
Posts Tagged: 'renly+baratheon'

Jul. 24th, 2013



It's days like this I'm ashamed to be British.

Jul. 13th, 2013




My 21st birthday is coming up on Tuesday! I know a lot of people are busy right now, but I'm going to be at The White House in Laguna Beach all day on Tuesday celebrating! You'll need to be 21 or older to get in and drink so I'll be having something more all-ages next weekend, don't worry! Drop by and buy me a drink if you can!!

Jul. 12th, 2013




I have to admit I've never been so glad that I am able to work from home as I was in the last couple of weeks. My boyfriend has been great about living between our two places, it actually worked out much better than I thought it would.

Those attacks were awful, though everybody pulled together so well during and since. It's nice to see people supporting and caring about each other. I hope everybody is okay.

Jul. 11th, 2013




So I finally had a dream like lots of other people seem to have on here. It's not so different from my life, like my parents and uncles are the same but a one big thing is it's in a kind of medieval type of world. It's actually pretty cool!

But the best bit has to be that I'm a Princess! A real life proper princess because dad is the king.

Jul. 7th, 2013




At least it wasn't my fault the wedding went up in flames this time? It's going to come out anyway so I might as well tell everyone that the dragons that attacked the cruiseliner last month were mine. They were just trying to protect me, but we've since had a very nice conversation and they understand a little better what they can and can not do. That being said I'll be riding Drogon to Vegas. Maybe we can help instead of hurt this time.

Jul. 1st, 2013



[Blocked from Sybil]

I've been offered a full-time job... Well, my uncle has offered me a full-time job in his company, and careers don't get much more secure than that. But I'm not sure I should take it. I'm not sure I want to stay her in California, away from home, longer than I originally planned.

Although I came here to start over. But ever since the way my parents reacted to my sister's little social faux paux, I'm not sure what starting over even means anymore. Going back suddenly isn't as desirable.

I have the week to decide, but I should probably tell him sooner. If only I had any idea what I wanted anymore.

Jun. 16th, 2013




I sent a card to my dad this week for Father's Day but I haven't heard anything yet. I thought he might call me or text today but maybe the post was delayed or something.

But Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there - I hope you are having a good day!

Jun. 12th, 2013




The strange dreams aren't contagious around here, are they? I've lived in Orange County for years without a single disturbing dream and now I've had quite a few. Maybe I should get myself checked out.

You'll have to excuse me if I don't respond right away. It seems the parking lot at work is full of bounce houses and I know a certain little girl who would love to spend some time in one of them.

Jun. 10th, 2013



[Filtered Away from Lannisters and Myrcella]

Watching Loras' match the other night with Myrcella reminded me of the dreams of watching him joust. Especially the Tournament of the Hand. The children, especially Tommen, always enjoyed watching the joust. I'm obviously biased since I think Loras was always the best. No one could unhorse him.

[blocked from Cersei's children]

Few things I hate more than making nice with Robert, but father insists, and trying to deny Tywin Lannister's will is like trying to deny the rising of the sun

What sort of things do people do to occupy themselves out here? There are really only so many wine tastings one can attend. I find myself at a loss for things to do while I wait for my husband to pull the stick out of his ass.

Jaime, come entertain me.

May. 26th, 2013



It's been a little wild this week here but

Yesterday I got a certain letter, from a certain college after the initial tests I took to see if they'd be interested even with my GED. As it turns out? I'M IN I'M IN I'M IN! I'M GOING TO CHAPMAN FOR INTEGRATED EDUCATION. I'm going to focus on community learning, I think, so that I can come back somewhere like the ranch, and really get the things done there that I'd like to help with.

I am so incredibly excited and it still doesn't seem real but even so. ROY HARPER IS GOING TO COLLEGE!!! I almost can't wait.

May. 22nd, 2013




I'd like to say I'm not proud of that dream but...

teeny spoiler )

I'm good.

May. 17th, 2013




My ears! They are here!

... that sounds mad, but they are!


It’s ostensibly marriage counseling, but really, it’s just an excuse for us to yell at each other with out the kids overhearing. Who knows, maybe the sheer hatred could respark the romance between us that once existed, for such a short while a long time ago.

It’s complete crap, of course. The only passion I feel for Robert is the passion necessary to wring his fat neck. Why any woman would voluntarily share his bed...

I did love him, once. It wasn’t entirely a marriage of convenience. It’s still convenient, at least until Tommen is old enough. Even then, it might be convenient to continue the charade, for awhile longer. It’s not like I lack for lovers. Especially my true love.

The above was deleted as soon as it was written

The counselor suggested I take the children on an extended vacation so I can keep an eye on Jaime so that Robert and I can have a chance to cool down after our latest fight. I suppose this is an intruduction.

I hear the wine country out here is marvelous.


Now that I am all settled in, I suppose I should look for a job.

Do newspapers still exist have classifieds in them still, or is it mostly all done online now?

May. 5th, 2013




I've started running again. I haven't really done it in a while, because I keep telling myself I'm too busy.

I think maybe I was just too lazy.

In any case the moment I started running again, I got this overwhelming sensation that I'd been missing this. Running. I run an awful lot in my dreams, I assume that it's influencing my every day.

Sometimes I realize I know things that I shouldn't know. It's kind of scary.

In any case, if anyone wants to go running with me, let me know.




And what ridiculous thing is this? The new Facebook? Linkedin?

If it's Twitter, I'm deleting this thing right away. Attention spans are short enough as it is, we don't need to encourage it. Half of my students are incapable of sitting through a lecture as it stands.

May. 3rd, 2013



NSFW in comments!

Today I got to watch a grown man go through the five stages of grief after something got in his eye.

I have never laughed so hard in my life.

May. 4th, 2013




For those of you who don't know me or know the Lannister name, I am Tywin Lannister and you ought to know that already. There's a severe lack of knowledge in this country, a lack of knowledge about surroundings, industry, history, science, all of it. When I see ridiculous fools on the television spouting inane prattle I'm reminded of that old Isaac Asimov statement.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

He does have an excellent point, even if he was a damned liberal.

Apr. 30th, 2013




If this was from the second show in Glasgow during the U2 360° tour, I'm pretty sure it was me who yelled at Bono. I drank a lot that night so my memory has some holes.

Donnae judge me.

We've all been there.

Scottish Dudes: Saving the wee children... )

Apr. 29th, 2013




Film sets can be dangerous places. It's something those who work on them are aware of but it's always a horrible shock to be reminded. Thankfully everybody is okay.

Apr. 28th, 2013




Hypothetically speaking, how much is too much of an age difference, for a relationship? I've been having some pangs of morality lately, and I wanted the opinion of you fine folk to put my troubled mind at rest.

Apr. 27th, 2013



For the record, I have the world's best boyfriend. Just putting that out there. Percy's recently moved in with me, and it's ... well. The best thing to happen to me in years.

Also: what awful romance books have you lot read recently? Just curious about recommendations. I have reasons.

Apr. 26th, 2013



Locked from GoT!Starks; this means you Jon Snow

For as long as my brother and Ned Stark have been friends, I've never actually met the man in person, but I've always heard so many good things about him and seeing him in my dreams, I believed them. Considering what he'd seen of Cersei and Joffrey in the dream world, one would think that when I suggest we take Joffrey away from her before Robert died in order to protect the Realm, he'd listen. Robert named him Protector of the Realm. While I admit, I might have been rather emotional considering my brother was dying, I don't think what I was suggesting was too unreasonable. However, I feel that I lost him the moment I declared that I'd make a better King than Stannis. Still, knowing how cunning and manipulative Cersei was in the drams, I would have thought he'd want to do whatever he could to keep her from gaining more power.




...and on top of it all, we're now getting mail addressed to Obi-Wan and Loras Kenobi.

Maybe we should get a place together sooner. ;)

Apr. 22nd, 2013




Dreaming you're the Prince of the Earth is... really, really strange. Especially since that Princess looks like Seems like I had generals at some point, but that Dark Kingdom corrupted them...

Apr. 20th, 2013



[Locked from Merrill]

I don't know why I'm
It's the middle of the night

I just had the most horrifying nightmare.

I understand everything now
Mount Doom
It's all my fault

Apr. 9th, 2013




Setting up multiple Slip and Slides and coating them with lubricant to make some sort of massive slide to my pool is a bad idea, yes?

Because if nobody disagrees with how inherently wonderful this idea is, I am going to do that tomorrow.




...I'll never understand how any of us, in my dreams, deserve our Princess. The things she does for us...

No matter how far we're separated, no matter how many times we give our lives... as long as the light shines, as long as there's love, we'll come back to her side.

...God, this sounds ridiculously sappy coming from someone like me, and yet? I regret nothing.

Apr. 6th, 2013



Got a letter from Mother, including a clipping about a study which shows how destructive same-sex marriage would be to British society. I'm fairly sure it's because Parliament approved a second reading of a bill which would allow it, at least in England.

It seems impossible to honor one's father and mother when they seem so ... ignorant.

Apr. 5th, 2013




If I'm perfectly honest, I think I prefer the relationship I have with Robert in the dreams. Last night, he appointed me to his small council. He rarely listened to us, but it's the fact that he wanted me there and not Stannis that makes a difference. I've always wondered if they'd be any different if they hadn't always been competing for our Father's attention. If they weren't constantly trying to one up each other. I suppose I'll never actually know.

Apr. 2nd, 2013




My trousers seem to be misbehaving today. I know I have said that before, but this time I really mean it.

Treacherous, unreliable things, trousers.

Mar. 31st, 2013




With today being Easter, it made me start thinking. Was anyone else raised in one certain religion, but in your dreams you worship a completely different God or Gods? I ask because I think my dreams are beginning to influence my religion.

Mar. 16th, 2013



NSFW in comments!

♫ I just had sex
And it felt so good
Roy let me put
My penis inside of him
I just had sex
And I'll never go back
To the not-having-sex
Ways of the past

Have you ever had sex?
I have it felt great
It felt so good
When I did it with my penis
Roy let me do it
It literally just happened
Having sex can make a nice
Man out of the meanest

Mar. 7th, 2013




I’m beginning to understand why so many women in those films swoon when watching jousting or fighting tournaments. The ones in my dreams have been quite impressive.

Of course it helps that I’m the manservant of the crown Prince who also happens to be the very best. Makes me quite proud among other things even if he can be a prat sometimes.

Mar. 3rd, 2013




There is just something about Monty Python in general that makes you stop and have to watch, no matter what it is. And Now For Something Completely Different was on this morning and now I've got The Lumberjack Song stuck in my head.

Had another dream last night. This one was about my parents. I didn't see it exactly, but was told about it, because I was apparently a baby when it actually happened. Unlike in the waking world, they died together when the ship they were on got caught in a storm and they were drowned. I try to think about what it would have been like if that had happened in the waking world and I honestly don't think either of my brothers would have ended up any different than they currently are.

Feb. 27th, 2013



Today, I am a criminal. ( TW: Rabies in comments)

I have no idea why I am admitting this on a public forum, where it will probably come back to bite me in the ass later, but I'm already composing a piece for one of the blogs anyway, so hell with it, the valarnet can know these personal details about my life.

Today, I stole something from a job. As in, I went out to the site I was investigating, did my poking around, and interviewing and snapped some secret photos, then I found something I needed to take out of there, slid it up my coat sleeve, and booked it out of there.

With any luck, they're never gonna notice, even when I blow the lid on the bastards this week.

worth it? worth it. )

...Holy shit what do I do with it?

Feb. 26th, 2013




I'm so glad those bloody giant crying statues are gone from the beach. There was one very close to my house and it faced right in on my bedroom. Suffice to say, I didn't sleep in there over the weekend.

I'm especially glad that my car is no longer a giant snail.

Feb. 25th, 2013




Sometimes I think a friend of mine has the right idea, building an underground bunker. There's some wisdom in survivalism. My yard is filled with multicolored dodo birds. My car flew away.

I think really was meant to be a monk in the desert.

Feb. 24th, 2013



NSFW in comments!

I have been nominated for five AVN awards, so I feel somewhat obligated to go this year. Normally I do not, but five is quite a few, no? I do not want to appear ungracious. Roy, will you be my date?

A little bird told me that a friend I have may have been nominated for Best Newcomer: Sound Editing. Hmm.

Feb. 18th, 2013




I know there are a lot of doctors on here, so I'm hoping someone will be able to help me out. I'm curious about DNA tests. Can they tell any relation or are there limits?

Feb. 16th, 2013



Oliver, we're going to Belfast and we're kidnapping this dog. Look at her! I have never laughed so hard in my life.

Feb. 10th, 2013




Um hello! I was told about valarnet the other day by a friend. I'm Annie. I hope to make fashion one day. Maybe try to be on Project Runway or one of those shows. I think it might be fun. Out of school, but still really looking for work. Though working at Target isn't all that bad.

It's nice to meet you all. I look forward to um.. actually meeting you, since this is the internet and everything.

Feb. 3rd, 2013




I would like to apologize on behalf of my hometown for this merde maudit at the Super Bowl. Son of a bitch, even Detroit didn't have the damn lights go out when they host the thing.

Feb. 1st, 2013




It's cute how teachers think that getting kicked out of their class is some kind of punishment...

I mean, what happens next? Forbidding me to do the homework?

Oh my God. I got myself kicked out of class. I think I want to die.

...Worth it.

Jan. 27th, 2013




Just an FYI, I'm not dead. In fact, I was released from the hospital some time ago. Loras wound up driving me home, which was good, because we got a chance to talk.

While I was sick, I got my first dreams. I feel a little more in the loop now as far as the things Loras told me before I had to go back to England. It was strange, being told that in another life, or whatever these are, I was in love with someone and that I die, but now that I've had some dreams of my own, it's not quite so strange. Well, not the part about being in love with Loras, because it's easy to see why one would love him. The dying part is still a little mad to think about.


Ohmygod. It's almost Valentine's Day.

What do I

I've never done this

What do I do?

help :(

Jan. 24th, 2013




Soooooooo... apparently I just woke up from a coma. At least that's what these guys in medical coats just told me. So in the words of Monty Python, "I'm dead yet."

But I came pretty damn close.

Jan. 15th, 2013




I feel like I'm dying. In fact, I look quite like death at the moment. It's probably a good thing Loras isn't here, because he'd be scarred for life if he saw me right now. My lips were blue last I checked, but I've been trying to not look in the mirror too much.

I've also been having dreams. They started when I started running a fever when I first got sick. Now I understand what Loras was talking about last time I was here.

Jan. 5th, 2013




I don't like being sick.