
September 10th, 2012



[Locked to Obi, Neena, Jean, Jubilee and Rahne and now Illyana]

image below the fold! )

[Open to everyone below this point]

My best friends are all trolls.

Good night folks!




They really should make cellphones more durable. Ginny-proof them. I didn't mean to drop it. And don't give me that I should have even brought it into that bathroom with me look. What if someone texts while I am doing my hair? It could be an emergency!

Bill doesn't know it but he wants to teach me to drive. I am his favorite baby sister after all. Then I could drive myself to the store to a new phone.

Until then I am stuck trying to bum a ride off someone.




Why is it, if you're a girl in your twenties or thirties, everyone and his brother has to ask you "oh are you getting married, do you have a boyfriend, don't you want kids?" What if I don't want a boyfriend? What if I don't want to get married? What if I *gasp* don't want kids? Am I not allowed to be happy with myself and my dog, or my mom and hers?

I'm 27. Stop telling me how I should live my life.

Also? I hate Mondays.




Alice..I'm so sorry.




I got a job at Disneyland! I can't believe it. It's so much closer to home and I'll be working for Portia who I love and is so much nicer than my old boss. Plus, Disneyland will never go under water. That would just be silly.




The more I see of these Collectors, and Cerberus, the more I want them both gone.

...At least Cerberus knew how to make a decent ship, I suppose.


I'd like to express my sincerest gratitude to everyone who sent condolences over the last week. They were very much appreciated.


Liam Smith and Ten Who. )




So, we're going to be house hunting. Four bedrooms, five at the most, as we want the twins to have their own rooms, and Illyana and her girlfriend will be staying with us. Does anyone have any neighborhood recommendations?