
May 13th, 2014




This sudden heat wave is giving me a constant headache with little relief to be seen. Apparently it's only supposed to get hotter tomorrow. I already can't sleep like this as it is. 5am is going to be so fun.




I'm starting to build up a collection of oven burns. They're making a kind of cool pattern on my arm. You'd think I'd be learning by now to be more careful but apparently not.

I could use a rune to stop getting burned but they're like battle scars




I should fill my time with work again. I suppose. Sitting at home isn't suiting me as well as we all had hoped. Anyone have a place that a retired Marine MP NCO, Valkyrie with the ability to see when people are gonna die, and oh, near immortality? could fit into?




Nothin' says 'you're about to have a really bad month' like being told you're losing an entire team's worth of assets and your in-house coffeemaker breaking. At the same damn time.

Someone in this building better bring me a damn coffee.




I need an actual sparring partner.




I still can't believe I'm gonna be a dad soon. Isabela's about twenty-eight weeks along, and it's lots of fun cooking things for her (I read that she needs more protein and vitamin C, so why not help?). I've also been trying to give the pets extra attention now, so they won't freak out that first few months when they get less. I feel guilty already.




Well, it started again. The new batch of dreams. I'm glad that dream-me is getting used to modern times. The list I keep is pretty hilarious. That's pretty much where the hilarity ends, though. I think I'd almost take alien invasions and Nazis over whatever weird espionage thing I'm likely about to get involved in.

But, hey, I got a new suit. I opened up my closet and next to my other one, there it was. It's not as spangly, decked out with the SHIELD logo. It's pretty snazzy.