
January 27th, 2017




I need $36,000. It's very important.




I didn't go home for Christmas in 2015 and I didn't go home for this past Christmas either. When I moved here initially, I didn't have any intention of ever returning home. I've never been particularly close with my family. I'm very different from them. Most of them.

Now, with these Dreams...let's say that the way they ended has made me reconsider this. Perhaps I should go home. Make up for lost time with my brother...make up for things he isn't even aware of. This should be an easy decision to make. So why haven't I booked the ticket yet?




Pins out. Headed to hike the Cascades for a few days.




So, it's been well over a month since I had a dream dream. And I'm mostly thankful for that, because getting sleep without that added headache has been great.

That said, I wake up from a nap today, completely perplexed from my entirely too vivid, and strangely plausible dream where I'm stuck in the middle of the ocean, in a tiny row boat, with Pinocchio, trying to find out way home with no navigation and all we have to eat are Fruit Loops.

I'm really hoping that it was just a cereal induced mid-afternoon crazy dream and not the new wave of weird from Storybrooke.




When I go to the drugstore to go buy shampoo, I don't really expect to find... well
cut for size )

I am... really not sure what they were thinking when they designed these.




Gotta admit, I think that this imagine pretty much sums it up on everyone.

Cut for Size )

I think that I'm just going to stop watching the news or looking at any news sites from now on. It's probably better for my health and sanity.




It's times like these where I really hate fixed points in time.