
Posts Tagged: 'rey'

Mar. 15th, 2018




My dreams are filled with visions, lies, and half truths. It's so hard to pick out what to believe, or where the truth actually is.

Falling into that cavern was like swimming in the Dark Side. But it felt like relief. Like I'll finally find answers.

Feb. 23rd, 2018




How do you find hope when the person everyone has pinned their hopes on has lost his own hope?

And the darkness is so very tempting.

Feb. 20th, 2018




This Skeeter woman is worse than the bloody National Enquirer. Does she actually expect anyone to believe these shitty, grainy pictures are real? Bet she wouldn't like it if the situation were reversed.

Feb. 12th, 2018




I don't know what I was expecting when my dreams continued, but that wasn't it.

(OOC: obv spoilers in comments)

Jan. 28th, 2018




I'm not the only one seeing the black sun, right? Or felt that earthquake?

I felt like shite this morning when I woke up, and I've got a bad feeling about this.

Jan. 20th, 2018




I had another dream. I’m working as a host in that club to pay off my debt, and they are going to be hosting a dance party. Which I know absolutely nothing about dancing so… that’s fun. One of Tamaki’s regulars comes in and decides that I’m her new favorite, something he doesn’t seem that happy about. But she has offered to teach me how to dance and I’ve been threatened to being demoted back to errand boy if I don’t take her up on it. Mixed signals, Tama, mixed signals. I can’t not steal your client and also steal her?

I’m honestly not sure why she’s coming to the host club to start with, because she seems to have a crush on another boy, and even though she hasn’t told him and they’re still in high school, they’re somehow engaged. I have to be honest, I’m confused both here and in my dreams. Is that a rich person thing or are they just weird? The two of them in particular, I mean?

It turns out that her not-boyfriend is going to college abroad, so we have to get them to admit their feelings for each other before he leaves. Because that’s a normal thing in this school? And for that to work I have to dress up like a girl. And pretend to have a crush on him to get him to admit how he feels where she can listen, or at least to get her to feel jealous and admit how she feels. I’m not really all that enthused with the plan, but I was bribed with sushi. Because I fully admit that my stomach is my weak spot.

She catches us together and runs off, and he runs after her, catching her right at the spotlight dance and they finally admit how they feel. She’s named Queen of the Ball, and she’s supposed to get a kiss on the cheek from Tamaki, only I get roped in as his replacement. After all the makeup is scrubbed off and I’ve changed back into the suit I borrowed. Because it would be really weird for me to “confess my love” to one of them in one disguise and kiss the other on the cheek in the same disguise.

Somehow I get pushed and accidently kiss her on the lips, so my first kiss in the dream world is to someone that’s engaged to someone else.

I just hope they gave me plenty of sushi to make this worth it.

Jan. 19th, 2018




Anybody else ever wake up in the morning and the only thing running through your head is “Shit I need a drink after that dream?” I dreamt about someone I don’t even know in this life dying in a fire while I had to hold their brother back on the sidewalk to keep them from running inside. Because apparently he was my best friend? Even just writing it here is making my head hurt trying to figure it out.




Just an FYI, if anyone ever tries to make a golem of me, in the future, using my life force, I will kick them in the balls.

Dec. 20th, 2017




I would like to point out that, for the record, not only am I objectively a great driver, I know how to drive in the snow. Oregon is not California; a measly dusting like what we have here is not enough of a reason to give up and stay home. That being said, black ice should not be underestimated.

cut for image )

[Filtered away from Asami]

I'm not usually one to crowdsource my personal decisions, but I'm getting desperate: What does one get someone that they're dating interested in romantically involved with close to, when said person can literally buy and practically invent anything they would ever want?




I suppose I ought to introduce myself on here. My name is Mary Crawley.

I must say, I don't think I was expecting such a large community. Dreams aren't something that I would normally talk about with other people, but the one that I had was so vivid that I felt compelled to do some research on the internet and ended coming across this site.

Has anyone else dreamed that they were from a completely different time period?

Dec. 14th, 2017




Sometimes the OC gives you just what you needed when you needed it. Okay and being pushed by your best friend helps.

Now let's see if it'll let me take a few days off without getting me attacked being harassed. Probably not. The people who ruined my Alaska trip are still out there. I will end them

Dec. 4th, 2017




It’s the best time of the year! The festive ornaments, the glittering lights, the smell of freshly baked Christmas cookies. How could anyone not be jolly?

Nov. 27th, 2017




So I kinda got the most adorable puppy in the universe over the weekend...

His name's Chewie.

Cuteness overload )

Nov. 9th, 2017




So, this is where there are supposedly answers about

You know, despite being in the area for a few years now since grad school, I'm surprised it took me this long to hear about this website. So besides all this dream talk, what else do people discuss on here?

Oct. 24th, 2017




Hey guys... my birthday's right around the corner!! WOOOO

Oct. 23rd, 2017




My dreams decided to give me several items all at once. I somehow think my girlfriend is more excited about this than I am, and I am rather excited to have my armor and weapons!

But against my mother's wishes, I left Themyscira with Steve Trevor, a man I saved from drowning. He spoke of a great war were thousands of people were dying and there were weapons like no one had ever seen before. With my knowledge of this world, it was World War I he spoke of, and we arrived in London so he could take me to the war where I could confront Ares.

Oct. 22nd, 2017




What is it with you yanks and Halloween, anyway?

Oct. 16th, 2017




This has got to be the best news I've heard related to the fires.

I'm not crying, you're crying.

Izzy the Dog Survives California Wildfires and Reunites with Family

Sep. 18th, 2017




Right. Hello there. I heard this is the best place to get to know more people, meet some new mates maybe even a roommate? No, no too soon for that, leave that for the next post? So, hello! Right, already said that. I'm Rose Tyler! Nice to meet all of you...so to speak. Been here a couple of months, but it took that long for me to get use to this place. Made my way over from across the seas and it's been a change! I like the weather here though.

So what happens around here? Anyone know of a good spot to get a cup of tea? And not this American stuff...proper British tea. I think I've had my fill of coffee at the moment! Rather nasty actually...no offense intended for those that enjoy it! Just...different from home, ya know? Plus it's never fun to drink when you have to make it 8 hours every day. But someone has to! My civic duty now! You know, I've actually seen someone break down when we ran out of the Anniversary Blend. You yanks really love your coffee.

Sep. 14th, 2017




You wanna hear somethin fun? The phrase 'high as giraffe pussy'. That's a good phrase.

PS, I'm high as giraffe pussy right now. Almost worth getting stabbed over.

Sep. 6th, 2017




Do you say toe may toe or toe mah toe?

Year - o or jeer - o for gyro?

These are the questions we should be thinking about!

Aug. 23rd, 2017




Well, now that's that's all settled - To make up for lost performances during the latest round of Orange County being Orange County, Bandstand will be adding additional matinee performances starting the 28th through the end our run on the 4th, Tuesday remaining dark. What is sleep?

Orange County, the one place where you should probably get "random invasion and other unexplained phenomenon" insurance or cancelled days.

Aug. 11th, 2017




Is it me or does it seem like it's been quite some time before something's happened around here lately? I mean different than the normal threats of the political climate. Even with school starting up, I find myself... bored. Maybe it's the staying in one place or being used to more excitement. I really can't decide.

Anyone want to go on an adventure?

Jul. 15th, 2017




I can't believe it's been a week we've been here. Traveled up to Klamath National Forest to do some old fashioned camping with Rey and BB-8 and it's just been amazing. Gorgeous views, it's quiet and it's just nice to be in nature, y'know?

Gonna be kinda sad leaving this place tomorrow. Not 100% sad, I mean, I do miss some modern comforts. Plus Game of Thrones comes back tomorrow.
Cut for pics )

Jun. 15th, 2017




Since Yelp has failed me several times now, I figured I would ask here. My favorite ice cream shop closed (sad face) and I'm looking for a new one to replace it. I have a couple of important qualifications, but I'm not that picky.

There must be Bubblegum ice cream. And it must be reasonably priced.

May. 27th, 2017




I've been wanting to work through this by myself, but...

Does anyone have a space that's at least 40m x 30m x 15m in size?

Uhm, I have a space ship and it really needs repairs and I don't have the tools or workspace for it. She's kind of been sitting in one spot for weeks now.

May. 22nd, 2017




I've never really understood the appeal of posting all of your personal information online, but I can't fault a good communication tool if it means not turning into a recluse that recycles her own urine. Which I'm not, by the way. No matter what my brother says.

Er, anyway. Hi, Orange County. I'm Lena. I'm an engineer at Stark Industries (For now. If I don't find a more efficient cooling mechanism for this generator I may be out of a job soon). Please help me find things to do that aren't just work, so that my brother will get off of my back.

May. 4th, 2017




Happy Star Wars Day everyone! May the Fourth be with you!

Apr. 22nd, 2017




I just spent most of today rebuilding someone's transmission. It was a mess. I don't think this man ever once changed the fluid or anything and I'm pretty sure what he was doing when he came to pick up his car was a crime against machinery.


My amazing girlfriend bought me a pet recently. Or, well, two pets actually. They're conures, and they're both so pretty and kind of goofy. They're both adorable, and seem to like sitting on me when I'm trying to play my violin.

Cut for image, viewable to all )

This was kind of what I needed to help get me to start to work out of the depression I'd fallen into. So, thank you to both Ahsoka and Yang for your help.

Apr. 19th, 2017




So this is apparently where people introduce themselves, but I'm not really good with social media. I prefer books to people this sort of thing. But hello, my name is Blake.




This psychic shit can just fuck off forever. I don't want to see these things. Nobody wants to see these things. If you can't change them, what's the point?

Tell me you're okay.

Apr. 17th, 2017




I think that there should be some kind of meet up for those of us with mechanical skills. It might be fun! We could build things. Have contests!

Mar. 26th, 2017




This month has felt kind of boring to me lately, haha. Not completely sure why, but alas.

But I did just realize that April is coming very soon and that means the Newport Beach Film Festival. I had a great time last year showing one of my films, so I'm excited to go back and enjoy it as a observer.

Mar. 24th, 2017




I keep forgetting Poe's gone. He got transferred to a different base a few weeks ago, but I keep calling him thinking he's right around the corner. It's so weird not having him here.

Mar. 14th, 2017




Wrecked my bike today. Some arse tried to cut me off and I've got a nice rash on my hip now.

It's a custom built Frankenstein's Monster, she was one of a kind.

But I'll fix her right up. The dents and scratches add character!

Feb. 26th, 2017




Gotta admit it's pretty nice right now in Florida.

Just trying to get used to a couple hours of roaring race cars going in circles. This is my first NASCAR race, the Daytona 500 and lemme just say fans here are intense. This thing is sold out and wow.
Tags: ,

Feb. 22nd, 2017




I am not sure if these sound amazing or disgusting. Either way, I just have to know how anyone came up with them.

Feb. 6th, 2017




65 years ago today, Princess Elizabeth spent the night in a beautiful Treetops Hotel in Kenya. In the morning she left a Queen. It's Queen Elizabeth II's Sapphire Jubilee. The first in history to celebrate the milestone. A bright spot in an otherwise dark and depressing year. Long live the Queen.

Feb. 4th, 2017




I'm not sure the ballet company would appreciate if I did anything like this to my hair but god am I tempted!

Jan. 21st, 2017



Filtered away from non-puncturable/non-punctured SW people

So...is it cheating to go to this Star Wars Celebration thing and roll up as myself in cosplay?

Cuz I kinda want to. But not alone.

Anybody ever been to this? It looks kinda crazy fun.

Jan. 7th, 2017




GUESS WHAT? I might have a new job entirely - STUNT MAN! THAT ROCKS SO HARD!

Dec. 6th, 2016




I think this will be my first holiday season with friends I actually like!

Dec. 5th, 2016



Locked from Non-Punctureable Star Wars Folks

Interesting thing about Dreaming you're in the Star Wars universe - other than discovering that it actually exists...somewhere - is that every where you look you can find something with Star Wars slapped on it: Books, movies, toys, you name it.

So in my Dreams the Big Bad is this guy who is only known - to us anyway - as The Inquisitor. He's a pretty fucking intimidating dude, tall, with a long gaunt face, sharp teeth, red streaks coming down from his eyes. He's currently employed by the Empire to hunt down and kill Jedi during the purge. This guy has taken a particular interest in me and my crew, even somehow projecting an image of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, whom he killed by the way, to lure other Jedi into a trap. And, yeah, I fell for the trap, very much like an idiot. In my defense, though, they used her bones to lure me and my padawan to her cell where we were ambushed. We managed to get away, because we're pretty fucking awesome like that, but Jesus Christ, this guy has issues. Like...creepy stalker issues. I've been looking over my shoulder since he first made his debut in the Dreams just in case he shows up here.

So what does this have to do with all the Star Wars merch that's out there? Well, as I was looking through Amazon trying to get ideas for gifts for the holidays, I found this little Lego representation.

Pffffhauahahahahaha! Look at him! Just look at him! I can't stop laughing!

Nov. 11th, 2016



As though this week was not bad enough with the election results, I was so wonderfully disowned by my parents last night. I believe I will just sleep this weekend away. After that, then I need to start looking for a job. And making my stay here more permanent and not prone to being deported when my student visa expires.

Oct. 26th, 2016



Blocked from any non-puncturable/non-punctured SW folks

So, Google, Wikipedia and Wookiepedia are kinda a rabbit hole of information with Star Wars. There's SO MUCH.

I don't even...I'm just trying to understand it all, even after we marathoned those movies a while back. Which, by the way, was INSANE. I can live without a blaring opening fanfare for a little.

But. It seems Stormtroopers are some sort of...cool thing? They're everywhere. There are actual legions.

And apparently, they dance.

Cut for animated gif fun )

Oct. 25th, 2016




Why is Halloween so popular here, anyway? It's always puzzled me and I've been living in the states for years.

Oct. 24th, 2016




I had the WEIRDEST dream last night, and I think it was one of those DREAM dreams, you know? Like you guys all have?

But how do I know for sure?

Oct. 22nd, 2016




On a scale from 1-10, how lame is it to dress up as yourself for Halloween? Because I look pretty damn cool, and it's the best fitting costume I've ever had.

Though, Finn, I might need to borrow my jacket back.

Sep. 25th, 2016




I saw Mulan for the first time. One the one hand, quite inspirational. On the other hand, I have 'Be a Man' stuck in my head and the chorus keeps cropping up at the most interesting times.

Fill the car up with petrol Be a Man!