
May 12th, 2014




Anyone out there that knows how to repair extremely advanced bullet-proof material?




The Frost Academy will be celebrating its first graduating class in just a few short weeks. Five exceptionally gifted young men and women, off to grab their own piece of the world, if they can. And of course they can, because we've given them every tool they need to not only succeed, but astonish.

Which means, of course, that we'll have five new slots for first years in another few months. Most of them are already taken, but I've got two open. If you are the parent of a gifted child and you're finding educating them to be an exercise in frustration, by all means, schedule an appointment. It's a bit late in the year to have applied to a school like mine, but as I've got the slots open, I may as well fill them at the last minute.




What is the perfect to introduce your boyfriend to your parents dinner?




I seem to be on track for next year. I’m not sure how I managed it. I was pretty sure that I would have to repeat my Wednesday morning class. Despite it all I’m still not a morning person.

( Edward )
I don’t think I’m going to be taking summer classes.




My dreams are more like nightmares. I can’t keep them out of my head.

I’ve been thinking about today. Not many people know that today is National Limerick day. Anyone know a good one?




I thought that I was missing out on something when I wasn’t having any dreams. The first one was something to be desired. It wasn’t that exciting.

( Clary )
I’ve had another one. Your mom went missing.




I really don't like bad dreams.




I missed my mom a lot this weekend. One of those funny things. I spent the last few Mother's Days with her, so to be away? It hit me kinda hard, actually. Harder than I expected it would. Maybe because of what happened to my Dad in my Dreams

I probably ate too many chocolate truffles. I had her share and my own. Maybe it's time to plan a trip back there to see my family.




JUNE 28!!! We picked the date! The castle has been reserved. Now we're working on catering, flowers, invitations, accommodations, travel... oh, and Honeymoon! Not sure about that one yet. This is all so exciting! I can't believe it's so close!




In case anyone was wondering... the broom flies.




I got addicted. Has anyone else played this 2048 game? It's ridiculously addictive.


...I can't even. I just don't. What? Oh, I'm still playing.




Thank GOD the weather's gone hot again. I've been dying to get out my shorts and tank tops. Didn't have too much opportunity to wear them while we were in New York, but it was standard attire in Vegas. Now I get to show off my legs again! ...though, don't look too close until I get them tanned up a bit. The white is blinding.




Wednesday at Eve is going to be a special event. Waving the cover charge, a couple new bands will be showcasing.

Ladies only, as always.


You're invited. Special guest.