
Posts Tagged: 'rarity'

Aug. 4th, 2014




Okay, this is going to sound weird...which is probably how 93.8% of posts on this forum start, but bear with me here because I'm trying to acclimate.

Has anyone dreamed of, uh...Rumpelstiltskin? Or being in a place called the Enchanted Forest? Fuck my life

If not, you know, whatever. As you were. There are more pressing matters about Ebola to contend with.

Aug. 1st, 2014




More dreams last night. They seem to come in long, cluttered batches now. More than before.

But I got to dream about a Phoenix. That's pretty cool, right? Does anyone else dream about those?

Jul. 22nd, 2014



Filtered away from non-punctured/able Marvels

So me and the wife went to go see Guardians of the Galaxy at the L.A. red carpet premiere last night. They had a special premiere that apparently coincided with NYC's.

All I can say is AMAZING MOVIE. I plan on seeing it at least a half dozen more times. Totally blew my expectations out of the water. Well done, Marvel, well done.

[OOC: This actually happened, my friend had won tickets, and there was Guardians swag, and I was set to go to the movie, but in NYC it premiered at 11pm. With all the RL stuff going on I couldn't stay. Boo. Oh well, I got free stuff and I have tix for the 31st anyways :D]

Jul. 21st, 2014




More dreams. I have my cat in the dreams at least. Isn't it weird when you wake from a dream, and you miss your friends there? Even though you don't know them in this world?

I had several last night.


Anyone else in this place play Munchkin?

Any game where the point is to fuck over everyone else playing is my kind of game.




You know, when they said it'll take two weeks to get me internet at the barn, they weren't kidding. Slowpokes, good lord. Okay, okay, so they had to run lines out to the house first, and I didn't exactly put the cabin in a close to the road location so that was probably my bad. Anyways, I was chatting with some people at a coffee shop and they told me to join this place when I got online.

I'm Jo, Jo Harvelle, and I teach riding, and compete in the rodeos, and if anyone needs a trainer lemme know I'm always looking for more places to teach or break horses. Since right now my barn is a grand two stall deal I threw up right quick on my own.

Also anyone know a good contractor? Mine seems to have decided I wasn't worth the effort.




I suppose it's time I enter the age of technology. I finally caved and got myself a shiny new smartphone. It was hard to retire my flip phone though. That thing has been through everything. This will just be much easier to check email more often.

I'm rambling. Anyway I'm Emma.

Jul. 20th, 2014




Sometimes I can not get over how naive my dream self is. I get that he wanted to try and make the money for school on his own, but then I started making so much money and working so late that I didn't even want to go to school. It wasn't until the boss told me I could have the weekend off if I came to a party he was hosting. Suffice to say, it wasn't a good experience and luckily, I got out before anything too bad happened, but I didn't go back to working at Babylon after that I took Brian up on his offer to loan me the money for school, because even a man has to know when to ask for help.

After that, Michael and I decided to go in together and create a comic book of our own since the one comic book with a gay superhero, which had been Michael's favorite, was cancelled. So we wound up creating our hero around Brian and called him Rage. Although Brian got jealous that we were spending so much time together and excluding him and one night when Michael and I fell asleep in his bed, he came home and ruined everything we'd had done so far, even going so far as to pee on some of it. He eventually reprinted out all of it for us to apologize.

After that dream, I think it'd be pretty cool to create my own comic book, but like my dream counterpart, I might be an artist, but I know nothing about comic books.




Dream-me needs to grab his girl and just sail off into the fucking sunset.

You know, just when things are going right, and I mean right - he is finally happy kind of right - here comes impending doom in the form of my brother's dopple. Yes, he has one too. I'm kind of glad there is only one of me. Wait until Katherine sees what is in store for her. Let hilarity ensue. Still, I can stand just kind of leaving it here. I'm ready for the series finale, thank you very much.

I talked to my friend. He thinks he can make a ring.

Jul. 19th, 2014




Nessie fell asleep on her way home from Disneyland, but she's a happy little girl. She saw Mickey and Minnie and Bella and I even waited in line for 2 hours so she could see Anna and Elsa. She was more excited about the Olaf animatronic outside.




I don't think my husband would approve, but I think this may blend our interests perfectly.




The Pie Hole has been doing so well and I have to credit some of that to Peeta, my new assistant baker. I always worry when I hire a new baker, but I think it's safe to say that Peeta has been one of the best bakers I've met. I definitely don't regret hiring him. It's left me with free time I wouldn't have had otherwise, which is great since I've been working non-stop since I moved out here.

I am experimenting with a few new flavors in my off time and doing a few other things. Haven't had any new dreams in awhile, but I expect that'll change when I least expect it.




I am seriously suprised this is a thing right now.
Split California into six states

I can't believe people are still going on about how California is too big and should be split up into smaller states. Doing that would not solve the problems listed and just seems silly in the end. We have much larger issues to deal with and I could never see this going through Congress.




I like a Philly cheese steak as much as the next guy, but in no way do I ever want a 4 pound one.




Hello! I thought I'd introduce myself on the network since I'm new to Orange County. I am a transplanted Chicagoan--I came to California for college and ended up staying.

My name is Hank McCoy (I do have a couple of Ph.Ds, but there's no need to call me "Doctor" unless you want to) and I'm in biochemical research, currently. I enjoy cultural events in addition to science--I have a great love of music, musical theatre, and drama.

Jul. 15th, 2014




I start on a new film project next week and it's looking like it's going to be super busy. But I must be doing something right since they want to increase my team. So if anybody has costume or make up experience please let me know and we can set something up to go through your portfolio.

Peeta, would you be interested? We could work it around your school hours.

Jun. 15th, 2014




Father's Day: a day spent honoring fathers and all they've done for their families. Get dad some fun gifts he'll probably not use, chill out, maybe barbecue for him, or play golf or whatever.

Flynn Version of Father's Day: Dad firing the nurse that's been taking care of him at home and demanding I take him out to dinner at the most expensive restaurant in town, only to hear him chew my ear off - in front of my mother and my wife about why the hell did I get married in Vegas instead of doing it 'properly' and why weren't he and my mom invited.

At least he waited until dessert to say it. Made it easier for me and Rachel to peace out.

Jun. 11th, 2014



...uh, hey.

Just moved from New York and was told to check this thing out. They say this is generally where people meet, but it looks more like a dream interpretation website. I don't remember my dreams generally though so I guess I'm out of luck?




So far so good over here at E3. I have to say, our presentation for our fall lineup of games went exceptionally well. Didn't hurt to have Tony Stark randomly showing up there either.

Now to take a break, relax, and hit the town for some fun. It's not quite Vegas but it'll do.

Jun. 9th, 2014




Does anyone else feel really bad when they see roadkill? Or is it just me?

Jun. 6th, 2014




Back to bikini tops and Daisy Dukes. Katie Perry was onto something about California girls.

Also, does anyone else sing in their dreams? I've got a song stuck in my head from my dreams last night. It was about designing clothes. Naturally.

Jun. 1st, 2014




I get to pull my winter coats out of storage! This is an exciting day for me! Takes my mind off the most recent pony dreams I can't seem to shake

It's not possible to make something happen from the dreams, is it? Because in my dreams last night, I was ending winter in Ponyville my home world.





How unexpectedly cold! I've had to bundle up in a sweater and a big coat. This really belongs more in New York over the winter months, than it does here in southern California.

Jun. 2nd, 2014




Can't believe how cold it is! Having not long been back from Russia I'm glad I still have my winter clothes out, I bet Sam's cursing right now!

May. 21st, 2014




How is it almost June? Time flies by so fast.

Things are so much better now that I'm not having dreams anymore. It does so much for my sanity.

In any case, next month my first clothing line will be coming out at select department stores [link to them]

I'm really excited and a bit nervous. I don't want it to bomb.

May. 20th, 2014





So I'm walking home from my last class, when I hear the barfy noise. You know, that weird gulpy-gaspy-gulpy noise that people when they're gonna barf make? Apparently this idiot was drinking in the middle of a freakin' Tuesday, and was walking right toward me.

Thank god I have good reflexes, I managed to jump out of the way and maybe shove this other guy in front of me. I should probably feel like an ass for getting some other guy barfed on, but life's too short to regret not being vomited on.

College. Can I be done now?

May. 19th, 2014




So apparently "to see aliens in your dream signifies that you are having difficulties adapting and adjusting to your new surroundings. You are feeling 'alienated' and disconnected."

Or I've just been watching too many paranormal reruns before bed.

Either way, my name's Siri. I guess I'm not going to get a more glaring sign to try to be social. Suppose this is the place to do it, yeah? Anyone else having crazy dreams?

May. 18th, 2014



Well, hi there. I'm Mal Reynolds. Just got invited onto this thing, and figured I could use it for professional outreach. I think that's what they call it.

I'm new here, just moved up from Arizona. I'm a PI, or I will be when I get licensed here. I don't do divorce, but if you need a good PI for anything else, I should in theory be your guy. It's just me and my dog Oscar, so my time is my own.

May. 13th, 2014




This sudden heat wave is giving me a constant headache with little relief to be seen. Apparently it's only supposed to get hotter tomorrow. I already can't sleep like this as it is. 5am is going to be so fun.




I'm starting to build up a collection of oven burns. They're making a kind of cool pattern on my arm. You'd think I'd be learning by now to be more careful but apparently not.

I could use a rune to stop getting burned but they're like battle scars

May. 12th, 2014




Thank GOD the weather's gone hot again. I've been dying to get out my shorts and tank tops. Didn't have too much opportunity to wear them while we were in New York, but it was standard attire in Vegas. Now I get to show off my legs again! ...though, don't look too close until I get them tanned up a bit. The white is blinding.

May. 1st, 2014




God, it's so HOT. I don't think I've ever had to deal with this kind of HEAT before. I mean, Vegas was hot, but we all had air conditioning. Why don't houses in California have AC? What's wrong with these people?

Apr. 27th, 2014




Has anyone ever run a marathon? I came across the link for the Tinker Bell Half Marathon in Disneyland for next year and I was thinking that it might be kind of cool to do that, but I'd need to start training now even if it is a year away and wouldn't want to do it alone. Anyone interested in joining me? At least for training. Could always find a shorter, closer run to do before then.

Apr. 21st, 2014




More of those strange Dreams last night. We were all choking on smoke that a dragon was snoring. Bizarre, right? I must be going crazy.


I just realized I have a crush on someone.

And that he's kind of going to be oblivious to it unless I flash him or something.

But then he'd probably be all cute and all "Hey, Rikku, your shirt's broken" or something and oh tysh ed fro ec ra cu lida.


I dreamed again, this time about my sisters and I hearing about the birth of a princess in the kingdom where we lived. Aurora's a really pretty name. So much better than Merryweather.

So far, my dreams aren't too bad.




I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend. I certainly know I did. San Francisco is fantastic (though I am glad to be home, I suppose). I could go into details but it would be a lot and I'd hate to bore you all.

But look, pictures! Or, a picture. I honestly didn't realize I'd taken this and have no memory at all of finding a playground much less swinging, but, there you are. (Okay, there's another picture, because honestly Porthos is just photogenic and I'm not sure he knows I took that second picture oops).

Cut for images, perfectly safe for all to view. )

Look at how handsome he is. Don't you just want to tickle all that scruff? Why yes, Ladies, he's free. But seriously, don't even try to snatch him away from me.

Also! I had more dreams on the weekend. Better ones than the last time around. Apparently I do something called "The Stare" and I was giving it to the Queen. But in my dreams she gave me a rather stunning necklace with a cross pendant on it, and when I woke up Sunday morning it was lying next to the hotel bed. The exact necklace that the Queen of France, Anne of Austria herself, gave me in my dreams. I've never seen anything quite so beautiful.

Apr. 20th, 2014




Well it's out of my hands now.

My project has officially been completed and released to the companies it was promised to. If the limited release goes well, there will be a wide release later in the year, provided we can get production costs down by that time.

I feel like a mother bird watching her hatchling stretch its wings and fly out of the nest for the first time. Proud, but also anxious.




I'd say happy Easter but it looks like pretty much everyone else already has, so instead I'll go right to it.

I had the weirdest dreams last night! I dreamt about my childhood, but it wasn't really my childhood. I mean, it was, but it was strange and disoriented and my dad died (for the record, he is still definitely alive). And then I dreamt that I died - well, I was murdered, on this cruise ship, getting ice for my ginger ale - and then. And then I dreamt that I was brought back from the dead and there was all this detective stuff going on to find my murderer.

And! Pie Guy! I mean Ned! You were there. In a weird, complicated messed up way.

Apr. 14th, 2014




Has anyone else noticed a wave of those "what [insert the blank here] are you?" quiz results on Facebook? I mean, jeez, if I wanted to know what pasta dish I'd be, I think I could figure that one out on my own.

I'm glad no one posts that sort of thing here. Just dream stuff. And I had more Dreams, so here I am, posting about them.




It's been a month now since The Pie Hole opened and I honestly couldn't be happier with the reception it's gotten. We've been so busy lately that I've had to come in even earlier than usual to get the majority of the pies baked and prepped for the day. Plus there's the pies that have been ordered. So, I figure it's about time that I hire another baker. I'll have to put an ad out soon.

While we're still on the topic of pies, I recently made an Apple-Gruyère Pie, which was actually pretty good. I've been making a lot more pies with cheese in them lately because someone put the idea in my head. Now most of my google searches are for pie recipes with cheese.


So, if anyone can think of any cons to having this adorable ball of adorableness in their lives, tell me now, because I desperately want one!

Apr. 10th, 2014




Sooooo, I think I had one of those DREAMS that I see mentioned on this network. But I want to be sure before I mention

Does anyone else dream in sort of... bubbly, colorful, happy lines? With... well, strange creatures and things?
Tags: ,

Apr. 6th, 2014




Is it weird to spend the entire weekend celebrating the fact I'm not a grizzly old man anymore? Because that's what I've been doing.




It's difficult being a designer who does custom orders. Someone wants me to make their wedding dress, and all their ideas are ... well, a bit hideous. This woman wants to look like a cupcake made of tulle on her special day. Hoop skirts should not be in weddings. I wonder if there's a nice way to say "no, I will not make this because then people will know I made it and my reputation will be ruined". Probably not.

Mar. 29th, 2014




What happens when Time's men of the year make a bet?

They have to pay up.

Yes, that's right. In all their glory may I present to you Mr Tony Stark...

 photo TonyTShirt_zpsa3baa770.jpg

...and Mr Kevin Flynn

 photo KFlynnTshirt4_zpsd3397e38.jpg

Mar. 25th, 2014




Headed home from ENCOM. It's like my home away from home. I'm sure Opal will be very cross at me for having been gone for a few days.

Mar. 13th, 2014




Okay... I am really happy to see my SERAPH blade. I was waiting for this. Waiting. And waiting.

Now - I did have this dream. Do any of you have dreams where you just kind of lie there and think that it can't be right? I'm not sure what to think yet. It just can't be right.




More dreams and nightmares. The nightmares were worse than the dreams. The dreams basically consisted of Maia and I going off to try and stop the Blight. We met a woman named Morrigan then we went to a place called Lothering and Redcliffe. In Redcliffe we went to the castle of the man who had raised me and he was sick because of the blight and his son was possessed. Then when we left there, we ran into a certain assassin.

Then when I woke up, there was a Longsword at the foot of my bed. First armor and now a sword.

Mar. 12th, 2014




I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Celes. I'm not sure what people really talk about on this thing.