
Posts Tagged: 'portia'

Mar. 1st, 2014




Thank god for Brownies. I needed this frosted brownie like nobody's business after being stuck inside for so long. Sunlight, chocolate, and the soft grass under my feet are all I needed today. The rain tomorrow will be a bonus.

Feb. 28th, 2014




I think I am giving up drinking for a month. On a dare naturally but I can do it if I want to. I guess this is me making it official. It'll be good if I can get past the hockey game tonight without a beer.

Feb. 17th, 2014




Looks like it's gonna be a long night for me. It feels like I barely closed my eyes before I got hit with new dreams. It's so ... I don't even know what to say. The way these people in the Capitol look at this. We're paraded around in front of them and, I mean, I guess we're supposed to make them like us somehow? It seems sort of pointless, considering they'll watch most of us die and cheer when it happens.

Still. I think we definitely made an impression. The fire thing was great - Also, Portia, I finally met you, in the dreams.

Anyway, every time I doze off again I see us all in the training center, practicing how to survive and how to kill, and I think maybe I'll just stay awake and not even bother with school in the morning.

Feb. 15th, 2014




So, I'm waiting for class to start this afternoon, and this girl sitting a few chairs over from me gets a deliver of two dozen roses. Really, really nice roses, the ones you pretty much only ever see in movies. And everyone's looking at her as she reads the note, which was a Happy Valentine's Day, signed "P." Then she says she has no idea who "P" even is.

Then, the professor comes in and he makes a comment about how he's stressed out because he lost track of time and has to stop at the gas station to get his wife whatever flowers they have left. The girl ended up selling the bouquet of roses to him for $70, then said if anyone knows who P is, to thank him for the cash for her.

What even.

Feb. 6th, 2014




Tonight is a good drinking night, who's with me? There isn't anything that can't be fixed with a drink or two and no, Portia, I don't want to talk about it.

Jan. 11th, 2014




I'm really leaning toward this Winter Wedding idea. Perhaps next November or December? Imagine how amazing the colors would look! Purple, white and silver. Perhaps with baby blue? I need to start desiging my wedding dress. I've got all kinds of ideas! Maybe somewhere where there's snow.

Jan. 1st, 2014




Huh. Talk about a way to kick off the new year. I think I might have had those dreams everyone here has? I mean, I don't really know how else to explain it. It was just ... Weird. And usually I'm all right at realizing that I'm dreaming but this was different.

I hope it was just a fluke and not really those strange dreams, because I can't say I'm exactly excited to keep dreaming about a place where, apparently, they send kids into some sort of massive death match.

Dec. 30th, 2013




So, in honor of the fact that I've just lived through maybe the third most embarrassing way to come out to your parents ever, me and Lara are going away for New Year's. Where I'm taking her is a secret but we're totally on our way to boarding a plane right now and do you know how hard it is to keep it a secret when it's like printed on the board and everyone keeps talking about it?

I have her in earplugs and blindfolded. Try explaining that to the TSA.

Hey Portia, that dress came out amazing, by the way, and I can't wait to wear it tomorrow night. I'm pretty sure Lara's going to bust something!

Anyway, Happy New Year guys! We'll be back on like Thursday.

Croft Manor
It's safe to come back, the parents are gone. We restocked the fridge for you guys. Dani, the cats miss you.

Dec. 18th, 2013




Its been a very good holiday season for me, with no disasters and no coma this time. I think I like it!

A month from now, on January 17th, my first movie with me in a starring main role opens, and while I am not one to self-aggrandize, there will be a party thrown by yours truly to thank all those who have supported me, fans and friends alike. It will be in Hollywood, on the evening of the 17th, after the first showing at the town hall there at [address].

All are invited to it, even if you can't make the showing. There will be food, prizes, and a chance to contribute to several charities.

Locked to those Thor knows well, has invited already, and his relatives* )

Dec. 15th, 2013




I can't even recall the last time I had a dream, but last night I dreamt about Brienne joining my Rainbow Guard. Loras was not too pleased with that. Then I met Catelyn Stark. She came to me to deliver a message from her son, who had also claimed the crown. She also admonished me for treating the war more like a game. I gave her a tour of my camp then had Brienne show her to a tent. It's interesting, because I've known Cat Stark for many years since even in the waking world Robert is friends with Ned Stark. Perhaps I should pay a visit to the Starks soon. After all, Myrcella is staying with them at the moment.

I can't quite believe that, not only is Christmas almost here, but I've been back here for a whole year now. How is it possible that an entire year has gone by? In a few months I'll be getting married. It's all so surreal.

Dec. 13th, 2013




My dad is currently doing desserts for a holiday themed wedding, which means that I am in taste-tester heaven at home right now.

Cut for image of delicious cake. )

Orange and almond cake, with cranberries, and a lavender sugar icing. Yes, please.

Dec. 1st, 2013




Hi! I guess this has been a long time coming. I mean, I've lived here for about four years now, and I kept hearing about this, but I guess I didn't really have the drive to join until now. It looks pretty customary to do the standard introduction, so, here goes.

My name's Peeta (yeah, I know), I work at Baxter Bakery. I actually might even know some of you without actually knowing you. I also go to school in LA, doing fashion and art (yeah, I still know). I've always been told that life's about being in the right place at the right time, and it's who you know, and this seems like a pretty good place for all that. Career wise. Even though I'm still a while off from a degree, let alone a career. But, hey, never hurts to start early, right?

Nov. 30th, 2013




So, the OC seems just as crazy now as it was when I left a few months back. And just as interesting. Definitely sounds like my kind of town.

Scariest part of being an actual responsible adult is other people thinking of me that way. I got offered, and took, of course, a job at UC: Irvine as a teacher. Which just makes me boggle some. Someone trusts me to teach? Wow.

Oct. 28th, 2013




Right, so a certain someone told me I need to dress up as Miley Cyrus and walk around half naked to a party... So feel free to thank Portia for that if you see me out and about Thursday. Don't worry I'll keep it PG-13 for the kiddies.

Oct. 19th, 2013




[Blocked from family and Tom Branson]

You know how they say that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life? That isn't true, is it?

Sep. 17th, 2013




I know there are all kinds of fashion designers and clothing geniuses on here, so I thought I'd put this out there before I start googling and cold calling people. I'm getting married on Halloween and I want to design my dress. I know it's short notice, but... is it possible? Is anyone willing to work with me on it? I can offer compensation in the monetary form and incentive in the form of free pastries at my bakery.

Thanks for your time and consideration! <3

Sep. 16th, 2013




For those who do not know, and those who are curious, I will be wedding the love of my life, one Natasha Romanoff, this Saturday, September the 21st, in a public-ish ceremony at [venue, at time]. Be polite, be respectful, and be welcome on this day of celebration.

The weather will be, I guarantee, quite delightful.

(ooc: Since I am fail as a mun, if your muse knows Thor, they likely got an invitation already, hand written and engraved.)

Sep. 8th, 2013




I desperately need to go shopping for a new autumn wardrobe and shoes.

I'm open to recommendations.

Would anyone care to accompany me for an evening out?

Aug. 24th, 2013




Vacation over. I have to say Rome was rather pleasant as were the women for whoever suggested it. It was almost as good as London but not as good as Barcelona. Have to say being back in the States is good for when you just want a cheeseburger and a coke. The best food contribution we ever made to the world.

Aug. 8th, 2013




I got up to go to the loo just now and draped over my bed was one of the banners with my sigil from the dreams. The last time I had a dream or got anything from them was in April. Funny thing is, it's slightly different from the banners at King's Landing. Instead of it being yellow with a black stag, it's green with a golden stag, almost like Loras' sigil with the green and gold. Well, now I have to figure out what I'm going to do with this. It's quite large.

Aug. 7th, 2013



My official statement is that I've hired an assistant to help maage the salon. I haven't, but as long as I Mr. Jupiter, I will be "Leo."

It's phonetically close enough to my own nickname that I might actually answer.

Jul. 28th, 2013




I never was one to really talk to a lot of people, but one thing the Valarnet has helped do is to pull me out of that and make me sit up and take notice of things. Well, the net and Portia. But mostly the net, really, with it's crazy stories and interesting people. Portia is just awesome because she's Portia.

I like this place.

Jul. 26th, 2013




I have come across two people thus far posting about these dreams that they have had about themselves, or...their alter-ego, more or less, from what it's been sounding like thus far. So I pose a question for all of you here: what sorts of dreams do you have, if you do? Does this dreaming business affect everyone with access to this?

Jul. 22nd, 2013




Filming on my latest movie is rapidly moving forward. We've shot in Prague, London, and in Death Valley. One more trip afar looms next month, to Tokyo, then it's back here to Orange County to shoot the rest of the scenes. It's weird filming a fictionalized version of part of my own life. And weirder yet knowing that the science fiction put in it is not even close to how crazy the real events were.

Jul. 12th, 2013




I have to admit I've never been so glad that I am able to work from home as I was in the last couple of weeks. My boyfriend has been great about living between our two places, it actually worked out much better than I thought it would.

Those attacks were awful, though everybody pulled together so well during and since. It's nice to see people supporting and caring about each other. I hope everybody is okay.

Jul. 11th, 2013





With all the aliens and zombies and crazy things that have happened lately, it nearly slipped my mind that there's going to be a huge party at Baxter Bakery this Saturday. All of Valarnet is invited! Please come and see the local artwork on the walls, listen to our local musicians perform, and enjoy Baxter Bakery sweets and drinks. It's fully catered by the Bakery, and free of charge.

Hopefully after such trying, dangerous and frightening times, we can all let loose a little, celebrate life, and enjoy one another's company.




I woke up from some pretty crazy dreams last night to find my dress from the Grand Galloping Gala in my closet. Not that I can wear it, it's designed for a pony. But still. It's pretty amazing.

Dreamed about Rainbow Dash and her turtle last night. And then when Rainbow Dash went on a spree vying for attention by saving people. We all taught her a lesson there. And then we went to Canterlot because Rarity's cat was sick, and had Twilight's birthday party there.

It was nice to have a bit of sunshine-like dreams even when the real world has been so dark lately.

Jul. 1st, 2013




I am officially no longer working at Target. I mean it's a nice store and all, but retail is still retail.

I'm going to get my start in the fashion world. I'm so excited. I have so many ideas, it's ridiculous.

Jun. 24th, 2013



Locked from the Doctor(s)

Have you ever had a dream so bad that you were just horrified by the idea that other people from your dreams will eventually have it too? I want to sit outside his window all night with a megaphone and randomly shout things to keep waking him up. He probably doesn't need to sleep anyway.

Jun. 23rd, 2013




The past couple of days have been really inspiring as far as my art goes. We had that really gorgeous meteor shower the past couple of nights and then last night was the supermoon, the biggest the moon looks in the night sky all year. I got a lot of painting done. It was amazing. I'd never painted at night before, but it turned out okay I guess.


Are you still thinking about doing that art show?

Jun. 19th, 2013




Did anybody else see the awesome meteor shower last night? Alex and I stood in the garden to watch, it was pretty impressive. Like a beautiful light show. I got a few sketches done this morning and if I can make them work there might just be a little meteor inspired collection.

Jun. 11th, 2013



Hello, Valarnet. Are you ready for your closeup?

Jun. 10th, 2013



[Filtered Away from Lannisters and Myrcella]

Watching Loras' match the other night with Myrcella reminded me of the dreams of watching him joust. Especially the Tournament of the Hand. The children, especially Tommen, always enjoyed watching the joust. I'm obviously biased since I think Loras was always the best. No one could unhorse him.




I've lost count of how many times people have asked me if I carry swimwear in the past few weeks.

Look around the store. This isn't Macy's. I specialize in semi-formal and formalwear.

Try the mall.

May. 30th, 2013




Um.. Has anyone heard from Katniss lately? I'm starting to get a little worried about her. I haven't heard from her in a few days and it's not like her to not check in with me.

May. 11th, 2013




I know this is really belated but thanks to everyone who helped me move. It went smoothly and I didn't have any problems with the ex.

I got a new phone number too if anyone needs it.

Oh and I need a new job. He found me at Target, but things didn't get too heated, he was scared to get the cops called on him. Imagine that.

I'm a pretty good typer? And I was good at working the register.

May. 2nd, 2013




I need a damn drink. No, I don't care if it's only 10am. Judge me all you want. I surely didn't miss this dreaming thing. What is the sense of surviving the slaughter house once if they're just going to toss you back in it? The stupid odds are never in your favor.

Yeah, going to get that drink now.

Apr. 29th, 2013




Film sets can be dangerous places. It's something those who work on them are aware of but it's always a horrible shock to be reminded. Thankfully everybody is okay.

Apr. 27th, 2013



Well hello there Valar Net,

I'm Callisto and I'm new in town, just moved here from Vancouver. I'm a stunt/fight co-ordinator and yoga instructor, so if anyone knows of any work going in those departments I'd appreciate if they could let me know.

Think I need a new manager too, this one's been less than helpful with my relocation. Could probably do with a smack across the face as motivation

Also on the look out for any sports or activity groups to join. Especially horse-riding, gymnastics and martial arts, again would like recommendations.

Thanks, hope to get settled in soon and mingle

Apr. 26th, 2013




Would anyone like to help me move? I have a place, I just need some help.

I need to get my things out of my ex-boyfriends place. I want to do it when he won't be there, and that means very quickly and relatively quietly. If he comes home and sees me moving out, he won't be happy.

I have a restraining order against him, but I don't know if he'll listen to it.

Apr. 16th, 2013




Not filtered, just cut for mentions of domestic violence )

Apr. 14th, 2013




Is anyone else watching that new show "What Would Ryan Lochte Do?" They're still in the middle of filming the first season, but I've already been on it a couple times. Ryan and I are good friends and still teammates so I bet I'll be on it even more. It's good for me, I think. My agent says it's good to be in the spotlight... means more commercial deals and stuff. I don't know. I'm not too worried about commercial deals. I just want to go to the 2018 Olympics.

It might be a good opportunity for us to show off a little, don't you think?

Apr. 8th, 2013




Seems like the thing to do these days is post on one of these blogs, or networks, and talk to people here. Somehow, it doesn’t feel quite the same as talking in person, to me, but that might be my age showing. Either way, hello to all.

My name is Magius, and I am a doctor at Sunburst Medical Clinic and it's sister facility, Sunburst Women's Shelter. One of my colleagues kept mentioning this place as an interesting read, and since I do rather love reading, I decided to give it a go. Seems a bit chaotic sometimes, but what doesn’t, these days? But you mostly seem like a nice bunch, so I hope to enjoy a few chats on here between work and studying.

Now, does anyone by chance know of a good stable around and about? The one I used most recently is shuttering its doors and my horse Silvanus needs a good place to stay.

Mar. 20th, 2013




WILL YOU ALL STOP WITH THE SINGING ALREADY? Christ. First it was amusing, then it was a little bit cute now it's just annoying.

Is it possible to check half the world into the mental ward?

Mar. 19th, 2013




My agent tried to sign me up for a commercial that was a musical, but I haven't really been in a singing mood lately. Besides, I have a horrible voice. My Dad says all of my talent was given to swimming. You know what? I'm okay with that.




One of the many wonderful things about having a theatre major for a boyfriend is that he's very good at costumes and makeup and things!

We decided to turn me into a faerie king. I'm quite pleased with my hair!

 photo jehanhair_zps06d7028a.png




I got my hair cut for my birthday! It's this Wednesday but I wanted it done TODAY!

[a picture like her icon of her hair cut cute and short to her jawline and trim]

Mar. 18th, 2013




Isn't this fun?

I do believe I just tried to pick up some attractive stranger by serenading him with some sugary song meant to be aimed at teenage girls... A song I was not even aware I knew the words too. I am also pretty sure I did not know Taylor Swift's name before this week either. The younger girls need to find something new to listen to in the dance studio from now on.

Mar. 13th, 2013




Shooting movies is an intriguing experience, every time. Somehow, being in front of the cameras, breathing life into a new character, and redeeming words and ideas from a script feels incredible. It's a kind of dance that makes the heart pound and the mind fill with new imagery. It makes me endlessly hopeful, and it makes me happy to be me.

Today's shoot was a little different, and almost nervous-making, but not in a terrible way. A new stunt, a new situation, and new coworkers who I know and trust has made it a definite pleasure to explore this job. I don't think I will ever be tired of being an actor.

Mar. 11th, 2013




I forgot how crazily busy working on a film set can be! That plus all the normal craziness around here means time has raced by.

On the plus side it seems my dreams have stayed away while I've been so hectic, I'm hoping they'll stay away for a while though I've probably jinxed it now.