
June 23rd, 2014




i cant remember what i was supposed to be doing but this isnt helping. its only making this blinding headache worse.

its hrd to see

think i need help. i cant find athos.




Ugh, summer is so boring. I've already been to the movies twice last week, finished a book so far this week, caught up on all of my TV shows... just ugh.

I'm not going abroad for vacation for a while yet. What's everyone else doing to combat summer boredom?




It's been pretty quiet around here lately. Although I do hear a lot of noise coming from where Obi-Wan's workshop is, which is great. I am trying to resist the urge to get yet another animal to add to the pack we have going - Anakin keeps giving me dirty looks when I snuggle with Artoo and let out that sigh of "I want another pet".

However, I did get to go find out the sex of the babies. We're going to be having one of each! Just like in my dreams, which is kind of freaking me out a little I'm super excited about that and I'm going to wait until the weekend to go looking around for some clothing ideas and maybe put together a baby registry at a few places. My mother has been hounding me to do it.




Cut in case of trigger for parents no longer with us. )




Now that things are actually up and running at OsCorp: The OC Edition (I might just start calling it OCOC, because I can) things are non-stop. Fortunately, all the people that haven't been replaced are in fear of being replaced, which eases up the work load a bit. I got an angry letter from dear old dad about that. But, let's be real, it was probably one of his trustees and attorneys and not actually him.

Hey, if he liked the performance of those workers so much, he should have keep them in New York with him.



[Filtered away from James]

I'm in need of some relationship advice...

I've been with my significant other for over 6 months, and we're going to be in Ireland for a wedding. I really appreciate him sticking with me and just being himself...and I was wondering what a good gift would be to show him that I really care about him.

I'm not thinking about engagement rings or anything that serious yet, but something that is tangible that he can look at and admire...and you know, think of me and smile. I'm just not used to dating and buying gifts.

To all those that know James, please don't mention this conversation...that means you, Jesse.

Edit: I meant Scotland...not Ireland. =\




Just a few more days, Damon. You sure you don't want to run away? We can go to Italy and open up a bar.

Blondie, you can come with us. Elena...well...I guess you can come too.

Nah. I kid.

In other news, I'll be catering an event tomorrow to get the word out about my restaurant. Anyone who wants some free Italian Food, come to the Bella Terra shopping center in Huntington Beach. I'll be set up in front of the movie theater.