
September 12th, 2012




Starting to think a little more about my future. Namely...I think I might HAVE one. Is that weird at this point in my life? I've burnt so many bridges, screwed so much up that I can't actually be thinking about what I'm thinking. But, I maybe want a career, and I maybe want to work with kids, like at the ranch only with actual training to do it.

I think I maybe want to be a teacher. Can I even really DO that? It feels too late in a lot of ways, and I'm not exactly smart enough to get into college but... I sort of wanna try it anyway.

It's crazy, isn't it? I mean, what school would look at me and go "he's a great candidate for our program/to work with our kids? I've got a lot to think about, I guess. Looking for perspectives too...




I know what you're thinking - "Navi, it's freakin' September, it's way too late to grow any veggies in my garden!". (Then again, it's probably way more likely you're not thinking that, and you probably want a sandwich or something. Either way!) But nay! Nay, I say, now is a great time to grow some yummy crunchy things! Lettuce and kale and swiss chard are all perfect to plant right now, and we've got all of them in stock at the nursery.

Great, now I want a sandwich. I'M SORRY IF I MADE YOU ALL HUNGRY.




OKay, it's been months since the accident. I think it's about time I got back into shape now.

So: Anyone out there do self defense training? Martial arts, kickboxing... stuff? Also, Fencing?

I also really need to brush up on my archery, but the target Obi built for me should be enough for that.


I think pumpkin muffins may be the best invention ever.




Oh, poor me. I have no plans for this Friday night. I sure hope someone will ask me out for dinner and a movie.




Band broke up again. Not my fault that teh drummer wanted 2 go 2 gyno-wutevar pootang Dr skool + bass guy kept forgeting 2 buy beer + singer couldn't sing even if I kicked him in teh nuts repeetedly. FFS u loozers. Wait 4 my solo albim.

They said I couldn't play gitar but I don't have thyme + teh effort 2 listen 2 that bunch of raging kock monsterz.

Its the backseet of teh car again or I need a nu cooch 2 crash on 4 a weak.

I thynk they phucked with my speel checker on my fone b4 they kiked me out.

Haha Nao check out my ringtone )




I need 2 start getting more sun. I'm so pale it's stupid. Hurts my eyes too.

Stupid sun.