
Posts Tagged: 'roman+godfrey'

Sep. 23rd, 2019



[Filtered Away from Eliot Waugh]

Fuck the Foo FU Fighters for trying to assassinate Eliot. Fuck Eliot for knocking up Fen. And double fuck Eliot and the Patriarchy. I'm High Fucking Queen, but apparently the only decisions that matter are Eliot's. We're supposed to be ruling Fillory together.

The only thing that makes this dream better is that when I woke up, the outfits I was wearing, in the dream, were in my closet. Honest to God, Fillory fashion is some of the highest fashion I have ever seen.

Sep. 18th, 2019




I was very proud of the fact that until now I had not actually heard that bloody Baby Shark song, but today that all changed. I had a meeting with a client for their kid's first birthday and the meeting was at their house, which is fine, but they must have played that bloody song for the kid at least a dozen times. And now it's been popping up in my head ever since. No matter what else I listen to, it just pops up when I least expect it. I think I need a few drinks.

Sep. 10th, 2019




So if I'm understanding the network correctly people with powers are now powerless and those without powers are powered?

Is this a normal run of the mill occasion in the OC?

It's fascinating and I'd really love to talk to some of the people affected for my blog and podcast.

Sep. 9th, 2019




Oh dear. I was forced to return home from work early today, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to return or even leave my home at all.

I am most certain that this sudden urge to devour my crew is not from my dreams. What in the devil is happening to me?

Aug. 22nd, 2019




Having just had to sit through a slam poetry night... I'm curious.

What's the worst thing you've done for work?

Aug. 18th, 2019




My dreams started up abruptly again. My originals, I mean. Dreaming five different versions of myself has required spreadsheets to keep track.

I've been trying to stop a group called Trinity from... just about everything they want to do, none of which is good for myself or for civilization. I tracked them to Mexico, where they are looking for an artifact. Based on the murals and other evidence I saw there, it has something to do with the Mayan apocalypse.

and I keep killing them

I recovered the relic only for it to be taken from me by a man claiming to want to cleanse the world and remake it.

Immediately followed by a massive flood and landslide that nearly killed me, and wreck the nearby town.

I ... have to get the matching artifact, I have to stop what I think I unleashed.

Aug. 12th, 2019




Now that Roman and I have finally moved into our house, I never want to move again. Moving is such a fucking hassle and I've done it three times in the last two years. It's not happening again. Not only that, but I love this house. It's possibly the nicest house I've ever lived in.

Once we're completely settled in we're going to have a house warming party, which I'm very much looking forward to.

One of my favorite things about this house is how bright it is. It's perfect for selfies.

Perfect Selfie Light )

Aug. 7th, 2019




After being forced to go to WalMart in the middle of the night, I've learned I never want to have to go to WalMart in the middle of the night again.

Jul. 16th, 2019




Lucky the library is already open. Anyone know a website for jobs? I've been putting out physical applications, and now have to apply for a lot of places online. A lot of stuff is done online these days, huh? Haven't really been out here since 2014, and now this.

Online's really not my thing. But gotta get a job. I'd appreciate help.

[Edited 7:35am.]

My name is Setsuna Mudou, btw. Call me Mudou.




The worst part of being an alien is there are less than two alcoholic drinks I can safely drink and forget about anything with too much sugar.

Or vegetable based sauces.

I still have Li's recipes but I'm not exactly a good enough cook to really replicate them.

As evidenced by the charred remains of my stove...

Jul. 15th, 2019




I'm so done with these dreams. Like really.

Magic and the fairy tales I can deal with, being sucked into another realm all because I stopped someone from killing the Evil Queen is not okay. What the hell is a reaper anyway? I thought that was just for the people who were dying?

End up sucked through a portal, transported into another realm where we're in like the olden ages or something and we can't get home.

Worst part? I wake up with hair that's been brutally set upon by humidity. Took way too long to shower and get it sorted, I had to skip breakfast just to make it to work on time and I'm grouchy and can't show it.

Not amused Dreams, not amused.

Jul. 11th, 2019




Oh fuck no! This might be the most fucking terrifying thing I have ever seen. Why would anyone want to do this?

Jul. 8th, 2019




Daughter: Mom, hurry UP!

Me: Someone is bossy this morning.

Her: Not bossy! I got leadership skills.

She gets it from her dad, the bossiness, the leadership skills is me.




Anyone else have trouble going back to work after a four day weekend? I'm way too hungover for this

Jul. 2nd, 2019




Why do some people think you can turn over a full formal design in one week? Like, I haven't even measured this woman yet, what makes her think I'll have her dress sketched, approved and made in less than 14 days?

I can't stand listening to the Facebook defenders, so you are my venting platform, even if I've never heard of it before.

Like, really. Do people expect bespoke furniture to be ready in a week? This is what you need to put up with when you want one of a kind.

Jun. 23rd, 2019




Do you ever see things you wish you didn't while driving? Because we just passed a gas station with a fuel delivery truck in the parking lot, with some idiot smoking a cigar right beside it. I decided that the car didn't really need refilled that badly. I still have a fourth of a tank left.

Jun. 18th, 2019




Alright. It looks like some of your dreams have just stopped? But how did you know they were done?

I haven't had a new one in months, but it felt like mine were just getting started.

Jun. 6th, 2019




I just stubbed my toe and it was the most fantastic pain I've felt in my *entire life*.

May. 21st, 2019





May. 16th, 2019




I'm not sure when being in sales and being responsible for the word of mouth market came into play but here we are.

I'm Nebula, I work at No Rest For Bridget in Newport Beach (although we're in Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa too) and I've been newly tasked with our online and social media brand and this was one of the recommendations. T_T KMN.

And to make this less of an ad and more relatable, what are some of your customer service nightmares?

May. 7th, 2019




I think I might have found the perfect job. Biomedical Engineer at Godfrey Industries. I've looked up the company a little, but was curious if anyone knew anything about the company here.

Apr. 3rd, 2019




Does anyone on this thing know how to get rid of bad reviews that were obviously left in bad faith? I swear, if this impacts my

Apr. 2nd, 2019




Pretty sure I had one of those ridiculous dreams you're all talking about...maybe you're not so ridiculous. I need a drink.

Mar. 28th, 2019




What the fuck did I just watch? I was on twitter and someone retweeted a compilation video of kids throwing fucking pickles at each other. They were literally taking them out of burgers and tossing them at each other. We're fucking doomed if this is the next generation.



Blocked from Bo

This may or may not sound bizarre, but do any dreamers here have experience with becoming immortal or much longer lived?

I'm married to a Fae and I'd rather not grow old and die on her. Besides, the archaeological opportunities a thousand years from now would be interesting.

Mar. 22nd, 2019




I'm glad there's no more major holidays until the summer. Now we just have to deal with usual weddings and celebrity parties. Luckily we don't have anything too heavy right now. No bloody bridezillas or almost impossible requests. I know it won't last long, but I'm going to enjoy it for the time being.

Mar. 15th, 2019




Guess the party is over. Fought a giant lizard man.

And it...Didn't go well.

I couldn't save Pete




Can you be mad at someone for something that happened in your dream, that truly happened with the same person in you life now?

-asking for a friend

Mar. 14th, 2019




I just visibly flinched at a Planet of the Apes 4 trailer. And not just because it looks terrible, stupid Dreams.

You busy?

I've had some more dreams, about my powers..

Mar. 12th, 2019




Initially I had not thought there was anything odd happening when my charity was getting more people coming to us for assistance. However, after talking with a few women that have come to us, I find out a few shelters have closed recently because of buildings being bought. I don't like the sound of shelters closing down, but I will not turn anyone away that comes to us. It just means more work for us.


Which brings up a topic we should discuss.

Mar. 8th, 2019




Those dreams you guys talk about…do you just know when you start having them? Because I think I’ve had a couple the last few nights.

Mar. 1st, 2019




I had a dream.

Turns out my dream life is even more fucked up than my real life.

Feb. 27th, 2019




I've come back to town which means I'm still looking for a good assistant. Last time I posted for an assistant, some thought it was too much to ask that someone do their job so if that's your first response, you need not apply.

Information under the cut )

Feb. 21st, 2019




Some punk tried to hold up my bar tonight.

Boy is lucky he's still got his hands.

Feb. 19th, 2019




Freedom! Sweet freedom! Never again please!

[12th Doctor]

Feel free to come for a drink whenever you like though. It's on me for having to put up with being stuck with me

Feb. 17th, 2019




I'm really bored, and that isn't good.

Who isn't all tied up and wants to entertain me?

Oct. 31st, 2018




Halloween is here. Lets see your best costumes!

Oct. 29th, 2018




I just had to make a comment about waiting for my phone to start texting people didn't I? If you get any messages from me - it could have just been my phone going psychotic. Unless it made you laugh - then believe it was me.

Oct. 19th, 2018




I know that a lot of other clubs and bars are also doing Halloween parties, but I would hope that you'll consider stopping by Fangtasia on Halloween as well. We'll have a special Halloween themed drink available and I may or may not give free drinks to anyone with a costume that impresses me.

Oct. 14th, 2018




I have a list of different places and recommendations that I look for every place I go. This thing just makes getting those requests a little bit easier truth be told.

So, tell me, Orange County, where's the best coffee place? Where's the best bar and what do people do to relax around here?

And if anyone knows a place that's hiring, maybe shoot me a line?

Oct. 2nd, 2018



October. One of my favorite months. In my dreams, it's the end of harvest season, and Chicago is also turning cold and I happen to really like the cold. It's fun having a set of dreams from so long ago that I feel positively ancient and then having more modern ones where I live in Chicago.

It makes me miss living in Chicago now, though, I wouldn't go back to live. unless I was asked by Thomas so he could move.. I have settled here and that's not a bad thing. It just is weird how some things trigger a bout of melancholy.

Sep. 26th, 2018



I love my job, my boss, my client but I sometimes do wish that Odin was my boss here as he is in my Dreams. The combo would be quite interesting. And he was a good boss to have.

Sep. 5th, 2018




iss hsoptal?

Aug. 25th, 2018




This is bloody hilarious! I might just have to buy one for myself, Eliot and Margo. I have a feeling that both of them would get a kick out of this too. I mean, who doesn't want a tiny penis stress reliever? Alright, so there's probably some of you who wouldn't, but I wanted to share it cause I thought that some of you would also get a kick out of it and want to get one too.

Aug. 23rd, 2018




Since it opened at the beginning of the month, Fangtasia has been doing extremely well. Much better than I had expected for the first month; especially considering the recent invasion. I guess people still need to get drunk when demons attack. I'm thinking of hiring another bartender if business continues like this.

Aug. 22nd, 2018




We’re heading into my favorite time of year - Halloween. These are the best parties to plan, and since I stick around during them to make sure everything goes smoothly I get to wear some of the most fabulous costumes thanks to my amazing roommate.

Speaking of my amazing roommate - think I can steal you away from your boyfriend to go costume shopping? There have to be one or two new ones on the market Bambi.

[Felix and Caroline]
So the thought occurred to me that with Halloween coming up and all the insanity lately - everybody could probably use some fun. And the three of us are the best at making fun happen right? So what do you say we work together to make something unforgettable happen partywise?

Aug. 15th, 2018




So now that things seem to be back to normal, I thought it an appropriate time to see if anyone was looking for a roommate. Mine recently moved to Colorado and I can't keep up with the ridiculousness that is rent in this area. (Seriously, you can't find a studio for under $1000? Is this real life?) You can come check out the room here or I'd be open to moving. It would just need to be close to the Anaheim area...preferably.

I'm a super nice person, I clean up after myself, can be social when I need to be, stay in my own room when I wanna be antisocial. (Alright friends, this is the time to step up and say good things about me!)

Jul. 31st, 2018




I keep hearing about this stupid In My Feelings challenge. Anyone stupid enough to get out of a moving car and dance next to it deserves to get hit my a fucking car. How stupid do you have to be to actually do this? Honestly, people today are just getting dumber by the day.

Jul. 26th, 2018




Since my last dream I've been wondering what Bill's punishment was going to be for killing one of our own and last night I got to find out. Pam and I were tasked with summoning him for his tribunal with the Magister, but first we allowed him to say goodbye to Sookie at the restaurant she works at. Of course Pam and I took the opportunity to pass out flyers for Fangtasia then we left.

At the tribunal, we were both questioned by the Magister who then told Bill that he could either be chained in silver for five years or turn a human to replace the vampire he destroyed. Silver burns us, so it was no surprise that he chose the less painful punishment.

[Filtered to vampires]

I have a question for the other vampires here. I know that the dreams can change us so how long did you dream before changing?

Jul. 24th, 2018




I seriously have to question people’s judgement at times. I had a meeting with a new client tonight, well a potential new client, at a nightclub they were interested in booking for their party that I was supposed to plan. They called to tell me they were running a few minutes late and I didn’t think anything of it because traffic can be rough I know and I was able to use the time to look the place over more, get more of an idea of what we could do with it.

All of it sounds good right? Until they text me to let me know I have to meet them outside because the bouncer won’t let them in with their TODDLER. Who the hell brings a toddler to a nightclub and expects to be let in? And if that wasn’t enough to make me seriously question whether I wanted this job that badly or not when I finally got a chance to talk to them face to face I found out that the party they wanted to throw was for the child’s birthday. They thought it would be fun to have their third birthday in a club because that’s where they were conceived.