
September 11th, 2012




You always hope when you get starred at funny in the Walmart it's because somebody recognizes you, as stupid as that is. Only certain people, very pathetic, horsey types would pick up on that, but it's better than the glares you get for being on the electric cart and being relatively young and stuff.

You know, I didn't pick today to go in and grab the cart just to ruin your day, lady in the frozen food aisle who can't keep your kids from darting out in front of me so that I have to keep jerkily stopping, thanks very much. I mean, I wasn't out to run one of them over, really, even though I kind of WANTED to by the end of things. All I really did was pick today to run in for my refills and do groceries and shit after my training session. Which was probably not a good idea, cause I'm already gonna be sore a couple days after the ride I got my coach to put me through today. But seriously. I've got a right to run through Walmart if I feel like it, and if I happen to not want to hobble around and trip people up in the narrow ass aisles? Hey, that's my freaking prerogative, right?

I don't get it, seriously. Time to look at other places around here to shop that piss me off a whole lot less. So recommendations would be awesome. Grocery and feed and tack shops if you could.

And uh, I'm Eomer, sometimes they call me Emo. Guess I'm a new resident and all and newly posting to the valarnet. This is shaping up to be an adventure.


Waking up fifteen minutes before your alarm is set to go off SUCKS.




When it comes to Man vs. Hammer, the hammer wins. Every time. Shocking isn't it?


Went to lunch, get a call they're already out of deliberations.

Here we go.




Obadiah Stane is guilty! I knew it! I don't understand why someone would want to hurt Mr. Stark. He's an amazing man. There must be something terribly wrong with Stane. Maybe his mother didn't love him when he was growing up.




I am now officially two weeks past the halfway mark of this pregnancy. How did that happen? It doesn't feel like it's been that long, but then again it feels like I've been pregnant my entire life too. James, we need to name this baby.



[Blocked from Mia]

Cheers, mates.
Anyone know of any good places to watch women dance?


Teaching is a lot different from running a business. I think this is more me.