
June 26th, 2019




I have seen this a few times now, and I am somewhat confused.

I wish to preface this with saying that I am not attempting to lessen anyone's courage. However, I feel like this may be a part of American culture that I am somehow not understanding.

Are there cultural reasons behind the announcements of sexual preference? I understand that in this country this month is used to champion the sexual spectrum and those across it who have faced prejudice, I took a gender studies course last year and we discussed Stonewall, I am aware of the ramifications there.

What I am struggling with is the reasons behind these things. Can anyone explain them? Is there such a way to do that?




So not only is the President, in my dreams, a woman, but she wants to sign into affect an Alien Amnesty Act, which is pretty cool considering how many aliens are actually on Earth. Of course not everyone is for it and someone tries to assassinate her. I assumed it was Mon-El, who was the guy I'd found in the pod. The main reason I'd expected him was because I found out that he wasn't actually from Krypton, but Daxam, which was our sister planet. Suffice to say, Krypton and Daxam didn't get along and there had been a war, so of course I didn't trust Mon-El.

Of course in the end I was wrong about him and had to tell him what happened to his planet after Krypton exploded and we realized that we had more in common than we'd thought.