
Posts Tagged: 'rey'

Sep. 11th, 2016



Will I ever understand the appeal of American football? There's attractive men, yes, but other than that, I don't know why people enjoy it?

Aug. 17th, 2016




cut for mention of dream violence )

Aug. 4th, 2016



Filtered away from non-punctured SW Peeps



Jul. 28th, 2016




I can't say enough how happy I am to have a job. I know it's been like two months since I landed it, but still, I keep waking up every day nearly pinching myself. Just when I thought I'd have to sleep on my Bro's couch, I got saved in the nick of time.

Now I can not only pay my bills, but probably in a short amount of time afford a better place. And pay for my friends' dinners when we're out because I can ;)

Jul. 20th, 2016




You know, I gotta say, I'm almost a bit sad that my dreams are at a stand still. Like a chapter's ended but you know another one has to be coming. Maybe I'll take the X-Wing out for a ride this weekend.

[Finn and Rey]

Finn, if you want a go in it, BB-8 seems pretty good with taking you for a spin. And I'd feel bad if I didn't let Rey along to go for a drive herself.

Jul. 10th, 2016




Has anyone ever... known something was coming, but when you finally dream it you can't..

You can't.

I don't even have a word for it. I woke up crying, and like there was a rift in my heart I didn't know I had and it just got filled.

And anger lord is there anger

Jul. 5th, 2016




So as someone new to the area... are things always so... interesting here?

Jun. 15th, 2016




Apparently I'm not too bad at wielding a lightsaber.
Tags: , ,

May. 15th, 2016




This place always so welcoming? Few shades stranger than what I remember it being like. Sure ain't Cozumel at least. Could've gotten shot out down there, but not by blasters.

Name's Han Solo. Trust me, you haven't heard of me, but you will. Looking for some new business opportunities around here. Ain't interested in this dream talk, but I am game for talking shop if you've got something good for the semi-new guy. I'm all eyes and ears!

May. 12th, 2016




This is incredible! Such beautiful lines and detail. I don't suppose there are any Flamenco dancers out there who are willing to teach me?

May. 4th, 2016




There are Stormtroopers runnin' down the street in my neighborhood.



Apr. 26th, 2016




Cut for discussions of dream violence, viewable to all )

Apr. 2nd, 2016




So I'm sleeping, dreaming away of kicking some First Order ass and reuiniting with my best buddies. When I get woken up by this beeping. At first I thought it was my alarm clock, like I was stupid and didn't turn if off. But it wasn't my alarm.

cut for image, viewable to all )

Mar. 27th, 2016




It's an Easter miracle. Dream Poe has risen from the possible depths of death! Actually he was just knocked out and concussed, but the important thing is, I love to dream another day. Take that, First Order.

Mar. 22nd, 2016




Has anyone ever gotten something that doesn't..really belong to them? From the dreams, I mean. And I suppose it belongs to me now but it wasn't mine originally. If that makes any sense.

Mar. 8th, 2016




cut for tfa spoilers )

Mar. 4th, 2016




cut for TFA spoilery dreamtalk )




Falling asleep at work is not fun....

Mar. 3rd, 2016






I dreamt of the attack on the village in Jakku, but I didn't fire on any of the villagers. I just couldn't. It was like the mining thing all over again, just gunning down innocents in the name of the First Order. I think I was hoping Phasma didn't notice again but when we got back, she asked me to turn in my weapon and ordered me to reconditioning. She knows.

I lost Slip though. He got killed in all the chaos. Poe...I think you shot him. :( I got to him just as he died. When I got back to base, I noticed he left a bloody hand print on my helmet; I was totally freaked out. But GUYS! I totally BAILED ON THE FIRST ORDER! I busted out Poe and we stole a TIE FIGHTER!!! (just like you said, Rey) It was so badass! This all makes more sense now!

Feb. 21st, 2016




My dreams have taken a weird turn.

ooc-cut for TFA spoilers )

Feb. 19th, 2016




Things I've learned from my new dreams:

*Captain Phasma's a scary bitch. Literally. Do. Not. Screw with her. Also, her armor is badass.

*My men are some of the best (except for Slip), but apparently I'M top of the class. I got praised by Phasma herself at the review of a multi unit combat sim - and it was in front of hundreds of Stormtroopers.

* Star Destroyers are crazy huge.

* Standing guard at a mining colony sucks.

* I'm apparently conflicted as a Stormtrooper. I keep looking out for Slip because he keeps messing up and falls behind. Phasma says I'm not supposed to go back for a fallen comrade. Ever. First Order above everything else. That doesn't sit well with me. Even worse, at the mining colony she ordered us to straight up murder the crew that were striking - I didn't fire my weapon. I hesitated but my men killed them all. I'm hoping Phasma didn't notice I didn't discharge my weapon.

Feb. 18th, 2016




Sometimes I think Dream me is suicidal. He takes on one of the most dangerous jobs in the area, mouths off to the Empire - the people he's trying to hide from - and gets into fights as though that's what he lives for. And just when I think he's probably the most miserable asshole in the galaxy, he goes and saves some jackass from a mining cave-in and in doing so blows his entire cover.

So, yeah, basically I'm the galaxy's worst Jedi. Sounds about right.

Feb. 15th, 2016




So, this weird crap happen all the time in the OC? Cuz I've only been here a month and it seems some people on here are acting like blood rain and tidal waves that fake out before they hit land is a normal thing.

Also, what's up with the giant metal thing on Seal Beach? I got called in to report for duty as soon as all this stuff started happening, and my command all but freaked out when there were reports of possible weapons being inside that thing.

Feb. 14th, 2016




I think these days, all companies have to have some sort of social media presence to stay relevant, so here I am.

My name is Benjamin Kylo, my grandfather founded Kylo & Co many years ago. I'm sure most of you are familiar with our product name, you can find us most everywhere, these days. I'm hoping to steer the company into the modern age more effectively, and feedback from other business owners and entrepreneurs is much appreciated.

That said, the company is having a charity gala tomorrow night. It was announced a few weeks back, but there are still tickets available. Forty dollars for drinks and heavy hors d'oeuvres, one hundred and fifty dollars for the sit down dinner.

Dinner is at 6pm, the rest of the party starts at 7:30pm. Dancing is encouraged but hopefully not required.

Feb. 5th, 2016




It would appear that I was quite the problem child in these dreams. It's both rather amusing, as well as unsurprising.

It also would appear that you're in them. Is that why my father's voice made you react like you saw a ghost?

Feb. 3rd, 2016




...Does everyone on this network get those 'dreams' then?

Not that I have, but has anyone dreamt of not living on Earth?

Jan. 25th, 2016




I dunno what's up with all these posts about dreams, but I guess it's safe to post about mine? I mean, it's probably cuz I fell asleep watching an old scifi movie but...I had a dream I was some sort of futuristic soldier called a Stormtrooper. White armor with black bodysuits, laser rifles, and we all look the same with our armor on. Only the visor info in my helmet can tell people apart. Oh and we train in simulators that use full on holograms. Environments, explosions, enemies, even the air support sounds and seems real.

I think I need to lay off the Yuengling for a little.

Jan. 18th, 2016




Well well, what have we here? A social networking site? How truly novel! I suppose tis an appropriate method of communication at times.

I am Morrigan, lest I forget my manners before continuing further, and I am an herbalist. I care little for much interaction with others outside of my work, though it would seem this place is lovely for when I do not wish to physically be around others.

That should suffice for an introduction.

Jan. 17th, 2016




So Google made a weird turn. Meant to search for jobs in the area and somehow this came up. Poked around a bit, seems this is some sort of local community blog thing? That’s cool.

Name’s Finn. Just moved into the OC. Former Navy SEAL. Lookin' for some work. Could use some pointers about the place. Y’know, new guy stuff.

Jan. 12th, 2016



I'm probably older than I think I am to be on a forum for the first time. My younger siblings would be proud. And poke plenty of fun.




I'm bored, amuse me!

Jan. 9th, 2016




I'd say someone broke into my flat and left something behind except I'm sure there's other reasons something I dreamed of appeared next to my bed.

Jan. 8th, 2016




I don't know why but the start of the year always seems to be busier for me than any other time. It could be that I've gone into serious cleaning mode and I've been cleaning everything in the apartment. It started when we took the Christmas decorations down at the weekend (I didn't want to but someone insisted it was time) and I haven't stopped since.

Jan. 6th, 2016




It turns out scars and wounds can show up in your dreams. I should be out of the hospital in a couple of weeks, tops.

Jan. 4th, 2016




Has anyone ever made fun of someone for a dream, and then went and had a dream that was really, really similar?




First off, no I'm not sorry Jemma. I told you I'd be posting this!

Secondly, for anyone who wants to know how tiny and adorable my girlfriend is, she was trying to fight a duvet...and the duvet won tonight. And I have documentation!!

Cut for pictures, all SFW and kind of large! )

Yep I had to go in after her. But she's all well and good now! The duvet got tamed eventually.

Jan. 3rd, 2016




I slept in and I'm not sure if I'm glad I did or not. I'm kind of glad I actually like sand.

Dec. 31st, 2015




Odd question. Is there anyone who can give piloting lessons?

Dec. 30th, 2015




Fire, anger, hate, rage, everytime I wake up from my dreams it's all I see and feel. It's really, disconcerting. And a lot of fear, so much fear. Enough that I can't shake it through most of the day, and really I have absolutely no idea as to why.




I gotta say, I'm not usually the sort of guy for clichés, but absence makes the heart grow fonder. I never realized how much I missed California until I came back to it. It almost makes a man wonder why he left in the first place.

Anyway, enough sentimentality. The name's Poe. I'm a Los Angeles boy but I've had my share of Disneyland trips, so I think I have a handle on this Orange County thing.




Don't forget. New Years Eve at Purgatory. It's definitely the place you want to be when the ball drops.

Dec. 28th, 2015




People tell me I'm an "old soul" a lot, and usually I think that just means that I don't act awfully in public. But then stuff happens like today, where this girl at the library thought it was "so cool" I was "into" reading too, and asked me if I'd uploaded my "Christmas haul video" to YouTube yet.

Instant headache. I could be bitter because I haven't gotten Christmas presents in about ten years, but I still think that's stupid.

Dec. 27th, 2015




A new friend directed me here. I'm pretty new to the area. Swam over from the UK a few years ago, spent some time out near Phoenix. It's a bit different here. Wasn't expecting the snow.

Anyone looking to hire a mechanic?