
April 23rd, 2012




Dear people handing out crazy leaflets and holding up signs saying 'Jesus is our saviour',

Just because I'm Roman-Catholic doesn't mean I know the Pope or that I'm deluded conservative or that I'm intimately familiar with the practices of the Spanish Inquisition. Which is a good thing because if I were, I'd be calling you heretics and start preparing an auto-da-fé in a public square.




Anyone have tips on how to cut down on smoking without actually stopping? I just need to save some money. I promise I'll get back up to a pack a day as soon as I can afford it.



thoughts of a father

My daughter is coming to visit next weekend, but not to stay over. She'll be by for Sunday bunch and that's all, I'm afraid. I was short notice on my part and I'll take what I can get. I just need to see her more often. I had an upsetting dream that indicated just how much I need it. At least, that's what I'm telling myself the dream meant. ...Not that I'm considering the possibility that dreams mean anything at all. They don't. Dreams are dreams, just like dead is dead. There's no way around either of them. Nightmares, unfortunately, are inevitable; and some keep you from closing your eyes at night.

Hopefully, this book tour won't be the death of me. One more week. I'll celebrate Sunday.

On a completely unrelated note, where can I buy a gun?


I almost wonder if this spurt of honesty is due to everyone realizing it is far easier to not have to remember what lie you spun.

I doubt it, but it is an interesting thought.




[Privately Filtered to Thor]

I wanted to talk to you, and now I can't ... actually remember what about.

So! In general, I suppose: How are you? How's life treating you? School? Finals coming up, yes? That Jane woman, how's she?

... How are Odin and Frigg, for that matter? Did they give you any other siblings after Laufey took me off?

puppies anyone?

photo under the cut! it is a hot bitch you should click it )

This is Ilyana, and she's due to give birth to her second litter in a month.

I'm mostly showing off her silly face lounging like that -- she's pregnant, see, the rest of the pack have to wait on her -- because I want everyone to see how beautiful she is, as I've estimated five pups on palpation and between two and all five will be available for sale. Drumming up early interest because background checks take time!




LOOK, IT'S THE INTERNET. I keep forgetting to use it.


This is a drunk post, which is like a drunk dial except better.

Also I'm a fantastically boring drunk, I can type straight and everything.