
Posts Tagged: 'glimmer'

Nov. 23rd, 2013




Sometimes you just know how the story ends, you know? Like it's no big secret and it's like why bother with the in between. Whether it's a book or dreams or just your life.

Oct. 30th, 2013




Best horror movie: Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, or The Exorcist?

Oct. 28th, 2013




And because I haven't done this in a while here's an Autumn themed picture from when I lived back east. You know to get you in the mood or something.

Cut for photo )

Sep. 28th, 2013




If anyone was wondering I went out and bought a book. Not a Nook or a Kindle or an iPad but an actual book. The binding fell apart. Yeah, I should have gotten an electronic one.

Sep. 27th, 2013





Sometimes I do this and leave it for Robert before work.

He doesn't think it's nearly as funny as I do.


Where does one go to meet people, exactly? That isn't some sort of bar or night club, mind you. Those things aren't really my cup of tea.

But I've been wanting to branch out and make new friends, and that sort of thing, but I'm not certain where to start!

Perhaps I could start a book club? Hmm...

Aug. 30th, 2013




Raise your hand if you think that song, "The best song ever" is the worse song ever? Really there were some awesome boy bands in the 90's but One Direction isn't even close. It's like a group full of Bieber want-a-be's in one place. Not that I would strive to be him either.

Aug. 26th, 2013




My dreams involve significantly less murder lately.

That's nice, all things considered.

Aug. 24th, 2013




So people of the Net, do blondes really have more fun as they say? Because I'm starting to think it's time for a new hair color. Dumb blonde jokes get old after a while.

Aug. 4th, 2013




I'm not even sure this body is old enough to drink or if it is that it can handle the amount that I need to consume right now.

[Private to Glimmer, Gin, Merle and Vala]

I appear to be in the body of a twenty something blonde girl. And I really do wish I was joking.

Gotta love this place right?

Jul. 29th, 2013




People need to lighten up in general. Yes, I mean the person at the coffee shop that pitched a fit because she couldn't have her skim milk latte. Haven't people heard? The artificial sugars have proven to be worse for you than actual sugars. Not that it has anything to do with my previous statement but yeah...

Odd news time. Apparently your house can be covered in beer cans and earn landmark status. That's a little disappointing.

Jul. 22nd, 2013




Summer bucket lists are overrated. They are always boring and read like: go to the beach, have a summer fling, go on a trip, be lazy. Yawn. I have to admit I am already looking forward to fall and college. Because honestly, there a lot of people that should not be walking around in swimsuits and shirtless.

Jul. 6th, 2013




ffs why does anyone even bother going outside anymore if they live here?

Jun. 24th, 2013



So I actually made it to the end of school. Thank whatever is out there that it's all over. Skipped graduation ceremony thing. Load of rubbish anyway and I don't need to attend to collect my official bit of paper in a few weeks anyway.

So now to sort out what I'm doing. Few jobs lined up already which is good. Might just see where that takes me to be honest.

Jun. 3rd, 2013




A few more weeks and I'll be free from this plague we call high school. I won't miss it really, I won't. The adults always tell you you will miss it but they're lying. They really just miss their youth not that dreaded place. I am certainly buying myself a new camera as a reward for making it through.

May. 10th, 2013




Right. I think I am giving my job up as a paparazzi. Really I mean sure the money is really good but I am starting to get super muscular from all this running from security. I should just sell what pictures I do have and be done with it.

May. 1st, 2013



I considered quitting school but I graduate so soon I guess I might as well stick it out.

No idea what to do after though. No way I can stand more school. Anybody know any jobs for a computer nerd?

Mar. 25th, 2013




I am not sure about anyone else but I always found the Easter bunny a little scary. Or maybe it is just the creep people in the suits.

Mar. 6th, 2013




Isn't this dreaming thing freaking fantastic? I mean really. What did I do in this other life or whatever to deserve this? Oh wait, I was forced to fight to the death with other children. That must be it. Everyone else gets to dream about being superheros and doing awesome things and I have to dream about a world were children are forced to murder each other.

How many times in life can a person draw the short straw? Yes, that's supposed to be a rhetorical question.

Feb. 20th, 2013




Since horror movies on Valentines Day was such a success does that mean we get to watch those creepy Leprechaun movies on St. Patty's Day? I think those creep me out way more than any other horror movie for some reason.

Jan. 27th, 2013




So Valentine's Day! It's coming and we can't stop it but thanks to my wonderful new friend, Glimmer, who had an incredible idea we have come up with THE ultimate Valentine's Day plan.

I have hired a movie theater [address] and we are going to be screening horror films all day - no tickets needed just turn up! And there will be free ice cream, popcorn and the usual goodies too!

So if you want an alternative to the lovey dovey mushy crap that we are all bombarded with then come along!

Jan. 22nd, 2013




Is it proper to suggest going to see a horror movie for Valentines day? I mean that's really what I feel like when that holiday comes around. Romantic gestures on V-day just feel fake, staged, and unreal. I know I just made myself unpopular with a lot of people but if you love someone you should show them every day as it's expected on holidays.

Jan. 7th, 2013




The best thing about everyone being sick? That there are no lines any where because people are either too sick to come out or are afraid they're going to catch what is being referred to as the plague. Well, that's unless you're at the grocery store or the pharmacy. Then you're either stocking up in case this is some sort of plague or getting medicine that probably won't work because they don't typically work too well on viruses.

I guess I'm just lucky because I've been around oodles of sick people at school and I feel great. There has to be a some that have immunity and I mine as well be one of them. Survival of the fittest and all that crap.

Dec. 29th, 2012




Do people actually shop the after Christmas sales? Don't you get enough of shopping before Christmas? Then again I guess they take advantage of the fact people get money/gift cards for Christmas and the need to spend them.

New Years, well that's one holiday I don't mind. Parties without the obligation of a gift can be fun.

Dec. 24th, 2012




Call me a Grinch or whatever but I still dislike Christmas. Growing up it always reminded me of the family I didn't have and the odd looks kids in school give you when they ask you what you got and you say nothing. Before you judge me too much, I did get my sister and a few friends presents. As for the Christmas music, trees, and lights I'll pass.

Lets move on to New Years.

Dec. 8th, 2012




Christmas tree photography, annoying or inspiring?

Nov. 24th, 2012




What do vegetarians eat for Thanksgiving and is it the same if you don't have turkey? The turkey is kind of what makes the holiday. Fighting in stores aside I am also one of those obnixious people that went out and bought a tree already, fake and pre-lit, so I could put it up today. I kind of like looking at it and it'll give me something new to photograph.

Nov. 13th, 2012




Anyone actually crazy enough to shop on Black Friday? I mean I'm seeing all these ads and wondering if it's actually worth it. Worth the risk of getting trampled over, in fights with other people, and standing in lines that take forever. It's probably easier to shop online.

Nov. 6th, 2012




To the person I agreed to boycott election stuff with, I'm still doing it. How about you? Does this mean I can skip school today too since it's all we're going to be talking about?

Nov. 5th, 2012




omg the county clerk took FOREVER today because I wanted to make sure everything was in order after Vegas.

But yes! The paperwork is filed, and as of today I have a temporary driver's licence that lists my name as Navi Wisdom. (I never used to have a middle name, so my maiden name is now my middle name.)

I never thought I'd be so happy about doing paperwork! BUT YEEE. And in a couple of days I get to pick up the New Kitty (she had to have one more surgery on her eye).

Nov. 2nd, 2012




Statistically speaking the quietest part of the day is 3am. It is when people are most likely to be asleep. It is eerily haunting but there is something about the silence that makes it easier to think.

Anyone else find that it is one of their favorite times of the day?

Oct. 25th, 2012




Best Halloween movie. I have to ask since it's practically Halloween and I have no social life so I am thinking of renting a movie.

Oct. 24th, 2012



Yay, getting in fights over boys. Yep. Gonna miss high school so fucking much. Whoever said they were the "best years of your life" was a lying asshole.

Oct. 23rd, 2012




Okay lovely people on the internet I want to know which of these costumes you prefer this one or this one

Or you know feel free to suggest one of your own ;)

Oct. 19th, 2012




What is the thrill to people when it comes to hitting every puddle with their car with the intention of soaking the person walking on the sidewalk? Believe me I never laugh. And are any of the new horror films out in theater worth wasting the money on? Not sure I am feeling the Halloween thing and need something else to do than drink at a party.

Oct. 9th, 2012



locked against non-puncturable avengers peeps

I got this rental while my car is in the shop and it's called an Avenger. How cool is that? I kind of feel like a badass in it. It drives like a boat though. I like my little Mazda. It handles so much better than this thing.

Is it too corny to wear a flower in your breast pocket to a job interview for a flower shop? I almost always wear flowers so it's not like it's abnormal for me, but they don't know that.




I have decided to buy my own camera, and start taking professional-type photographs. That being said, all I need now is a professional camera, and some know-how. And someone to convince me not to chuck it against the wall when things don't go my way.

Oh, and some idea where to start looking for a good camera. And someone to show me how to use it. And some extra money to procure one.

Are they still using film for casual shooting, or is everything digital, now-a-days?

ALSO I've decided to dress as a Pirate for Halloween.




Seriously, what's wrong with people? I just saw on the news that some lady was arrested for gluing her child to the wall because he wouldn't sit still. It only reinforces my belief that some people shouldn't raise kids.

Though I have to say I'm kind of wondering what she used to successfully glue her child to the wall. That has to be some super glue.

Oct. 7th, 2012




Okay, so there is this drink I want to learn how to make on my own. It's called Kombucha. Has anyone here had it? More importantly, has anyone here made it? There are some tricky steps and I want to make sure I'm not going to kill myself, bottling my own.

It's almost like... a magic potion.




I have a coworker who's been taking classes to do new things. She was raving about belly dancing and archery last week. I was thinking of following her example, but I'm not entirely sure where to begin. Suggestions?

Also, what is everyone doing for Halloween?

Anyone fancy doing something new with me?

[Doctor (Ten Who)]
Be reasonable with your suggestions.




Up with the sun again. This is getting to be routine.

Though, I'm on quite a bit less sleep now than before, and I'm not headed in to work today. Just couldn't sleep.

Oct. 5th, 2012




What is the best cure for a migraine? Anyone have a suggestion that isn't aspirin because it isn't going to work on a headache like this one.

I was kind of hoping that the dreams would be a one time thing despite people constantly lamenting them on the net. This time it was something called a Tribute parade. It was kind of sickening in the sense I felt like an exotic bird they were showing off before they slaughtered it.

Oct. 4th, 2012




All right, so Ron's got me playing this highly addictive video game. I have a feeling I'm going to be stuck at my computer all day tomorrow, playing.

Oct. 1st, 2012




Since everyone is talking about their dreams and the fantastic places they dreamt of so I figured I would share this. It has been a while since I shared a photo and it is one of those whimsical places I would think would find its way into a dream.

Cut for photo )

Sep. 28th, 2012









Is it normal to hate the person you are in your dreams?

Without our Princess, we'd have killed her and doomed the world

Sep. 27th, 2012




I can't believe people are talking about Halloween already. It's not even October yet. Pretty soon the stores will have Christmas stuff out! I do however know what I am being for Halloween and no I'm not telling you.

I still need to dig those pictures out. Sorry. Got swamped in text messages and homework. Yes, Faye, I did actually do my homework last night. Shoulda had a party though while you were working =P

Sep. 25th, 2012




I'm not even going to attempt to text since god knows where it will end up.

Vika - I'm pulling a late one tonight so don't panic if I'm not home. You're gonna be okay right?




Building a new life for yourself in a new place is no easy task, especially when you're not exactly an American citizen. I was able to buy a used car easily enough because I had the cash on hand, but getting an apartment is another thing entirely. I don't have a job because I want to re-open my flower shop here, but all of these fancy apartment complex places won't accept you if you don't have a job and I can't open up the flower shop until I can prove I'm an American citizen. I feel like I'm living in a big Catch-22 right now.

Sep. 22nd, 2012




Since the Net is in a screw you mode and forcing us all the do the sharing and caring thing, I suppose there's no use trying to make my latest dreams secret. They're super dark and people die, children die. No I don't want your pity either because I volunteered to enter the Hunger Games. I'm not sure if it qualifies as an act of valor or just plain stupidity. Maybe I had a death wish.