
January 6th, 2014




Happy sixth day of 2014, valarnet. How long 'till the new year stops being a talking point, huh?


Wow, I had no idea moving was so hard. At least the renovations and stuff were taken care of by the time I got here - all I have to worry about is my apparent lack of furniture.

And food. Food is really important.




Oh. My gosh.


I would be totally lying to everyone if I said I haven't had this on repeat for like, almost an hour. I need it on my iPhone like, yesterday. And it will be in every single playlist I have and I will never stop enjoying it.

N E V E R.

Warning: Clicking that link may lead to spontaneous dance parties.





I'm pushin' 30 for real today.
Pretty sure this means I only got a year left to live.


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