
April 13th, 2015




I always enjoy seeing my photos. I was thinking about hanging these 'darlings' up in my store...perhaps in the changing room area? Or would it be a bad decision? I am far too comfortable with myself, it's my fatal flaw but not really.

I suppose some feedback would be nice. Whether or not I will let it influence my decisions, well...don't expect any miracles! Haha!

Cut for NSFW images )




Well, that was a week last week at work. But I'm definitely thinking Friday night I need to actually get around to publicly celebrating my birthday in a belated fashion. Totally meant to do it closer to when my birthday actually was but hey, life happened.

So! Who wants to go to a club with me on Friday evening to celebrate?




I just got signed for two new Warner Brothers films. I am so EXCITED!!! I know this is Hollywood, and there are a lot of projects, but there are a million stylists out there. I am just glad to be working on a set again, or will be. It starts in two weeks.





I understand that this is the place to come for networking and fun?




I finally dreamed we hit the iceberg. After doing a nude sketch, running from a bodyguard, and doing illicit things in the ship's cargo hold, in a car. We hit the goddamn iceberg. Ice chunks all over the deck. I can still feel the cold.

Time for an entire pack of smokes, and beer. Lotta beer.

Anyone else also hate Celine Dion, for some reason? Or is that just me? Been hearing her too much on the radio lately. And here I thought she died of old age or some shit?


I'm not sure why I'd need to divulge any personal information on here as people seem to be doing.

But in any case this seems like a very avid and reliable source of communication, especially if there is an emergency. Speaking of which, Hello, my name is Cullen and I'll be the new acting Captain of the county's fire department.

Please feel free to contact me for an emergency of any kind that does not involve rescuing cats from trees.




Now that spring is here I've noticed that my students favorite part of the school day has changed. Where it used to be art or story time that they seemed to look forward to the most, it's now recess and I can't pretend that I'm not enjoying getting to take them outside every day. And it does make it easier to keep them focused after they've gotten to go and play. Now if I could only get the boys and girls to realize they won't catch cooties from one another if they play with the same toys.


I have no idea what I'm going to do for a summer job. And that is a sentence I never thought I'd be using again.




So, in my dreams I'm from District 7 where the main resource is lumber and because of that, during the Hunger Games our stylists always seem to want to dress us like trees. This morning, I woke up to find my outfit from the Quarter Quell hanging on the back of my closet.

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