
January 5th, 2014



That was the stupidest, most ridiculous dream ever. But it felt real enough where now I'm a bit worried.

These dreams are a thing, right? Does anyone dream they're not human?




Text to Kitty Pryde

>> Oh god, I did a bad thing.
>> Well.
>> Not inherently.
>> But Logan's going to kill him.

Text to Velma Kelly

>> I have done something awful.
>> You must never tell Logan.



Text Message

[[Text to John Smith]]
>> Fancy a good cup of coffee? At least I've heard it's good.


I would like a recommendation for an eye doctor if anyone has one. Ever since the snow, I've been having some difficulty seeing far away. My vision is not going after seventy years, no it is not, I steadfastly refuse




Sam will probably kill me but I'm looking into a concealed carry permit.

ETA: Also, I need a good gunsafe.




I think my dreams are finally coming to a head. I mean, everything's just added up and added up, and now ... Well, another good man is dead, and we're all marching into a fight where none of us really know what's going to happen.

I'm nervous. Here and in the dreams. It's not like trying to take down Schmidt, it feels like way worse than that is coming. But we're the heroes, right? So in theory it should be okay.




I caught that cold that's been gong around and am thus unable to leave my bed. It sucks man.




I don't want to alarm any of you, but I think I may have joined the Dreamer Club.


So I just dreamed about meeting Chuck for the first time at Stanford. Not quite the same way it happened in real life, but apparently I'm going to go off and be a spy in a few years and fake my death so I'm guessing anything similar to my real life is coincidental.

And I miss Zork.




I haven't had a dream in months and months. Maybe even a year. And all of a sudden, I have a crazy one where my best friend is out with some douche and I just showed up to ruin it. Or maybe save her. I couldn't really tell.

I can be kind of a jerk sometimes. At least I had a decent reason.




Who knew the Fairies of Pixie Hollow have Olympics?

image )




My daughter got a new Cell Phone for Christmas from her mother. Just another thing for her teachers to confiscate.

A bit grumpy because of some particularly nasty dreams last night. I had to open a torpedo. My arm got caught inside. Damn thing nearly blew up on us.