
April 12th, 2015




These are words I never thought I'd say: I'm glad to be back in my own body. Not that having the ability to lift cars wasn't fun but I missed being me.

I guess one good thing came out of this - I decided to keep the cat I found last month. I couldn't ask the person I swapped with to take him to an animal shelter and he's gotten used to my house. Plus he's not a bad cat - pretty sweet actually.




I love dozing off while watching TV and having dreams. Especially slightly crappy dreams. My brother was found and came to Aslan's camp where he spoke with Aslan who pardoned him for following Jadis. The four of us started training in sword fighting and archery and all of that since there was the probability of a fight coming with Jadis. She then showed up to the camp and tried to retake Edmund, but her and Aslan spoke and she left after a battle date was set for the next morning. I'm not sure who is going to win this.

This left me wanting to call Edmund, but he'll more than likely find it odd that I'm calling him so early.

Perhaps I should just try to go back to sleep.




And after a week, I finally replaced my mobile, so sorry to anyone that might have tried to reach me that way.

Glad it seems people are back to themselves. Glad to be me in time for This is so awkward after




Everyone seems back to themselves, then? What a strange experience it must have been. Though I am far from envious. I've been having my own experiences in the form of these dreams.

The man I reanimated was very nearly perfect. So eager to learn and quick to learn, and, I hadn't expected it, he retained memories of his former life. What a fascinating thing man is. Disaster, though, appears to be abundant in these dreams. Actually, now that I'm typing it out, it makes me feel a bit ill, so perhaps that's enough. In brighter news, I found a pile of old books on my coffee table this morning. Quite a lot of poetry and plays. They're in fairly good condition, too, which is lovely.

And then of course there are only a couple of months left until my residency begins. I'm nearly counting down the days. Administrative work is so tedious.




Today's the best! I have my body back, and I dreamed I kicked Thanos' butt. (It was as easy as you'd think it'd be for me.) Well. Tippy-Toe helped! And Utau confirmed it and everything, so you're welcome, galaxy!

I think I'm gonna celebrate by eating some Gushers and hanging out in the tub with a good book.




Our all-woman version of the Scottish Play will be wrapping up soon. Sadly our Macbeth will be leaving for New York once it's all done. I'll miss her more as a friend than a castmate, honestly.




I love the sweet smell of asshats being fired from my company.




When you're so busy you forget today is your birthday.




My body is ready for Tuesday.
cut for image )




Things really are pretty bizarre in this place, aren't they?

My world, however, remains strikingly normal. Auditions are coming up for Giselle, so I've been rehearsing more and more. IcyHot is definitely my friend.




I haven't been able to sleep at all this weekend so I was, instead, able to get all my homework done. Which is a first for me, so I have now watched The Big Lebowski for the first time. Hilarious.

Also I went and explored some more of the city today, there's so much here it's almost like slipping between worlds at times... it's strange. It's hard to decide what to do with yourself. Today, though, I went on a jet ski, and paraglided.

The dreams are getting stranger, harder to deal with. I woke up in a cold sweat at like 3 am this morning. There was fire, and darkness, and a deep voice telling me a story of a civil war. My mother... in the dreams, she took me to a forest, before she died, and I was raised by children of the forest. I thought I was one of them... it's strange. After I was told about it, the old ... tree... that had been talking to me. He was a friend, I guess, but uh he died after giving me some sort of gem.
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Ugh. You're still too bright, Orange County. Stop it.