
July 18th, 2014



Desperate Times

Heeeey, everyone.

So, I know it's really uncool to show up to a new place and be all, "I need help," but desperate times. Desperate times.

See, I was supposed to have this really awesome internship with a startup in Redondo but they went bust and I'm basically screwed now. I should've known that an actual paid internship for a code monkey was too good to be true.

Anyways. If you know anyone who needs a slave intern for the rest of the summer, I'm around until basically October. Yay, quarter system.




Has anyone ever had a dream about your Dream self? They say that dreams are the subconscious and pull from your experiences. So what's to say that all the dreams that feel like a Dream are that? Because I don't want this one to be

Also, I can't wait to get back to my usual afternoon shifts. Opening has not gotten 'better' as I get used to it.

[blocked from Lina]

So my ex is a crazy ass angry sorceress with a fairly deep and probably valid grudge.

Please advise.




I just thought of something.

I have a sister.

I have the same parents in my dream. But no sister.

...where the hell is my baby sister?!




Margarita truck. It's happening.




Woke up an hour ago and I can feel my face. My face does not feel good. BUT I HAVE THIS.




Most exciting thing that happened today: a dog got so excited and peed all over me. What's everyone else been up to?

I need a vacation.