
Posts Tagged: 'cora+hale'

Sep. 18th, 2014




I guess I missed out on the horror stories because my Dreams capital D are bland.

Sep. 9th, 2014




I'd really like September to be over, already. Between OC weirdness (though Cora seems to be doing better, thank god), my dreams, and the last full moon, I've had about enough.

I was worried that the more dreams I had, the worse I'd get around the full moon, and joy of joys, I was right. It started out with just a general restlessness, but last night I got fangs and claws.

Which seem to have stuck around past the apex of the full moon, so that's a new development.

I'm just -- done. I'm done. I want off.

Sep. 7th, 2014




If I sleep again, it will be too soon.

Sep. 1st, 2014




Check my email, and find an email from my project manager from this summer, with this picture attached.

Cut for space, visible to all )

What the hell? You googled my roommate? Why would you do that? And I find it hard to believe that school records are readily available. Which still doesn't explain why you did that.

And why do you care so much about the specifics of Uncle Peter's dream or whatever?

Aug. 31st, 2014




Disregard this if I was misinformed, but my physician mentioned this to me when I told her I was having persistent and repetitive nightmares dreams. I'm not exactly a frequenter of these types of things, but I was hoping to learn something that could help with this.

Aug. 27th, 2014




By the numbers

  • Death count: 5

  • Near deaths: 1 (not mine)

  • Miraculous recoveries: 2

  • Panic attacks: 1 (again, not mine)

  • Time passed: two months (rough estimate, dating from the first body in the woods)

I'm starting to think that might be the darkest timeline.

Aug. 11th, 2014




RIP Robin Williams. What a shock.

I'll have to marathon in his honor.

Aug. 10th, 2014




So somehow I just learned this is a thing, which is surprising. Not as surprising as me hearing about it from CORA, but you know.

I'm Lydia and I'm taking advantage of this now that I know this exists. Get used to my face, not that it's a hard one to look at. ;)

Aug. 9th, 2014



[FAILED lock against Asami Sato]

Okay so uhm... Is it normal to be kinda touchy with your female friends? I mean... Cuddly and stuff? I've pretty much been straight my entire life as far as I'm aware, but we end up hugging and snuggling and none of that feels all that strange either.

I'm just a little confused, I guess.

Aug. 7th, 2014




My brother is getting married. To a woman. This is the weirdest thing ever. So, I've always thought that there was no one on the planet gayer than my two older brothers. I mean, they're like, ridiculously gay. But apparently, only one of them is actually gay. The other has a girlfriend. A fiance. And she wants to take me to get my nails done and my hair done and bridesmaid dress shopping and I think I might actually have just thrown up a little.

Someone save me.




Okay, so.

Not gonna lie. I had pretty much written all of you off as being in some kind of new agey cult and/or having overactive imaginations.

But I woke up this morning feeling like I'd just lived through a horror movie. Which, if the things in the dreams are actually real, isn't too far from the truth for my Dream!Self. Usually when I dream about incredibly attractive half-naked men, they're not dying and asking me to cut off their arms.

I really, really don't want to go into work today. I kind of just want to curl up under the blankets until I fall asleep and have a normal dream. Or at least figure out why some people, the people I wouldn't have expected at all, people I barely know, and people I've never met, feature so prominently and others don't.

Aug. 4th, 2014




My brother seems to think talking to a bunch of people on some network will be good for me. I personally think he's full of it. But he won't leave me alone about it and he can be really annoying when he wants to be. So. Hi. I'm Cora.