
January 7th, 2014




So now my dreams are imitating life in a way. And then there's the part where it's completely not like real life at all!

There's a parade that I guess Mystic Falls does every year on Founder's Day. Seriously, this town finds more and more reason to have festivals and parades then I've ever seen anywhere. So we have to all dress up in period clothes if we're in the parade and a bunch of us are in it, I'm dressed like a solider from the Civil War or something. So we're getting ready and Elena comes over to try and apologize for what had happened to me and I basically tell her to go to hell. Of course Damon follows me when I walk away and starts lecturing me on how he was the one who wiped my memory then Stefan decides to join in and says how he was the one who killed Vicki cause she was dangerous.

That's where the similarities between real life and the dreams pretty much ends. Right before and after that, Anna comes to me. When she showed up before, she tells me that her mother was killed and she wants me to leave with her and that she'll turn me and gives me a vial of her blood. When she finds me after the parade she tells me that there's a group of vampires who are going to attack, but then she clutches her head like it's going to explode and two deputies come in and drag her out. After that, later that night, Damon shows up in my room and tells me that Anna is dead. He offered to erase my memories of Anna and I told him no, because it never really erases the memories or the suffering. After Damon left, I drank the vial of blood Anna gave me then took a bunch of pills.

I woke up then, from the dream. That has got to be the worst place for one of these dreams to end. I mean, come on! Although, what's even more weird is that when I woke up, there was this really gaudy looking ring on my dresser. The same ring that my uncle wore in the dreams. Why would I have it?




3 days in Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show... Jarvis, you coming with me?

Kevin, I'm assuming you'll be there. David?

It's going to be... interesting.




So far so good on my New Years Resolution. I mean, for the most part, anyway. I'm still working on it, but it'll be a long process, I'm sure.

How's every else doing on theirs?




I think my New Years Resolution is to lose 15 pounds. Starting now.

My girlfriend says I need to take up jogging again, so.



Martial arts anyone?

Okay, well, guess I should probably look into this dumb job thing, huh?

The dumbass Renji is probably going to agree.

Well, whatever.

Just got an offer at a local gym for being a martial arts instructor. So yeah. Anyone interested? Not much, but the pay is good.




More dreams of Dad and working with 'duckboy' to take him down. Though I guess in the dreams I don't know his name yet so I can't call him 'duckboy' to his face, though I think the me there would love to. She'd probably try to use it as a way to flirt with him, what can I say, guys in masks and costumes are strangely attractive.

So, boys and girls, if you hit a boy with a brick and later endlessly flirt with him until he kisses you in thanks for saving his life but immediately starts back-peddling when you express an interest in continuing to see him, all the while he won't tell you his name even though he knows yours, maybe it's a sign that you should back away.




I may have had a little too much fun decorating cookies at the bakery over the last few days. I know that it's a bit soon for Valentine's Day stuff to come out, but the "2014" cookies weren't selling. I dare you not to buy one of these babies.

Cut for Image )

As always, mention Valarnet and get a discount! Or a free sample! Or something else, depending on my mood!




I was jogging earlier today when I came upon a stray dog. She's under some blankets right now, but I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow.




NSFW video under the cut )