
Posts Tagged: 'sirius+black'

Jun. 17th, 2018




I love the kids at the parties I work - they don't even question why, when I'm dressed as Merida, I don't come in on horseback or carrying a bow. Or if they do ask where Angus is they're very willing to accept that he doesn't do well in traffic so I found another way to travel.

Jan. 31st, 2017




You know I feel as if it's far too early for Valentine's day stuff to be out, but then again back last month after Christmas, actually before it, they were already putting stuff out. It's unreal to me how quickly we move from one holiday to the next and it feels as if it's earlier and earlier every year. Next thing you know they'll have Christmas stuff out in July next to all of the summer supplies.

Jan. 30th, 2017




Thinking about home while driving away from it is always a bad idea. A man who makes his life on The Road has to love The Road. Wanting to have a home? Means betraying the love of The Road. Can't love both. Can't have both. It's a choice for one or the other.

Don't know which to choose.

Suppose it'll work itself out.

Dec. 28th, 2016




Reports are coming in about Christmas Decorations attacking their owners. If this is happening in your home, please contact the Agency. We will do our best to help you with your situation.

I boxed everything up the first mention of it and put all our decorations up into the crawl space. With the boxes thoroughly duct-taped shut. So far we haven't had any problems. This may work for other people, too.

Dec. 5th, 2016




Alright, so I'm not Christian, but I'm totally down with the secular side of Christmas and I'm really in the spirit of the Holiday this year. I even gave the Salvation Army lady outside of the grocery store a five dollar bill. Either I've gone nuts or I'm a total sap.

Anyway, it's time for Christmas songs. What are you guys humming along to?

Nov. 26th, 2016




I hadn't received any dream gifts since this summer when I got my Azkaban prison uniform. That was lovely, and went right into the garbage by the way. I woke up to find one of the enchanted mirrors that James and I used to use to communicate when we were put into detention. Those were good times. Now my only concern in my dreams is trying to get to the man that betrayed my friends before he can sneak away anywhere.

Oct. 26th, 2016




I just completely embarrassed myself. Luckily I didn't have any witnesses since I was alone in my apartment. So I could do the sensible thing and keep it to myself. Or I could talk about it on the network. I'm apparently a glutton for punishment, so guess which one I've picked?

I tried to pay my credit card bill, and for some reason the password wouldn't take. None of my usual passwords took, and I couldn't figure out what I set it as. Because I don't usually change from them unless a website's made me. I tried to get it to let me reset my password, and it doesn't recognize my email at all. I start to get worried that maybe someone's hacked my account, or I've gone to a phishing site by accident and now someone's going to hack my account. So I went to grab my wallet to call the company.

I got my card out and… my card is for a different company than the one I was trying to pay on. I don't even have a card for that company at all.

The cherry on top? I'd already scheduled a payment for this month, so I didn't even need to go through any of this at all.

Oct. 1st, 2016




oooooooookay. cult leader has returned and i am seriously questioning my hairstyle and my general everything. wow. okay, self. you really let yourself go.

but good news, i am still not in wizarding jail, so go me on that.

Sep. 27th, 2016




Is it normal to want to shake your dream self? Is there a way to shake your dream self? Inquiring minds would like to know.

[Sirius Black]

I don’t understand dream me at all. You were leaving and we were arguing. I took ...How could I take their side over yours? It doesn’t make any sense.

Sep. 4th, 2016




whatever this is, i am so over it. i have a crime scene to photograph and i'm pretty sure i'm on fire from the inside. this is so not a hangover. i know what that feels like.

Aug. 30th, 2016




I feel excited, nervous, sick, and ecstatic all at the same time. The last time I felt that way was when I was taking the final exams, senior year of college. My book comes out tomorrow, and it still doesn't feel real? I spent so much time and energy on it, and the fact it's been published and shipped off to stores still hasn't really registered. Jess has even personally given me my own copies, after stealing one of them for herself and it still ...it really doesn't feel real.

I have three more copies, besides the one I'm keeping for myself. Sirius, Remus? When do you want to pick yours up? Amycus, I'll give you yours Thursday.

Aug. 2nd, 2016




I always like to challenge myself when the Fine Bros post their try not to laugh challenges. This one featured Olympic athletes, and I didn't laugh until this guy came on. I lost it then because I've met several guys like him in my years of surfing.

It's nice to have things to laugh about when the dreams are dark, so Valarnet share with me something you find funny.

Jul. 24th, 2016




If I were to hypothetically start looking into a furry companion for myself and my husband, would you vote cat or dog? I'm still debating.

And haven't consulted my husband on this but we're still talking hypothetically. Mostly.

Jul. 6th, 2016




ooc: could lead to talking about torturing humans in the comments, so you know...be warned about that shit. DE stuff up in this joint. Also not sure if anyone is squeamish about brains/blood, but jic i did cut text, but it's not private )




I have to say that repeat dreams of your own death is enough to drive anyone to drink. But I think I'm going to use this as motivation to learn a new magical skillset. If my boyfriend, dream husband, and the asshole can become animagi (a shapeshifter) then I can do. It's also the perfect time because school is out so I need something to do.

Let's just hope that my animal form is something cool and not something lame.

Jul. 1st, 2016




 photo 4c4e681538c1cf875d340fbd7e6df755_zpsggtnbbor.jpg

Don’t forget on Monday for one day only you can get your special July 4th cookies from Baxters Bakery (both locations)

These are available to buy all day or get one free with any purchase of a sparkling drink :)

Jun. 29th, 2016




It figures that during the summer, I'd start dreaming about starting my college classes. They all seem to be general education classes so no clue what dream me decided to major in, guess I'll just have to keep waiting to find out.

Jun. 27th, 2016




I wasn't really the sports type in high school, here. I was more the sit to the sidelines with my nose in a book type. Apparently I actually played for my house's Quidditch team in my dream world. Which... I'm still not sure I understand the rules of it? Or how to play it. Honestly I think somehow it's three games going on at the same time and I really just don't understand. I know I'm a seeker, which means I fly around a lot while everyone else is actually playing.

So I guess it means even when I play sports, I'm still not the sports type?

May. 31st, 2016




You know my dreams about Hogwarts ended a while ago, but this morning I woke up to find my school robes draped over the foot of my bed. Strange if you ask me since I've gotten other things from later on down the line from them.

May. 20th, 2016




I wish I didn't pick a college that decided it was cool to keep teaching classes until June. I just want to be free already. Come on finals, I'm ready for you. Let it be summer already!

Sidenote: I don't think the middle of a wizarding war is a good time to bring a child into this world. But apparently Dream!Me is not the thinking type because I just had a beautiful baby boy named Harry and there's really no time to enjoy it. There's a prophecy about my child being able to defeat the Dark Lord we're fighting against. This doesn't bode well.

Apr. 8th, 2016




Whoa, waking up to find a motorcycle out in my driveway isn't a bad way to wake up. Knowing that it can fly? Makes it infinitely better.

Mar. 27th, 2016




Here is to having spent another Easter at home, watching Netflix in my pajamas if I want, gorging on peeps. And not having to get up stupidly early to dress up and be miserable with people I don't like on uncomfortable wooden benches. I didn't even get a guilting text this year! I think that's a first.

I'm probably a little too old to hold peep jousts in my microwave, but it is my microwave and I can if I want to. If anyone wants to know, yellow lost the most, blue had the most wins, and in a sad accident purple lost against itself.

Honestly it's a good thing I didn't wake up to a text from them. I dreamed last night about how they reacted to your sorting, and I really wasn't in the mood to deal with them when I woke up.

Mar. 17th, 2016




People who will literally never let go of a grudge: Severus Snape. What did I even ever ACTUALLY do to the guy? I'm getting shady side-eye because of pure association with two friends who will go nameless but not blameless.

What is this even, we haven't seen each other in thirteen years, how can I have ever done anything to warrant this. I mean sure he thinks I'm helping a murderous traitor but

Also I thought I really had these dreams figured out but I guess not. I guess not.

[Private to James Potter]
Your son is basically just like you but with all of Lily's good sense and wit. It's a dangerous combination.




Sometimes I really enjoy my dreams and sometimes they're incredibly concerning. I mean, I get to watch the progress of an entire relationship with someone I started out hating and eventually marry. I wasn't expecting that when I started the dreams. I also start to see the decline of my relationship with my sister after she married that awful man (almost seems like art imitating life, but her husband here isn't that awful). I got to see the beautiful graduation ceremony from a magical school, but now there's a war brewing and I'm really not looking forward to what happens.

On the plus side I finally got my Head Girl badge and a load of Wizarding money, so if anyone wants to see a knut or a galleon, let me know, haha.

Mar. 11th, 2016




1. crazy brick wall turning into a door. whaat?
2. wand finally
3. yeah, i have it
4. no, i can't do anything with it because i don't know any spells
5. wtf dreams?
6. that old dude was kind of weird. i mean, i guess he was okay because he helped me find a wand, but he's just real odd.
7. i can feel your jealousy radiating all the way from here, amycus
8. idk. i needed an even number. be jealous, amycus. jealooooouuuusssssss.

Mar. 6th, 2016




This morning there was a bottle of Firewhisky on my nightstand. A great gift from the dreams if I do say so myself.

Mar. 5th, 2016




warty hogs.

Feb. 28th, 2016




Cause those dreams aren't going to make things even more awkward.

As if the things I've already gotten from my dreams haven't been cool enough, I got the map that my friends and I created. It's a magical map of our school and shows everyone inside it and where they are at that exact moment. Sure, if doesn't show anything, but it's still pretty freakin' cool!

Feb. 15th, 2016




I have to say that practicing magic is a lot more fun than studying for school at this point. With the weird rain outside I can use my scouring spell on my clothes to get stains out. I've also been practicing my summoning charms so I don't have to get up to get anything. I'm tempted to use it in the library, but I don't want people to watch a book zooming by.

The only downside is I really want to practice hexes, but I need someone to duel against. Sirius/James/Remus? Shall we start a magic fight club? Anyone else have magical powers that would want to practice something?

[Private to Remus Lupin]
I got a trunk full of potion supplies, dear. I can make you some potions for your condition if you would like me to.

Feb. 7th, 2016




I dreamed that I received my letter from Hogwarts last night, then we went shopping for supplies for school which was an adventure with my mother. In any event, I was finally able to see what the fuss was about in regards to the school, it's simply amazing, although I was sorted into a house that...well, my family was none to pleased that I was sorted into it, but you know what? I don't really care what they think about it.

When I woke up I found my acceptance letter into Hogwarts on my nightstand along with my wand.

Feb. 3rd, 2016




Wow, fast-forward to me dreaming about being 33 and becoming my biggest fear in the universe. But, hey, that means I get to go back to Hogwarts and save the son of my best friends from my lunatic best friend. Could be worse I guess.

Jan. 31st, 2016




Glad the fog is all gone. Glad January is leaving, too. Ready for another month. This one's been a right bellend.

Jan. 30th, 2016




[Pretend this was posted early afternoon]

Birthday party at my place for myself. Come one, come all. Reply here and I'll send you my address. If you are a total creeper then I will hex you.

Jan. 16th, 2016




Good God, my mother is worse in my dreams than she is in real life. How's that even possible?

Nov. 29th, 2015




I have to say the thing I really dislike most about Thanksgiving is probably going back to work Monday and having to dodge all of the questions about 'Did you enjoy getting to go see your family?' I know for most people it's just small talk, but for some of us it's just... every bit the wrong question at the wrong time.

Second runner up, my normally quiet library is going to be a madzone for the next few weeks when everyone suddenly remembers they have exams coming up and deadlines they forgot about entirely.

Nov. 3rd, 2015




Today marks the anniversary of the day of birth of my best friend. So everyone should say Happy Birthday to Sirius Black today, if you see him.




I guess out of all the things that could have happened, I should be glad that I didn't tie anyone to train tracks, get tied to train tracks, rescue anyone from train tracks, or get attacked by people from the moon. I'm afraid to ask if anyone got what I'm sure was wild overmiming of everything on camera, but I am glad I had the sense to include a chalkboard with my costume.

Sirius, do you already have birthday plans?

Oct. 29th, 2015




It's been a long time since I've been around this many modern buildings. Alright, that sounds incredibly weird, but when you've spent the past year staring at various monuments and ruins in Athens you forget how awesome The Grove in LA looks. I will miss my time there, but I'm also so glad to be back over here and my first stop was In N Out, which amused my parents greatly. The heart wants what the heart wants and I will not deny it.

Also, I'm Lily Evans, grad student at UC Irvine, and directed here via my adorable friend Remus Lupin.

Jan. 7th, 2015




You'd think the police would be more competent.

Jan. 3rd, 2015




I had the strangest dream last night. I was probably a few inches tall and I had wings. Except I had to walk to work because I was out of Pixie dust. Apparently I'm a dust keeper fairy who is always out of dust.

Oh and Tink. You were there. You had wings too.




Seriously, my dream life is like a soap opera. I really don't know what dream!me is thinking. I mean, part of me gets it. Brian won't admit he loves me or do anything to celebrate my birthday then has to cancel plans to go away just so he can try and impress his new boss then along comes Ethan who seems to be the complete opposite from Brian and I start to fall for him. Ethan will do the things that Brian won't. Not can't; won't. Even Brian admits it. It's so fucking frustrating cause if I actually knew a person like Brian in real life, I'd tell him how much of an asshole he is and be done with it. Doesn't matter that he's hot and great in bed. Yes, he saved my life in the dreams and yes, it's obvious to everyone that he does love me, but how long can I really follow after him hoping he'll say it?

My dream self needs a clue. Although, in the one I just woke up from, it seems that he might have finally gotten it. Brian threw a party at Babylon for mine and Michael's comic book release, but I left with Ethan. Everyone was there and saw it. I have no idea what's going to happen next.

The comic book release though just reaffirms the fact that I would really like to do something like that in real life. I think it'd be pretty fun, but I don't have the first clue what to write a comic about. Billy had offered to help, so maybe we should start talking about that again.

Jan. 2nd, 2015




Middle of the night and I just went on an online shopping spree at Lush.com. I've noticed a bit of a trend that when Mickey has to go on a trip for a job and I'm not working, I have a tendency to do some on-line shopping. I should find something else to do otherwise I'm gonna buy more stuff. I'd go to bed, but I have an overnight tomorrow night, so sleeping now wouldn't really do any good. I need to wait a couple more hours before I go to bed.

Dec. 21st, 2014




Looking for Christmastime activities that a solo person can do on his own without turning into the creepy alone guy everyone fears and/or pities. Any suggestions?

Dec. 8th, 2014




So, I need to find a lawyer. I think. Or at least someone who can understand all this legalspeak. Maybe someone who knows something about patents? Or applying for them, anyway? I got all the paperwork I need? I think? I just need help deciphering it to make sure I've got all my t's crossed and i's dotted.

And, since this network is awesome and stuff, I thought I'd start my search here.

Sep. 17th, 2014




Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back!

Sep. 15th, 2014





Lets not bullshit around here. How many of you have developed magic powers?

Aug. 28th, 2014




Okay, this was really cute...


Aug. 25th, 2014




LA Galaxy needs to pick their game up. They're only 4th place in their conference at the moment. I miss real football... it's just not the same here.

Aug. 24th, 2014




As of this school year, I will no longer be teaching high school history; instead I'll be teaching history at the University of California in Irvine. I was offered the job on Friday on simply couldn't turn it down. I've taught mostly high school during my teaching career and I think teaching college will give me a more flexible schedule around the full moon.

Jun. 30th, 2014




Anyone know of any good massage places in town?