenix now. Maybe that means there's finally balance.

But after all that, it ... I guess its time for me to rest, in that white hot room.

Emma Frost

I saved you, again.

Jul. 28th, 2016




I can't say enough how happy I am to have a job. I know it's been like two months since I landed it, but still, I keep waking up every day nearly pinching myself. Just when I thought I'd have to sleep on my Bro's couch, I got saved in the nick of time.

Now I can not only pay my bills, but probably in a short amount of time afford a better place. And pay for my friends' dinners when we're out because I can ;)

Jun. 25th, 2016




My dad called me. I didn't answer it, but he left a voice mail. He wanted to know why he hadn't heard from me on father's day. He said he was disappointed. Seriously? He can't really expect me to call him back.

I'm worried that I'll have repeats of my dreams about him.

Maybe I should change my number.

Jun. 24th, 2016




I think I'm going to die again. At least that's the most likely thing to happen when stuck on an asteroid space station drifting towards the sun.

May. 25th, 2016




One of the enemies in my dreams calls himself Apocalypse. He's as bad as he sounds. We keep thinking we beat him but he keeps coming back, like an apocalyptic energizer bunny.

May. 21st, 2016




In my dreams, I've been told I'm a survivor by my guardian. That's better than what other people call me. It's even better than what I call myself.

I find myself questioning if being a survivor is really a good thing though. I wonder how much more I'll have to endure. Even the head of F.B.I. has turned against me in my dreams. He forced me to look at something horrible while asking me questions. It's one more image I can't get out of my head. Maybe I deserve it. I feel like a monster.

Is it good to survive if the experience changes you?

May. 18th, 2016




Has anyone else spent a billion dollars in their dreams?

May. 12th, 2016




Okay, at this point, I just need to ask here, since nothing's turning up out there.

I need a job. Badly. Or I'm gonna be outta a apartment and become another homeless vet. So anyone need a former special forces Navy Seal with crazy high marksmanship skills, leadership qualities, and a charming smile?

Okay I dunno about the last one, but the first two skill sets are for real.

May. 4th, 2016




Next time, Katherine, please feel free to just tell me that everything is going to shit. Maybe then I won't wake up hearing the screams long after the nightmare. Honestly, I knew we were hated, I didn't think we were hated enough that mass genocide would be endorsed.

In other news, I appear to have become my own best friend. And by that, I do mean compressed carbon. It looks like I have yet more excuses to make with work.

Apr. 22nd, 2016




I was wondering why I was feeling so top heavy.





No. No. I refuse. Absolutely not.

How the hell am I supposed to explain this to my share holders! I can't cancel the bloody meeting and I'm not going like this!

Mar. 6th, 2016




So the good news is I'm going to need a new apartment. And a new everything-inside-the-apartment.

Jan. 2nd, 2016




While it's absolutely darling that everyone is enjoying the shift in year, do you perhaps think you'd all be able to do it a little quieter. And stop getting so hung over people, I don't need more than my own to deal with.

Explaining to a professional exactly why I've overdosed on migraine medication would be decidedly uncomfortable for both of us, I think. And I would really hate to ruin a man just because he's not as delusional as most here.

Dec. 1st, 2015




Creepy professor dreams continued, he introduced me to some boys and naturally they all started fighting over me.

The crazy thing is that it's like he's teaching us to be some kind of fighting force or military unit. It's not a normal school.

I've had a constant headache all day.

Nov. 29th, 2015




Last night I dreamed of a wonderful place. I was a huntress of Heven. Demons, giants, dragons, all manner of creatures. We lived by a code, nothing for nothing, everything has it's price. Yet I asked no price of Sera to help her be who she always was.

And then I was rudely ripped to a new reality.




Lots of posts on being thankful. Some on family. Some on health. Some on life in general. Me? I'm thankful to be myself again and to have my sister. There aren't words enough to show my gratitude for her. Our shop is doing well. It's all-in-all a great time of year for us.

Nov. 25th, 2015




There's a glorious, glorious man I met in the dreams last night. Could perhaps benefit from a nose job, he's not all that tall (he's a dwarf), but he can probably talk me out of my own pants and has chest hair so majestically curly I can't take my eyes off it. I'm sure the phrase 'my eyes are up here' applies to him in this situation. He's also the only person I know who names his crossbow and treats it like a lover, but alright.

I've also paid off my servitude after a year for gaining entrance in that charming shithole of a city, and apparently am making strides to get on board with an expedition that takes you underground for treasure. Assuming we don't get killed by dark spawn things and ogres before we get to the loot.

Oh, and get this. One item I get from that wretched place: a cheese wheel caked in a year's worth of mold. No, really. It's a legitimate thing that stayed in a corner of my Uncle's dirt cave for an entire year. I swear it's alive.

Just in time for the holidays. I'm so blessed.

Nov. 22nd, 2015




While Friday is Black Friday, don't forget about Small Business Saturday and if you're a reader or know someone who enjoys reading, go to Tessa Gray's shop, Much Ado About Books. There is quite the selection of old, first edition and antique books.

Nov. 6th, 2015




Downside of running your competition into the ground and absorbing all their assets; work gets boring once you've accomplished it.

Upside; rubbing your fathers face in it. Repeatedly.

I do so love seeing that pinched look on his face, even through a computer screen.

The dilemma of course is, once you've achieved your life's goal exceptionally early, what do you do with yourself?

Jan. 5th, 2015




How do you explain to your family

Being a woman is one thing

Why does this always happen to me, it's not like I'm a

It's very hard to keep up with all the spinning plates in my dreams when I am always becoming not me. I guess after you sigh about being thirty most people wouldn't mind being a good ten years younger.

I'm so over this place.

Jan. 2nd, 2015




We just had someone try to steal the cattle.

It's 2015, I'm pretty sure cattle rustling went out of style a long time ago.




While a five show run is rare, it was still well received and the proceeds went to a good cause.

Though not having any auditions lined up is rather strange. It's been nearly a year since I haven't been involved with a show in some capacity or another.

Thank you for accompanying me to the cast part the other night. I hope you enjoyed yourself?

[The performance was a five show run of Finding Neverland, from Dec 27 - Dec 31, as a charity benefit for a children's hospital for anyone who might have gone. She would have posted about it but life got in the way.]

Dec. 7th, 2014




This week can go to hell.

Nov. 3rd, 2014




I think next year I'm going to be avoiding any sort of Halloween festivities if this is price I'm going to pay for it.

I'm sitting here with several very strongly worded letters to various people in power in the mythical land of Westeros. Lannisters always repay their debts, how could you send me away and lock me up in some hovel, etc etc.

And that bitch drank all of my wine.

Sep. 23rd, 2014




And they said you couldn't brew good espresso at home.

Sep. 19th, 2014




[Private to Scott Summers]

I had another set of dreams, though I think they skip around a little this time. There seemed to be time gaps.

It was an emotional and physiological roller coaster.

[Private to Emma Frost]

Hello. I have yet to turn into a furry, blue beast, but have you by any chance been able to manifest a diamond form?

Sep. 10th, 2014




Well then.

Excellent reporting there, Ms. Skeeter. My horrible, dirty little, completely obvious secret - that I was not even trying to hide - is out. Oh, woe is me. I'm crying in my Cristal right now.

Yes, that's me, dancing on that pole. I've actually gained quite a bit more muscle tone since I started and I think I look quite dazzling. Do you recognize the costume, X-men? I found that in my wardrobe the other night and just couldn't help myself.

Sep. 8th, 2014




To the helpful potion maker on this network who so kindly offered me dreamless sleep potions: Your medicines have no effect here, neither on the latest issues, nor on my normal 'dreams'. As for side effects, I cannot distinguish them from a hangover. But you do get a gold star for trying.

In other (not related) news, it looks like the Diamond Form is back on.

Sep. 5th, 2014




I have been unaffected by the recent insanity to hit the area, though I can understand that things have escalated from normal. I want to offer up my services. I am available this afternoon, should anyone wish to experiment with either a powerful sleeping draught, to help one sleep, or a dreamless sleep potion, to try and curb these nightmares.

I cannot make any promises that either of these things will work. But I have them available to try.

Aug. 29th, 2014




After some interesting and unexpected reactions apparently brought about by my share of the Orange County Dream Phenomena, I have been attempting to construct footwear that actually works for my feet. It's more challenging than I expected, and I have gained an increased respect for makers of custom footwear and other do-it-yourself modifiers of footwear and clothing.

Aug. 27th, 2014




You know you're a slightly bitter, divorced woman when your entertainment on a Wednesday night is a glass of Château de Sancerre Rouge Pinot Noir, and reading through all these silly little entries posted on here.

I can't take any of you seriously.

Aug. 18th, 2014




It appears as though my company's building suffered the same sort of attacks as many others. Nothing too serious, but a lot of shattered glass and ice damage.

Lina Inverse

When I asked you to deal with the competition, I assumed that you knew which building was theirs and which was mine

Aug. 11th, 2014




For many reasons that I don't particularly wish to get into, I am going to pretend that last night never happened.

I suggest anyone in my life do the same.

Aug. 7th, 2014




The Frost Academy will be closing its doors this summer. Full refunds have been provided to all parents who paid for the fall term. If you were signed on to do a guest lecture, I'm afraid I'll have to cancel that arrangement.

[filtered to X-men, but filtered away from Hank]
And which one of us is going to be the one to tell Hank that he turns blue? I doubt it should be me, but I feel as if an event like that ought to come with a warning.

Jul. 14th, 2014




Well my friends, since my family is originally from France, around here we celebrate Bastille Day as well as the Fourth of July :)!

So my parents have allowed me to host a party tomorrow, for all my friends here on the network! Anyone who'd like to come can come, so long as you wear your party best!

It will be at [address], tomorrow night starting at 7pm. Food and drinks provided.

Even General LaMarque is dressing up, though I haven't decided which outfit to put him in, yet. What do you all think?

Jul. 10th, 2014




Well. I have no idea if this Katherine Pryde person exists in this world or not, but she's got to be some sort of special and unique snowflake. The way dream me continues to try and recruit her, you'd think she was some kind of messiah.

At this point it has to have something to do with not wanting Xavier to have all the toys, because she really isn't that impressive otherwise.

Jul. 7th, 2014




Now, I don't mind keeping things neat, but the fact is I already do a good job of that. Why this phantom organizer felt it was necessary to come to my aid is beyond me.

Furthermore, everything may be nicely folded, but nothing is in the proper drawer. It makes no sense to fold pants. They are meant to be hung.

Just my opinion. But it's true.

Jul. 4th, 2014




I'm supposed to take it easy, but it's good to be at home again, instead of in a hospitable bed.
House feels really empty now.

Just been really lucky.




Imagine telling someone who may very well loathe you you're their mother?




Ah, July Fourth.

You have no idea how stuffy a barbeque can get until you've celebrated this holiday with my family and their various 'friends'. Like the chairperson of the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, who insisted on wearing the most obnoxious hats. Every year, a new one, and all of them uglier than the last.

Are you reading this, darling? I hope you don't think I've forgotten about that time I caught you with your skirt over your head in the gardens. I'm sure the gardener you were sharing your evening with has, because it didn't sound that memorable.

... In any case, I'm happy to say that the school will be marking the celebration with delicious food on a private stretch of beach this year, and I'm really very excited about it.