
Posts Tagged: 'sebastian+vael'

Apr. 30th, 2013




If this was from the second show in Glasgow during the U2 360° tour, I'm pretty sure it was me who yelled at Bono. I drank a lot that night so my memory has some holes.

Donnae judge me.

We've all been there.

Scottish Dudes: Saving the wee children... )

Apr. 28th, 2013




So, how do you tell a workplace creeper that you're still not interested in them? Things I've tried:

1) Oh, no thanks, I like our work relationship the way it is!
2) I don't think we're allowed to have interoffice relationships.
3) I just don't like you that way, I'm sorry.
5) *running away screaming*

Yes. I literally tried to just run from him after eeping and throwing a flash drive at him.

Apr. 24th, 2013




Is there perhaps something in the water here? Had very odd dreams the other night. I dreamt I was a prince in a noble family in some ancient world, and our kingdom was called Starkhaven, which is the name of my father's earldom. It wasn't horrible, but it was rather vivid. Had brothers, unlike real life, and I seemed to have been the wastrel in the family. Which is perhaps very like real life.

Apr. 20th, 2013




Just cut to save your screen from pictures, everyone can see it. )

Apr. 16th, 2013



[Locked from non-puncturable MLP people.]

The guild I head up, My Little Pwnies, is having a recruitment push because we need more raiders. So bring me your tired, your weak, your rogues, your nerfed shammys!

Or just say hi, I'm bored.

Apr. 13th, 2013




Hullo, all. I just got invited to this network. I'm Sebastian Vael; I'm from Scotland, over in the States working for my father's company. My father is a Scottish peer, but I hope you lot will at least get to know me before writing me off as a complete posh idiot. I'm only half of one, you see. Hehe.

Apr. 4th, 2012



I was going to just show Scotty and Uhura but I wanted to share.






My colleagues, in a well intentioned bid to improve my public image on campus, and to allow me to to spread our organization's objective across a greater audience, have convinced me that I might do well with taking on another blog here where I might connect with others and encourage them to pass the message on.

This said, Now that Chavez week celebrations are a thing of the past, and the numbers coming in look better than they did a week ago last year, our newest battle will began with plans for occupying May Day.

I understand, I do that not everyone who claims to care about the issues affecting the greater problems of the 99% movement is able to join us for our usual work, or sleeping in the park to make a point, but if on this one day, again, May First, so you will have almost a month to plan these things, you put off buying something for one day, you stay home from work, and you refuse to stimulate the economy for even 24 hours, you will be doing something great, something better, and raising awareness of everything that's wrong in the world today.

I don't ask that you come to our rallies or a meeting (conference room at the ABC Cafe, Monday and Thursday evenings though someone is usually there at any time), or risk arrest yourself, but I do ask, I beg, that you consider this step, this one small step, toward the right direction.

Together we are far more powerful than any official in government would have us think. If you would like to join us, please, please do it now. The time is more crucial than ever.

Mar. 30th, 2012



I need a person!

YOU might be that person!

Do you like cats? Do you like Newport Beach?

More importantly, do you like MONEY?

Feanor is old and tired and hates driving his car. It's bad when he drives his car, he wishes his car was a horse, but his car doesn't listen when he talks, and the wheel doesn't work at all like he imagines reigns on a horse would. Also, you can't ride on top of a car, it just doesn't work like that. Feanor was sad when he learned that.

Maybe Feanor should design a car that works like a horse!

Maybe Feanor should stop talking about himself in the third person.

So... right! I need a person. This person would do things like buy my groceries for me, pick up dry cleaning and gyros and other things like this sort of thing. It's errand running, but you get to also stick around if you want, as long as you don't mind cats. The cats are staying and you have to deal with them.

It would be an extra plus if this person knew how to reheat gyros that are frozen, and knew how to play World of Warcraft, because sometimes I just really need someone to cut gems for me while I'm cutting gems in that other game.

The pay is good, because even Feanor knows that Feanor is hard to put up with.

Post here!

Mar. 22nd, 2012




Violating work's printing policy to make handouts for my mock prosecution this morning is fun. So is stealing office supplies. ...All of which is going to haunt me when I'm on the bar. In my defense, it's a great pen, and I've fetched enough coffee and tea, and I'm unpaid...

The prosecution side I've been preparing sees the problems here and wants to hit me. But Bar Hopping! Irresponsible! Sebastian who witnesses midget fights in between reviewing cases finds the whole thing is hilarious.

Go figure, I suppose?

Mar. 20th, 2012




I had to drive today.

It's been at least a month and a half since the last time I did that! I had to take some time to remind myself of things like silly USA driving laws and what that one peddle does that isn't the gas and how to differentiate the R from the D.

Cars are hard, sometimes I wish we could all just ride horses. Horses are easy and don't need fuel aside from hay, which is like... pft, just go farm some, that would make all those hippies happy I think, no more plundering the earth's natural resources for making cars go places and things like that.


Red came home last night with two extra kittens. I don't know where he got them from but he stared at me for a long time with his longsuffering stare of 'I'm keeping these and you're going to say yes'. Unfortunately for him I'M the one with thumbs in this situation and also I'm smarter.

I already have 7 cats, I don't need 2 more! There's no room for them anyway, the other cats have already claimed all the rooms, and Midnight will cut me again if I take in more strays. I still have marks on my arm from the last time.

So I bundled them into my car, which was good, because Kano had begun herding them around - apparently it's just Amber and Russet he doesn't like - and he gave me these big big sad cat eyes, but I had to put my FOOT down.

Sometimes you have to do that. SO the kittens are at the shelter now. And I didn't even run anyone over on the way.



If I were a little pony...

Read more... )

Mar. 18th, 2012




What would you do if you knew somebody who pretty much was doing something completely unethical that involved contract breaking for a really really good moral reason? I mean the contract won't be violated for all that long, really. Just long enough. And is it okay to lie about how part of the contract got broken? Ever?

What if this person is uh a classmate of yours at Wheaton? In your contract law class no less? Do you think they should fail the course or go in and argue with the landlord about the reasons the contract is wrong and make up technical leeways to get their way or...

I mean what would you do if someone's property that you were renting got wrecked because you were violating a contract, I guess, is what I'm asking? Is it ever okay to lie for a really good, really important human reason? Or does the law matter more? I'm confusing myself here.



Hypothetical Question

Say you have a friend who's extremely well groomed.

He likes a lot of plants, keeps his place really clean, drives a hybrid car, and has fruit and yogurt in his fridge.

You're pretty much assuming that friend likes guys, aren't you?

I mean would you tell that guy, "I think you like guys", or would you just never say anything?

Mar. 15th, 2012




Thanks so much to everyone looking out for the dog and me. She should be able to come home tomorrow. She's technically not supposed to be here, as I found out, but since she's going to need special meds for a while, I'm going to keep her here until she's a little stronger, probably a week or so, and then, thanks to a really kind offer, she'll be going to stay at a ranch for a while, until I can finalize a new place for her.

The vet thought it was better if she's somewhere quiet to rest at first, but then, well, it'd be better if she has somewhere that she can be looked after, at least until I'm down to just a couple classes for spring and summer and can spend more time with her.

So everything is going really well today. She's getting chipped before I bring her home tomorrow, and I've got a collar and a leash that probably should fit her, and I'm hoping I can afford all of this with the monthly payout from my father's trust, but if not, they'll work on installment I've been told.

...Given where I found her, I think I'm going to call her Alibi.

Mar. 13th, 2012




Does anyone else become a sudden lightweight after a few months of not drinking? Usually I'm a horribly expensive drunk, but I went out last night and it took me all day to recover. I'm not sure how much I drank, but it couldn't have been more than three drinks.

And now to blow some minds, I'm looking for work. That's what I was supposed to be doing today, but then the drinks happened. I swear I'm a good employee. Sort of. I need something that pays under the table since my brother is the controlling type. and I need to stay off the radar I'm willing to do any kind of work since I don't have much experience. Wow. I really know how to sell myself, don't I? Thought maybe someone would take pity on me.

Mar. 12th, 2012



So network...

...Anybody here know anything much about dogs? Only we never had them as kids. I've always liked them but I'm sort of clueless, and...this one was hanging around campus waiting for me this afternoon. No collar, and she ate four bags of chips and a payday bar from the machine since I know those haven't got chocolate on, and then was sick all over my shoes.

It was about that moment I realized I have not got any idea what I'm doing.

Right now she's having an overnight or two at the vet so they can help her get better. There was talk about an iv and fluids and she possibly was dying when I found her. I told them money is no object when it comes to saving her, as long as she's not hurting, and her eyes were brighter when I left and she licked my hand and things.

I think she's probably my dog, but I've got NO idea what I'm going to do here, or if my place even allows me to have dogs.

Hope she'll be okay.

have a quick photo )

Mar. 11th, 2012




So this is normality, chit chat on a boardwhatsit like this trying to make internet friends?

Hi possible crazy people, lets meet up and have coffees?

Whatever, I'm Tahiri. I don't plan to care and share. I'll probably occasionally speak up when people talk about stuff that isn't oversharing to a creepy degree but you all seem to really enjoy that.


How is it I'm still on your couch?

Mar. 7th, 2012



This is much more exciting than homework,

Weirdly, for the first time in forever, I actually felt homesick today. I didn't even feel all that homesick when I first got to the States years ago. I was angry, yes, extremely, but...I didn't really miss my parents or Alec either, all that much. Maybe because I didn't actually like them, and was more pissed off at them making me come in the first place. Maybe it's guilt that I'm still just pissed about the circumstances of losing them even two years later, and that Elthina is one of those things that still feels like I'm getting punched in the gut or something. I don't know.

They say there's not a timetable for grief but it feels wrong or something, which makes the guilt come on, which makes me absolutely crazy til I'm batting my head against the wall trying to shut it up for a while. I mean really, brain. Be quiet. Can you please be quiet?

In other news, that doesn't deal with actually missing Scotland or Boston, because being a little melancholy obviously means I need a change of pace for a while. I used to study down at Beacon Hill at, you know, Cheers, so I'm pretty good at noise levels and all. And I like screaming at people to bring me more beer because I'm making a brilliant argument and can't get up, so... Any of the pubs round here still do darts? I mean classy coffeehouse is good for a while, but those close up at night, and I really don't want to be alone with my own self generated drama fest when it gets late...