
Posts Tagged: 'sif'

Feb. 13th, 2013




Getting glared at by the priest as you amble into get Ashed? Still a Massive Guilt Inducing Moment, even though I'm not the guy behind me who had to run out of line, hand clasped over his face. That one? Probably a WHOLE lot worse than just that Judgey Disapproving Glance when HE got back in line.

...Worth it.

Even if I am going back to the couch now and canceling my plans to go out spotting other members of the club, and most likely bailing on my Prior Obligations. Not exactly the Adult option but right now? I don't want to be an adult and wrestle with getting ready for class and having to shower and find my gear and get there and try to see through my shield when I'm in like, zero condition to be trusted with sharp objects in the first...


Talked myself out of THAT one.


I'm so lucky I didn't see my boss this morning. He's got eyes that remind me of like, my dad knowing I went out and got trashed. They make the hangover worse. He'd look at me and I'd like, throw myself on his mercy for being an idiot. Even though last night was really fun, and my beads are now wound around the base of my desk lamp.

What's the hangover cure again? Eggs with horseradish? Eggs with something.

Grand R )




Well, great. Not only do I dream that I'm a Norse frost ... genie, but I'm a sexist asshole Norse frost genie. Great.
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Mardi Gras! WHo has two thumbs and the msot beads in the bar? This guy. Capital R.

I even have a paper crown that I'm wearing ironically.

Feb. 12th, 2013



It just occurred to me that I'll likely be spending Mardi Gras either at work, or with men who have no interest whatsoever in being flashed.





Next person who asks me to show them my tits is going to walk away with a limp.

Feb. 11th, 2013




Far be it from me to police the activities of the members of this network, but I would ask that certain members of it refrain from phoning me in the middle of the night to inform me of their childish antics and, if it would not be too much trouble, to refrain from using terrible faux and obviously affected accents to play act the roles of historical figures simply because they feel that it will get a rise out of me.

Courfeyrac, I will now be changing my phone number in the hopes "Louis-Phillipe" and "Marianne" do not phone me again to inquire "how the revolution is going" and if I am "enjoying the comforts of my pillow barricade". I hope that you are satisfied in that you helped to ruin the editing that I was doing and will now be watching as my grade point average plummets.

Thank you. So very, very much. Dare I ask who the lady you roped into assisting was?

...It was Sif. Wasn't it? You and Sif did this. But you're the one I'm now ceasing to speak to.

Feb. 9th, 2013




Apparently pawning your shit is still a valid way to raise rent money in the Century 19. How I wish that was still true today. And that I had half the wardrobe I've been having in these dreams. At least the sword-cane even. That thing is amazing and I've only really seen it sitting in the corner of my apartment. Also, Marius, you can totally borrow money from me so that you don't have to pawn your coat, man. Seriously. Not that any of our clothing is actually worth what those things had to be new.

...Actually, that's worth investigating. Anyone have sources on 19th Century men's fashion? I would really, really like to know exactly what the things that I'm wearing are called. I know that they're very important, and I'd hate to get things wrong.

...Yes this is what I do to put off literary theory I don't want to touch right now. My minor is killing me, and it's doing it very, very slowly.

Feb. 8th, 2013



A couple of friends clued me in to this network thing, so I thought I'd say hello. My name is Sif. It's Norse, and please don't call me Siffy. It brings back bad grade school memories.

I'm going to be starting work at Orange City Hall soon, and I figure I ought to state up front that anything I write on this network is my opinion only, and does not reflect the opinions of City Hall. I'd like to not lose my job before it starts.

That said, speaking as a private citizen, I wanted to make you all aware of the Immigrant March. Anyone of any ethnicity is welcome, as hey, we're all immigrants except for the Native Americans, really. We're starting at the downtown university campus, and winding up at city hall as we march for the rights of undocumented immigrants and refugees. It's tomorrow, from 9 until whenever we arrive. We got the paperwork all set, so I don't think anybody will get arrested, but we'll see.

Aug. 24th, 2012




I thought living in Colorado was the most boring thing ever, but obviously the entire world is conspiring against me, because really? Tea. Tea is the most boring thing ever.

I don't even get tea. How is this place even doing this much business? It can't be the little cakes he sells. I mean ... alright, the cakes are good, but no one goes to a boring old tea house for little cakes, yo. I could buy little cakes from the grocery store.

Mellow out by serving tea my ass. All that's happening here is a decreasing appreciation for the elderly and a growing desire to bust some teacups against the wall. Is it 5 o'clock yet?!

Aug. 2nd, 2012




...I see some pretty heavey drinking in my imediate future.

Anybody want to meet me somewhere I can tell you all the tales of my great battles as a fucking viking ALIEN prince of somewhere called what sounds a lot like Ass guard? ..Look it's funier that way and like hell I understood what half of us where saying anyway.

...Because lets face it heavy booze is recquired to process THIS.

Jul. 27th, 2012




Okay, so we're hosting a shindig for the Olympic's at Loki's Bar thing. On me, with feeds for the games, particularly our local boys & girls.

And this will be -our- game. )




There is absolutely nothing about this that's good for sports.

Not even just not good for fencing; good for sports in general. Nothing!

Jul. 24th, 2012




Did you know a bat can eat 1000 Mosquitos an hour? I didn't. Huh.

I can't believe this shit.

Jul. 23rd, 2012




Loki? LOKI! Has any body seen my little brother? Likes magic and the lady Sif, good with horses, giant dog, all of that. I havent been able to get him at ALL and I'm woried about him. I've been rounding up strays and making sure there safe and calling their people when I can.

...Nobody lost an adorable puffball thing did they? Because I'll fight you to keep it if you did. He's some kind of hamster chinchilla thing and has the best pur ever. He is very blond and pleases me greatly. I shall call him Rocky.

...Where the hell did that come from? But Rocky it is anyway. I wish I knew if he needed special food or anything. So far he hasnt wanted the pelets I bought. Anybody know what these guys eat? Lots of people on the network seam to have them.

Jul. 22nd, 2012




I've been getting so many concerned emails, phone calls and comments that I think I'll just do this this way:

Yes, horses do hate earthquakes. Furthermore, yes, horses can predict earthquakes, so we've been prepared for the latest crop of aftershocks due to paying attention to how the horses were behaving. But no, horses cannot predict meteors falling from the sky.

Most of Asgard's staff has been over trying to help out with things at Urdnot as much as we can. A couple of the smaller barns were damaged and we had some minor equine injury; none of the humans were harmed except for me, and I only have a minor head wound. We are, however, closed to the public for further notice. If your horse is here, you are of course welcome to continue to use the property as you need, including if you are leasing one of our horses.

Thanks to everyone who sent along concern, questions and donations of hay bales.

Jul. 21st, 2012




Urdnot Ranch is in cinders. It seems I need to stop headbutting God on the weekends. Now we've got a fancy new space-rock accessory in our back yard.

We're scattered and a mess, but my staff is making order amongst the chaos.

I wanted to thank everyone who came out to help - staff, the fire department, all the other first responders, and the brave men and women who made their way out there, just out of the kindness of their hearts.

The buildings didn't survive, but the Urdnot Clan did. Every single head is accounted for. Give yourselves a pat on the back, you've earned it.

Jul. 12th, 2012




Okay, so I want an agreement here.

No spandex. Period.

Jun. 26th, 2012




We're not having the party until the weekend, but I made a threat that I'd do this, and nobody in the room at the time took me seriously, so here it is:


It's fine, you're still younger than me.

Jun. 22nd, 2012



You're Welcome

You know that low whistle you make when you're at a loss for words? How would one type that? Wooo? Hooo?

I was up all night. There's lots of stuff out there, on the internet. You know? Stuff you don't even realize. Like this lovely little number I stumbled upon in a darkened corner of the valar network.

Guys. This might be the best thing I have ever seen. I don't know who's been working on it, or if it will ever go to print, but there is no reason to ever buy another calendar ever again.

[.zip file: men of valarnet calendar] )

(ooc: All in good fun! React away! You can treat the images here like photos that were professionally taken, personal photos that were swiped, photoshopped images... Anything you like! I would have made about 100 more, but there are only 12 months this year. So if you don't see a pup you would have liked to seen in this, I'm super sorry. We'll get them next time! Obviously, this wouldn't have worked as well if I hadn't kept it a secret. But you guys like surprises, right?)

May. 30th, 2012




People have been having weird dreams a lot, I guess, and talking about weird dreams a lot, and all, and usually my dreams aren't very notable or I just don't really talk about them.

Except for the dreams after the tarot reading Loki did for me, those were like they were on speed, but still not very clear or sense-making.

This time, though, I think I get what you guys are talking about.

It was a very simple dream about a girl and her horse, except that girl was me and the horse had wings.

Which, whatever, but it was frighteningly real. Enough I could still feel feathers on my fingertips when I woke up. What is the internet slipping me?

May. 14th, 2012




New song is totally finished and being mixed by the guys who do that and should be released at the end of the month! YAY!

And you know what's the FUNNEST? Since I'm not in the studio that means more shows! So instead of a minitour, I'm going to play every club in the SoCal area in the next couple of weeks! Everyone should come!!!

Apr. 26th, 2012



Thursdays are FIRED.

I try to be a pleasant employee, get along with my co-workers and do everything right. I really, really do. I mean, we're all a team, we work together, everything adds up. It's usually fine. The petty stuff, well, I don't sweat it.

This afternoon has gone beyond petty, I'm afraid.

Someone disassembled the office coffeemaker. I don't want to know why, I think that I know WHO, and it's literally driving me insane. Sure, I'm off for a quick Starbucks run so we're all sane and happy and fun to be around, but that isn't the same, considering how much cheaper this is.

I can tolerate my co-workers leaving the pot empty, I can tolerate the dirty cups they toss into the sink, since I don't even mind cleaning them up, but this? I have the feeling it's the thing that could break me today. I will be insanely lucky if I make it until closing without murdering someone today.

...My name is Dick Greyson, I am in extreme withdrawal and this is my first post and rant to valarnet. I'm sure it will be nice to meet you once I'm properly caffeinated once again.

Apr. 23rd, 2012




LOOK, IT'S THE INTERNET. I keep forgetting to use it.


This is a drunk post, which is like a drunk dial except better.

Also I'm a fantastically boring drunk, I can type straight and everything.

Mar. 29th, 2012



Let Me Tell You, Internet

Yesterday, I had the most brilliant and wonderful revenge plan in the entire fucking world, or at least the West Kingdom and Caid combined and had gotten as far as plotting out the details, looking up what I would need and shooting off an email to our local captain, detailing the whole entire plan, well, not the vengeance parts of it, I don't think that the SCA was ever meant to be about enacting petty revenge, as good as it would feel based on how pissed off my life's made me this week, but everything else involved here, and about as soon as I'd hit send, I realized that I'd let emotion get the better of me yet again.

As much as I still like the plan for all the other things that it entails, and all the sappy ways it's going to make me a better person or whatever, the fact that I came up with it based on my need to deliver a big fuck you to someone in my past is pretty fucking horrible. In the long run, really, what does hatching an epic plot that's going to take me at least a year to come close to succeeding in do for me as a person if it's only about the petty vengeance that I tell kids on the street they shouldn't succumb to? What does rubbing my success in someone's face when I can beat him say except "I've been obsessed with you this whole entire time and even though I'm gone, you're still running my life?" or even worse, "please validate and notice me by acknowledging the fact that I'm better than you" when I'm supposed to have left all emotion connected to this person far behind me when I went ahead and picked up my own life?

It says that I'm a lot of things there's a whole lot of ugly labels for, and that those labels are the complete truth is what it says. It says I'm immature, and petty and a lot of other things I don't even want to touch.

And I'm supposed to be the one who's going to be a role model? Jesus Christ, am I fucked up or what?

That said, I actually think my super awesome plan is going to help with about, oh, ninety percent of the issues that I've just realized I have, so I'm still going to go along with the good, humanity developing parts of it. Part one, I can start to handle on my own as I get more practice in, and start dealing with other archers again, but Part two, the one where I expand my skills and develop a new set, I'm going to need some help.

Anybody know of someone who can help me get a good seat on a horse? I can't really afford to go somewhere well known unless you're willing to let me muck out stalls in exchange for teaching me the basics, well besides the hands. The hands, I'm going to have to cover on my own at some point in the future since that's going to be real specific, but other than that, do any horsey people here have suggestions for that?

I'm going to make myself a better person, dammit. You people are gonna help me.

Mar. 27th, 2012



Bullshit Roy Can Do Without

For the record, everyone's allowed to add on to the list with your own Bullshit You Can Do Without. Participation is a fun thing here. Or some bullshit like that.

1. Motherfucking cat memes. look, Caterday was fun a couple years ago, when all you people were in High School. Time to grow up, get a clue, and leave the shit alone. Those of you who aren't in high school, maybe it's a thing in Italy, or recluse land, but fucking seriously, man. The cats are getting OLD.

2. Running out of vicodin and having to go through the drawn out stupid process of trying to get more. It's not like I pop more than about three a day, and I can go without it without having bad withdrawal, but holy shit, it hurts.

3. The Evil Bitch Therapist's idea of a massage. Where'd you learn that one, lady, Guantanamo? Combine that with the lack of pain meds and you start to get my message pretty clear I think.

4. Shoplifting bastards on my shift. Do you idiots really need a tongue ring badly enough that you have to run off with it when somebody opens the case? And who the fuck steals two bucks worth of hair dye and a living dead doll? Do people actually do shit with those things? How the fuck did you manage to walk out of the store with that while I was on my break? I know my co-workers are idiots and vampires who can't see in the light or some excuse but seriously, HOW?

5. Breaking bowstrings while I'm shooting. Breaking bowstrings that snap against my cheek while I'm shooting. Bitch motherfucking HURTS and now I've got a papercut all on my face. Yeah, that's attractive when you're starting a new job, now isn't it?

6. People calling me an angry bird. It was funny the first ten times, but now it's getting really old, and if I were an angry bird, I'd break your stupid glass houses right now.

7. Email spam from my former godfather's box. I'm not even touching that, but damn it gives me feels, as you people on tumblr say. And I don't do with feels that well.

So go ahead. What's pissing you people off today?

Mar. 6th, 2012




How do people actually live in this place? I haven't been in Orange County a year and I'm already bored. I guess that's what you get when you have Disneyland right down the street. Where is the action?

Mar. 3rd, 2012




this really is no one's week, is it. every corner of the internet i look at someone has managed to be injured, sick, or just having a bad time of things. i busted up my hand a little and so am not bothering with the shift key, not that i always do anyway.

but it was totally my own fault i got bit. everyone makes dumb mistakes sometimes! we've got a puissance coming up and so i was trying to be sure that adagio's attitude was well in check. and so of course he did quite the number on my pinky as a result, since i was doing exactly what i teach most people not to do. at least accidental horse bites totally don't phase me anymore, not in the slightest.

according to most of my friends i need to now take a break because of that show in a week, and stop working too hard, and go do something fun. too bad i have no ideas about something that's fun that doesn't ... also involve either working or requires enough energy i can't call it a break.