
July 17th, 2014




I ... had a weird dream last night. Still not sure I believe any of this It was a lot like my life, but different. And my cousin Peggy was my Aunt, not my cousin. That's weird, right? It was really realistic. But I had pizza before bed. All that sodium probably went to my head, or something.




I'm in need of legal assistance.

Apartment Hunting?

New to the area. If anyone is looking for a roommate, knows of a room for rent, an apartment, house, whatever, in Orange County open I can pay up front.

Also, in case this is like Craigslist and the usual acceptable payment is a handjob and cheap ikea furniture (which I respect but I must decline), I just want to make it abundantly clear that I will be using actual paper money currency for the rent transactions.

Also I have a cat in case that is a deal breaker.



[locked from xelloss]


Grocery store it is, jesus. It's not like I'm asking for the world here.




OMG you guys, I had no idea that Ninja Warrior was in America! How did I miss that?

Check this out! This chick is amazing! She's the first woman - like literally - to complete the course and she makes it look like she's not even sweating!


Yeah, she's awesome. But you know who's even MORE awesome? LARA! You have to do this, Lara. You could kick her ASS at Ninja Warrior. I bet you and Shepard could have even beaten the Japanese course!




My boyfriend currently thinks I'm a 'wanker.' Why, you ask? Because I inadvertently messed up his phone while on a date...when I tackled him into the ocean.

For the record, his phone was not the only 'victim.' And I have ordered us new cell phones that match. Is there justification in his assessment? Discuss.

Also, given the lack of phone, email is the best way to contact us.




I have the night off for a change. Who wants to entertain me.




I think I was cut off at least five times on the freeway today. I know it's LA, but usually it's a little better than that. You'd think this was a three day weekend or something. Everyone is always in such a damn hurry.

[Private to Piers]
I'm going to be just a little late. I have to get some material.