
June 24th, 2014




I've spent most of this month relaxing. Which, I won't lie, has been utterly nice. We decided to wait on my next fight for a few extra months, which is a nice down time and I can focus on Alucard and do lighter training for awhile. I'm excited about all that. It'll be nice to finally get away for a week or something and visit someplace we've never been.

Although next week I have a stupid photoshoot scheduled for the gym, since I'm all pro now they want good photos of me. I'm not so excited about that.


I had actually intended to sleep in for once, and then every noise ever woke me up at 8am. I wanna re-do.

In other news, I'm rather fascinated by this 'steam punk' thing. It's an interesting concept.


All he does is complain
dumb jock
dumb jock
dumb jock
As if I CHOSE this.
Why do I care what he thinks?

Got hired by someone to code a website on the side. Good to know I'll be able to eat this summer. What sucks is companies won't hire me due to being in high school and all. Oh well. Doesn't mean I can't do freelance.

That being said, it looks like I'm also being given another student to tutor. A girl named Buffy?




It's still kind of awesome to be on summer break. I haven't hit that boredom wall just yet. I've been keeping busy with work and hanging out with Percy. There's just so many things to do around this area that I can't foresee myself getting completely bored out of my mind.

I'm getting excited to go to Scotland, but does anyone have any tips on things to see? I have no idea if we'll be able to have free time and go see anything, but I want to be prepared just in case.








I have absolutely no idea what to wear to Elena and Damon's wedding tomorrow! I have so many clothes, but I can't decide on this. I think I have all my dresses out on my bed now and it's just too difficult to figure out. This shouldn't be this hard.

In other news, I had more dreams. I met a human, named Lee and we fell in love and eventually I turned him, because we couldn't imagine being without each other. Could you imagine spending forever with the same person? Or wanting to become immortal to be with that other person forever? Kinda crazy.




Now that school is over, I'm kind of bored. I mean, I still have my other art classes, but other than that, I'm not really sure what to do around here. I don't drive, but I asked Marcel if I could get my permit soon, so I don't really have my own form of transportation and this area is a lot different than New Orleans.

Then there's the dreams that have been repeating. Actually, it's just been the ritual part, which is more like a nightmare. I feel so bad for those other girls. I know they're not real, but I can't help it.




I guess I can now officially join the dreamers group. Last night, I dreamt that I was back in Finchley with my siblings and my mother, but it was during World War II, during an air raid. We were hiding in a bunker in the backyard and Edmund went back inside the house to get a picture of our father who was fighting in the war. After that, our mother sent us away like a lot of families were doing, to keep us safe. We went to live with a professor, in this rather large house in the countryside. One day, we were extremely bored and played hide and seek. After that, Lucy claimed to have been to another land. Later on that night, we found Lucy and Edmund in the hall and Lucy was claiming to have been there again and that Edmund went, but Edmund just made fun of her so I yelled at him for it. Then the Professor asked Susan and I what had happened and when we told him what Lucy and Edmund had said, he acted as if he believed her. The dream ended with the four of us hiding in a Wardrobe from the housekeeper.

So, long story short, my dreams seem to be quite boring. Truthfully, I'm a little disappointed.




Everyone's getting married and I'm like, "I'm gonna stay home, nurse my hangover and play with this sword I just got."

I don't even know how to use a sword. Dream-me seems to be pretty decent with it. Oh well, I'm cool with random presents and/or weapons suddenly appearing in my apartment. NO BIG DEAL.




Second time in a year that I'm flying on a private jet. First was San Fran last year for Pride and now Scotland with Billy, Zelda and Link for the wedding. Part of me still can't believe I'm going to Scotland, but I'm really excited. I guess this is my last post from Orange County. Next time I'll be in Scotland.